Lesley Lokko

Ghanaian architect and writer

Lesley Naa Norle Lokko OBE (1964 in Dundee, Scotland) is a Ghanaian-Scottish architect, academic, and novelist.

Lesley Lokko in 2010




  • You have to find yourself. When you meet him again, you have to know who you are. He's finding out who he is.
  • The glow of delicioous tension coudn't be faked, not at any price. So when you leave, that's when you realise you've been living in a lie.
  • How could you teach someone to survive? You pointed them in the right direction and hoped they'd swim, not sink. Waving, not drowning. There are more important things in life than individual happiness. It was an easy trap to fall into, mistaking a lack of self-direction for an expression of love.

Bitter Chocolate

  • She would love it. Just as he loved her. He paused for a second, his fingers touching the door handle. He was in love. The realisation came to him quite suddenly.
  • Guilt, Ameline discovered, was a terrible, unruly think, like toothache - dull nagging, persistent, never far from attention. Just when you got used to its rumbling, ruminating presence, it would lash out, stike you down, stio you dead in your tracks. The worst thing was, it was entirely unpredictable.
  • It wasn't sealed - she opened the flap. Inside was a cheque for a thousand dollars. Made out to her. From Daniel. It was a colossal slap in the face.

Quotes about Lesley Lokko

  • She (Lesley) is using the Biennale as a platform to extend the work she has been doing for decades. Lesley is able to set the stage for others and expose the network that for some of us has always been there.
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