Lis Wiehl
American legal scholar
Lis Wiehl (born August 9, 1961, Yakima, Washington) is a New York Times bestselling American author of fiction and nonfiction books, and a legal analyst. After working at NBC News and National Public Radio's All Things Considered, Wiehl moved to the Fox News Channel (FNC) where she served as a legal analyst and reporter for over fifteen years, appearing on numerous FNC shows. She is a regular commentator for CNN and also appears often on CBS, NPR and other news outlets.

editHeart of Ice A Triple Threat Novel with April Henry (Thomas Nelson)
editHow the Triple Threat Club came to be:
- “At their ten-year high school reunion, they realized they all had something in common: crime. Cassidy covered it, Nicole investigated it, and Allison prosecuted it. At the time, Nicole was working for the Denver FBI field office, but not long afterward she was transferred to Portland. At Allison’s suggestion the three women met for dinner, and a friendship began. They had half-jokingly christened themselves the Triple Threat Club in honor of the Triple Threat Chocolate Cake they had shared that day.”
- p. 12
A description of the antagonist:
- “In her head, Elizabeth called what she did ‘The Game.’ The rules were simple: to pretend to be whatever someone else needed until they gave you whatever you needed. After that, there were no rules. The Game was fair, at least to Elizabeth’s way of thinking. Anyone could play it. In fact, she was sure most people were playing it; they just didn’t like to admit it. Sure, there were a few losers and idiots, suckers who, for whatever reason, didn’t mind getting played. And some people were so weak that they played poorly, basically inviting anyone to take advantage of them.”
- p. 41
- Fire made Joey powerful. He could cause ordinary, boring people to wake in fright. He made the alarms sound. Made the fire trucks race down the road, sirens wailing. And right behind them stampeded the television cameras and reporters. All of them eager to look upon his handiwork….Without fire, Joey was nothing.
- pp. 1, 2
- “…no matter whether it was day, evening, or weekend, because she was an FBI agent, Nicole had to be fit and ready for duty at all times. She rarely drank more than a single glass of wine in the evening, and she carried her Glock to dinner, to the grocery store, and to her kid’s third-grade play”
- pp. 10, 11
- ”He’s a med student,” Cassidy protested. “Someone who is supposed to save lives, not take them.”
- p. 13
- “But sociopaths don’t see other people as people. Something’s wrong with their wiring,” Nicole said. “They don’t have any empathy, and they don’t feel fear. So they don’t feel guilty when they kill. If anything, they feel powerful.
- p. 14
- “So are you saying,” Allison asked, “that there’s a little bit of sociopath in all of us?”
- p. 15
- Elizabeth’s gaze roamed over the V of his shoulders, his strong arms, his black hair silvering at the temples. Yum.
- p. 27
- The resume was a work of art. It listed jobs she had never held at health clubs that never existed, promotions that had never happened, professional memberships in nonexistent organizations, awards she had never received, and a fake degree. Accompanying it were letters of recommendation she had written herself.
- pp. 39, 40
- Living with Grandma had taught Elizabeth the basic rules. At Grandma’s she had learned that you were either a giver or a taker, predator or prey. And Cassidy Shaw had all the hallmarks of prey
- p. 41
- Mike Stone was Portland’s premier lawyer—if you were in deep, deep trouble. He took on clients other lawyers avoided—swim team coaches accused of child molestation, surgeons who had operated while three sheets to the wind, bank presidents caught embezzling millions…Just being defended by Stone was a sure sign that you were involved in something embarrassing or off-putting
- p. 46
- Then there were Cassidy and Allison, her best friends. She knew she could count on them to support her, at least in their own ways. But either of them, when faced with something that might be bearing down on her like a freight train—how rational and lucid would they be?
- p. 54
- Cassidy was watching Elizabeth with something like awe. This was a side to her that Allison hadn’t seen before. Cassidy seemed to long for this woman’s approval, automatically doing everything a little bigger and better any time Elizabeth’s gaze turned in her direction
- p. 59
- These days everything went through the filter of knowing that she might be dying. And not a lot made it through.
- p. 62
- Fire was everything Joey wanted to be. Exciting. Dangerous. Beautiful. Destructive. And yet he controlled it. Other people were too boring, too afraid to do what he did.
