Little Ukraine is a 2022 American crime drama film about Ukrainian-Russian Jewish mafia family carrying out their illicit activities throughout 1980s-present New York City while members are prosecuted and incarcerated by the FBI.

Directed by Ante Novakovic and written by Brian Chiusano and Dmitry Shapiro.
Here for the American Dream. taglines

Intro title card

  • In the early 80's nearly 100,000 Russian Jews immigrated to the United States, escaping oppression in the USSR... Vlad Reznik and Pavel Soloyov left with their families in the hopes of experiencing the American dream.

Vlad Reznik

  • I make you fair offer. Buy out your half of the business.
  • [To Kostya] What, your hand's broke?! You can't make call?! Only numbers you know are for bookie, OTB and loan shark for when you lose to bookie and OTB! [Kostya grabs Vlad's shirt in rage and accuses him of trying to destroy the business]

Daniel Reznik

  • [Told by Anielka that not everyone can get a bank loan] All right, I know. I know. Pillar of the community and all that. I get it.
  • [Asked by Anielka what he thinks of Vlad, his father] I think he's running the place like it's 1978 and I don't know how he has enough money.


  • [As a prepubescent boy to Daniel] This is Yuri, he cooks and shit. Sometimes all at once. [Yuri asks in Russian if Daniel would like something to eat] English, shithead. [Brings Daniel to two burly grown men at table] Daniel, meet the animals. [Man swipes towel on floor] You wanna get your fat ass kicked again?
  • [Leads Daniel away from massage parlor woman] Ooh, I'm telling.
  • [As a prepubescent boy to Daniel in changeroom] I was born ready. The line is; I was born ready. Yes, a crane if do write. [Kicks over towel bin] No can defense. [Daniel nods in approval]
  • [As a prepubescent boy to Daniel, in hospital with bandage on face] I mean all that stuff you see in the movies about people gettin' cut and gettin' stabbed, you wouldn't think it hurts as much, but it does. You know I gotta get an eye patch? Yeah, I'm gonna be like Snake Plissken. What's he say? "I don't give a fudge about your war or your president". Escape from New York. [Shakes Daniel's head] Daniel. [Jiggling Daniel's chin] Come on, Daniel. Any sound in there? Danetchka, Daniel.


  • [To Daniel over being escorted] I'm black belt and Kung fu, Jujutsu and the art of seduction. All Russian women are.
  • [To Daniel] You haven't been here alot, since I was a girl. But for some reason, this place seems complete when you're around.
  • [To Daniel] Keep this one off the floor. You will slip. And we need this head of yours in one piece. [Gives Daniel drink and walks away]


  • [Walks out door of massage parlor in just underwear to see Daniel and Maxim, to Daniel] You don't belong here, who are you?


Vlad: [Walking with young son, turns to him] Look at me. When we go inside, you just listen to your cousin.
Daniel: Hmm-mm.
Vlad: 'Cause you'll be the boss one day. [Son turns head to overtly punk youths loitering on doorsteps] What's wrong? [Realizes] Those people? [Squats down to do up son's shoe laces] Those people are waiting for us.
Daniel: For what?
Vlad: We'll clean up the neighbourhood.
Daniel: All of this?
Vlad: Yup. But not like janitors, more like Superman. [Mimics punching son]
Daniel: Dad.
Vlad: Like Batman. Like-
Daniel: Like the Guardian Angels.
Vlad: Yeah, like Guardian Angels. [Holds up two fingers] 'Cause there are two things, best things for a man, provide, and protect. And I'll protect you. [Pinches son's ear] Always. [Puts hand on son's back and they walk up doorsteps]
Pavel: [Vlad entering massage parlor] Vlad.
Vlad: The people outside.
Pavel: [In Russian] Young Prince Daniel!
Daniel: Hello uncle.
Pavel: [In Russian] He's losing his Russian!
Vlad: Speak English now, Pavel.
Pavel: [In English] Where they speak English now?
Vlad: American.
Pavel: He forget all of his Russian!
Vlad: American.
Pavel: American... how long you gonna keep this shit up? Maxim, show him the rounds.

