Louis Renou

French academic

Louis Renou (French: [ʁənu]; 26 October 1896 – 18 August 1966) was the pre-eminent French Indologist of the twentieth century.


  • Truth is for Hinduism an indivisible treasure; spiritual immediacy IS widely distributed, the mystic path is open to everyone. In its purest forms, this religion becomes a type of wisdom., that wisdom which impressed the ancient Greeks when they visited India and which could be of some fruitfulness again for our blase cultures. It IS as wisdom that we should like to define Hinduism rather than by the equivocal term spirituality.
  • Vedic thought moves on several different planes, each fact being susceptible of more than one interpretation.
    • Renou (1971: 54). quoted in Danino, M. (2019). Demilitarizing the Rigveda: a scrutiny of Vedic horses, chariots and warfare., STUDIES IN HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Journal of the Inter-University Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences VOL. XXVI, NUMBER 1, SUMMER 2019
  • Renou found that the `Rgveda “develops a web of symbols in which language has been bent to subtle processes of a mythico-ritual imagination. Almost all Indian works have an esoteric side, the Rig-Veda more than any other” (Renou & Filliozat, [1947] 1985: 275).
    • Danino, M. (2019). Demilitarizing the Rigveda: a scrutiny of Vedic horses, chariots and warfare., STUDIES IN HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Journal of the Inter-University Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences VOL. XXVI, NUMBER 1, SUMMER 2019
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