- p. 81
- “But she’s your daughter!” “You think I don’t know that?” Donna Mitchell’s dark eyes, so like Allison’t own, drilled into her. “But I don’t do her any favors if I keep enabling her. I’m not going to rescue Lindsay from the consequences of her own self-destructive behavior anymore. The last time she was here, I told her if she left that was it. And she still did.”
- p. 102
- Jenna stumbled backward, her eyes on the woman who slammed the door behind her with one foot while both hands held a gun. A big gun. Pointed right at Jenna.
- p. 108
- It took all of her considerable strength to heave the girl’s wrapped body into her arms, pivot, and let it thump into the trunk.
- p. 118
- The last book, the one on the bottom, was a copy of the 1,500-page Gray’s Anatomy. The weight was all wrong in her hands. She opened the cover, revealing a space hollowed out with surgical precision.
- p. 130
- There were three types of people in the world, Elizabeth believed. Some, like Cassidy, were naïve and full of ridiculous scruples that held them back from ever enjoying life. Others, like that Allison and Nicole, were phonies who pretended to care about others. And some—only a few—were like her. Strong enough to take what they could. And smart enough not to get caught.
- p. 143
- The only way out was to do what Sissy demanded—go out and kill this woman and her little boy. And then try to forget he had ever done it.
- p. 158
- Today would mark another turning point. Just like the day she found the lump. The day she told Leif to leave her alone.
- p. 180
- Cassidy had been drawn to the crime beat because of its guaranteed drama. It offered murders, kidnappings, armed robbery, and the occasional hostage situation. But predictable it wasn’t.
- p. 193
- Without hesitation, she made a fist and hit herself in the right eye, her knuckles making contact with the top of her cheekbone. And then she poured milk into her coffee.
- p. 201
- “This is Cassidy Shaw, reporting to you live from the Barbur Bargain Motel in Southwest Portland.”
- p. 215
- This man wouldn’t stop until he killed Korena. Killed her. Clark couldn’t let that happen.
- p. 234
- In a low voice Sara told them about going to the park, seeing a man, and then not paying much attention to him until suddenly he was pushing a gun into her ribs as she unlocked her front door. “He said he had to kill me or someone would kill him.”
- p. 239
- Without the safety of the flotation device, or the pool bottom beneath her feet, Makayla was suddenly drowning in fear.
- p. 299
- Elizabeth. A killer. A sociopath. A human scorpion. And Cassidy had let her ride on her back.
- p. 302
Waking Hours: Book 1 in East Salem Trilogy with Pete Nelson (Thomas Nelson)
edit- “It was times like these that she questioned the path she’d chosen—she wanted to do work that was important, that made a difference, and she was good at what she did, but she was still shocked and disheartened by the evil things people did to each other.”
- p. 16
- “It was not the sense that something had been there. It was the sense that something was still there, palpable but not visible. A sense (and now he thought he was really losing his mind) that the forest was grieving, or that something in it was dying…a feeling, if he had to name it, that evil had been there.”
- pp. 24, 26
- “maybe you were visited by… an angel,” Carl said. ““An angel dressed as a biker?” Tommy asked.
- p. 62
- “Would it be possible for somebody to hypnotize you into killing somebody?”
- p. 113
- “Be more than careful,” he told her. “Be totally paranoid. Err on the side of caution.”
- p. 124
- “He turned his head, reacted in a microsecond, and hit the deck just before a hundred-mile-an-hour fastball zipped past his ear and clanged into the wire backstop. Had the pitch been another inch lower or a few miles an hour faster, he would have been beaned and, at that speed, possibly killed.”
- p. 140
- “He’d been fearless on the football field, but he couldn’t fight what he couldn’t see or understand. Suddenly, he wasn’t feeling fearless anymore.”
- p. 140
- “Amos was the first child they’d taken in, adopted at age six through an accredited agency in the former Soviet Union. “
- p. 147
- “Which was crazier, she wondered, seeing patterns when they weren’t there, or ignoring patterns when they obviously were?”
- p. 159
- Tommy locked his doors, armed his security system, replaced all the 9-volt batteries in his smoke detectors, made sure the gun in his dresser drawer was loaded, and went to bed where, before falling asleep, he recited a psalm from memory, with an emphasis on one line in particular: “yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me . . .”
- p. 165