Linah Mohohlo

Botswana banker

Linah Kelebogile Mohohlo (13 February 1952 – 2 June 2021) was a Botswana banker and university chancellor. She was the Governor of the Bank of Botswana from 1999 to 2016. She was the first woman serving as the Chancellor of the University of Botswana, serving from 2017 to 2021.

Linah Mohohlo in 2011


  • Target SME's and you target women because that is where they access the business sector.
    • Twitter World Economic Forum, 24 January 2014
  • It has been said that everybody’s business is nobody’s business. This is not true with respect to productivity; it is truly everybody’s business.
  • The most treasured resource is our people and, if their health deteriorates, productivity and excellence will become mere talking points and not achievable objectives.

"In On the Ground Floor" (December 2004)


"In On the Ground Floor", Finance & Development (December 2004)

  • I no longer make recommendations; they are forwarded to me and I have to make the final decisions without hesitation. I cannot afford to procrastinate because decisions made in central banking have to be definitive since they affect the entire nation—the rich, the not-so rich, and the poor.
  • We have to continue to attract foreign direct investment to help generate more fiscal revenue sources.
  • A policy to cultivate SMEs can help to create jobs for the economy.
  • I don’t think anyone who wants to succeed—male or female—should concentrate on hurdles because you will find them if you are looking for them, and I have been just too busy to spend time looking for obstacles.
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