Maxim: Hey, what's the opposite of fun?
Daniel: You mean the antonym?
Maxim: It's Daniel. Yay, danetchka. Your new name is Auntie Nim.

Council man 1: [Having lunch with fellow councilman and councilwoman] You know, funding should be a portion according to the needs of the district, right? Now what we need right now, is affordable housing in my district this cycle.
Council man 2: If we go into that room sounding like Karl Marx's cliffnotes, then we're gonna need new jobs in November. [Daniel walks up] Now you all know Mr. Daniel Reznik Esquire from the Newark Works employment outreach in my district?
Daniel: Hammer of the Gods.
Council man 1: I'm sorry?
Daniel: Well you're 3/5 of the city council. You have mayor Applegate at your mercy.
Council man 1: Okay, so how's that gonna help get affordable housing in my district?
Daniel: Well respectfully, this is already one of the most affordable communities in the county.
Council man 1: Right. So then why do I have four overflown shelters in my district?
Daniel: Many of the people in those shelters were my clients.
Council man 1: Hmm, I get it. So you'll agree then? We just need to stick our heels in the dirt then, build affordable housing while there's still HUD money
Daniel: Our friends at those shelters wouldn't have a problem finding affordable homes if we could fix their problem finding employment.
Council woman: I like where you're goin'. Brass tacks.
Daniel: Brass tacks? You form a voting block on the HUD allocation. Promise Mayor Applegate smooth sailing on the downtown development if, and only if you control the resident employment allocations.
Council man 2: Hmm-mm, see? Trade votes for higher paying jobs in our districts.
Council woman: How many jobs?
Daniel: [Hands out binders] Well, fast and dirty. With a maintenance contract guarantee tacked on, I'd say at least 300 jobs in the first six months.
Council woman: Hire them right outta the shelter.
Daniel: I took the liberty to begin drafting a bid and the hiring practices guidelines for your review of course.
Council woman: Counsellor, flip me your card. I have a few good constituents that could use help staying in their homes.
Daniel: I'm not practicing on the moment.
Council woman: Oh, well I expect we'll see alot of you. Keep up the fight.
Daniel: Yeah. Thanks. [Walks away]

Tariq: [Drives up to Daniel as a full-grown man waiting] What the fuck you doing out here, white boy?!
Daniel: Nice rims!
Tariq: [Exits vehicle] I could sneak up on Snowden in this shit!
Daniel: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Conflict minerals sure are stealthy in that.
Tariq: [Takes off sunglasses, in serious tone] Fuck I tell you about this shit? [Walks up to Daniel] I do need that bread man. Three. Months. [Bursts out laughing]
Daniel: Fuck you, man! Fuck you!
Tariq: Ah, come on man. Yo, the council boy's doing you right down the way? [Leads Daniel to office]

Tariq: [In office] I knew all about your little meeting.
Daniel: No coincidences, huh?
Tariq: Shit. This is my town.
Daniel: I did all the work. I wrote the proposal. I drew up the playbook.
Tariq: Did you tell the councilwoman you got disbarred?
Daniel: No. No, I was suspended. Not disbarred.
Tariq: Same shit. Shit came up anyway.
Daniel: When?
Tariq: Right after you left. I just got the play by play.
Daniel: Well, you know it's a matter of public record.
Tariq: It looks like a reason for them to shift this money in another direction.
Daniel: You mean all this work for nothing?
Tariq: No. They'll use your playbook but probably without you.
Daniel: Yeah, if I raised the stake they just tossed the whole thing and nothing good comes out of it.
Tariq: Catching on quick, son.
Daniel: Fuck, man. They'd be walking to City Hall with their tails between their legs if it weren't for me!
Tariq: You're right. Listen, I told you, all right? You ain't form around here. Your shit wasn't go any farther than what you could already finance on your own unless you had a born and bred on board.
Daniel: Born and bred? Like who?
Tariq: Me, for one.
Daniel: You? You wanna be in the job placement business?
Tariq: No. [Gets up pointing to self, walks to Daniel] I wanna be in the Daniel Reznick business, son.
Daniel: [Scoffs] Fuck outta here.
Tariq: Listen. People in this community, they love you. They love you in this neighbourhood. You've been helping people for years and years for no other reason but just because they need it. Shit. And I know that a nice little Jewish boy like you don't mess up no bill payments. So you got to be fucked up if I'm sittin' here waitin' on three months rent.
Daniel: I told you that I was gonna take care of that this weekend.
Tariq: I know, I know. You can go home and run to your pops and get that. But what I'm sayin'-
Daniel: Really?
Tariq: What I'm sayin'- [Daniel steps to side and sits in chair] what I'm offering is a chance for you to get out on your own. Get you some of that grant money. Get you a nice little six-figure salary. Your own little office and your rent paid for, electricity paid for.
Daniel: What's in it for you.
Tariq: My name already ring out in the streets. A restaurateur or producer, real estate magnate. But with you? I'm going to be Newark's homegrown savior of district 6.
Daniel: [Points to self] I'm in charge.
Tariq: That's fine. I just want to make some calls and give you a big enough lane for you to run through. So?
Daniel: [Nods head] Make your calls.
Tariq: [Produces phone] My man, my man.
Daniel: Yeah, just listen. You're just gonna godfather your way through this, right? [Pointing] I don't do well with partnerships.
Tariq: Oh, this ain't no partnership, see? We gon' Batman and Robin this motherfucker. [Laughs and walks away] Go home, D'. Ten minutes and I'm out.

