Lucian Truscott

U.S. Army general in WWII, commander of 5th and 3rd Army (1895-1965)

Lucian King Truscott, Jr. (January 9, 1895September 12, 1965) was a successful U.S. Army General during World War II and CIA's Deputy Director for Coordination after the war.

Lucian K. Truscott


  • To a very high degree the measure of success in battle leadership is the ability to profit by the lessons of battle experience.
  • The American soldier demonstrated that, properly equipped, trained and led, he has no superior among all the armies of the world.
  • I suppose men are born with traits that can be cultivated in the direction of leadership. But there is also no doubt that leadership can be cultivated The idea of any man being born an army commander or being born to be a theater commander, such as General Eisenhower, just isn’t so. The characteristics of leadership, necessarily has to have certain decisiveness and confidence come from knowledge based on studies and training. The fundamental thing is your basic knowledge, the development of your mind, and your ability to apply this knowledge as you go along your military career.
    • Quoted in Nineteen Stars: A Study in Military Character & Leadership, (CA: Presidio, 1971), by Edgar F. Puryear, Jr.— in answer to the question of whether leaders are born or made posed by author
  • Character is what you are. Reputation is what others think you are. The reason that some fail to climb the ladder of success, or of leadership if you want to call it that, is that there is a difference between reputation and character. The two do not always coincide. A man may be considered to have sterling character. Opportunity might come to that man; but if he has the reputation for something he is not, he may fail that opportunity. I think character is the foundation of successful leadership.
    • Quoted in Air Force Journal of Logistics, March 22, 2005, Notable quotes.(Lucien Truscott)(Brief Article)
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