Leo Burnett

American advertising executive

Leo Burnett (October 21, 1891June 7, 1971) was an American advertising executive and the founder of Leo Burnett Company, Inc. He was responsible for creating some of advertising's most well-known characters and campaigns of the 20th century, including Tony the Tiger, the Marlboro Man, the Maytag Repairman, Toucan Sam, Morris the Cat, the Pillsbury Doughboy, the 7up "Spot",United's "Fly the Friendly Skies", and Allstate's "Good Hands".

Creative ideas flourish best in a shop which preserves some spirit of fun. Nobody is in business for fun, but that does not mean there cannot be fun in business.
Make it simple. Make it memorable.


  • A good basic selling idea, involvement and relevancy, of course, are as important as ever, but in the advertising din of today, unless you make yourself noticed and believed, you ain't got nothin'.
    • As quoted in Street-Smart Advertising: How to Win the Battle of the Buzz (2006) by Margo Berman, p. 95
  • When you reach for the stars, you may not get one, but you won't get a handful of mud either.
    • As quoted in Readers Digest January 1985

Communications of an Advertising Man (1961)

Communications of an Advertising Man : Selections from the Speeches, Articles, Memoranda, and Miscellaneous Writings of Leo Burnett (1961)
  • Fun without sell gets nowhere, but sell without fun tends to become obnoxious.
  • Creative ideas flourish best in a shop which preserves some spirit of fun. Nobody is in business for fun, but that does not mean there cannot be fun in business.
    • p. 81
Quotes from LeoBurnett.com
  • You have come to a place which doesn't tolerate anything but the best. You have come to a place where you can be heard. You have come to a place where you can grow.
  • I have learned that any fool can write a bad ad, but that it takes a real genius to keep his hands off a good one.
    • Quote 38
  • Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.
    • Quote 65
  • Friction makes sparks and sparks start creative conflagrations.
    • Quote 93
  • I am often asked how I got into the business. I didn't. The business got into me.
    • Quote 100
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