Anielka: [To prospective art shopping couple] Are you familiar with von Ostrowski or Serrano? It's very important.
Woman art buyer: Yes, I remember.
Anielka: Von Ostrowski worked in fecal matter.
Woman art buyer: Like Ofili, right?
Anielka: Right, but he also worked in ejaculate.
Woman art buyer: Sorry?
Anielka: He used it as a glaze in some of his painting.
Woman art buyer: Oh.
Anielka: Actually, the influence runs throughout this show.
Man art buyer: Maybe we should-
Woman art buyer: It'll change color as it ages.
Anielka: Yes, with a wonderful organic patina.
Woman art buyer: That might not work. We're gonna take a look at a few other pieces before we decide.
Anielka: Sure. Take your time. [Prospective art buyer couple walks away, then Maxim walks up] Not a word, Maxim.
Maxim: 15 K. That's some money shot. "Egg whites". Liar, liar.
Anielka: I only told them influence.
Maxim: Expensive pomposity, cousin. [To colleague across room] Nate Dogg, you catch that? [To Anielka] I'll need five minutes alone with him.
Anielka: You just love rejection.
Maxim: That old Jack is ready to sell. This time it's real. He's ready to sell. I need maybe three maybe four million from Nathan, tops.
Anielka: Oh, that's all? [Chuckles derisively, walks away]
Maxim: Fuck.

Nathan: [Walking out in street] And when you figure they'll be finished over there?
Maxim: First part of the market line, 2019.
Nathan: That soon, huh?
Maxim: The high line meets Italy meets Brooklyn Fleet but more upscale. And at the base of a couple hundred thousand square feet of the hottest condos in town.
Nathan: Okay and our targets, where the current rents are at now?
Maxim: It's in the gutter. I'll work these buildings like a maniac. I'll evict the non-payees, the non B&Bers and relocate the stragglers.
Nathan: [Stretches out turned up palms] That's a tall order.
Maxim: I'm gonna make them an offer they can't refuse.
Nathan: [Chuckles] Can we do that?
Maxim: I've worked this with a few of Mr. W's buildings. I know the tenants. I know who's a deadbeat, who's a drug dealer, which old lady's ready to move to Florida.
Nathan: All right, so how long 'til we can clear them out?
Maxim: A year, 18 months tops.
Nathan: [Stops walking, then also Maxim] What's the catch? You're getting an amazing price.
Maxim: The pricing is the by-product of a decade of indentured servitude.
Nathan: All right.
Maxim: I need a quick answer for the old man before he has time to reconsider. Do I have a partner?
Nathan: Fifteen million? When can you get a copy of the PPM to my attorney?
Maxim: Next week. Not a problem.
Nathan: [Extends hand for handshake which Maxim honors] Come by, we'll have a drink. [Walks on alone]

