Leonardo Sinisgalli
Italian poet (1908–1981)
Leonardo Sinisgalli (Montemurro, 9 March 1908 – Rome, 31 January 1981) was an Italian poet and essayist.
edit- Heisenberg in cattedra / spiegava il Principio di indeterminazione / a una platea di eletti (a Villa Monastero di Varenna). / In un angolo Fermi e Dirac / si guardarono un attimo sbigottiti / poi si scambiarono brevi formule / scritte sui palmi delle mani
- Heisenberg in the chair / explained the Uncertainty Principle / to an audience of elected officials (at Villa Monastero in Varenna). / In a corner Fermi and Dirac / they looked at each other in amazement / then they exchanged brief formulas / written on the palms of their hands