Last words in Lost media

Lost's death lines

Following is a collection of last words spoken by characters in the television series, Lost.

Season 1

  • What is it? What's right outside?
    • Who: Seth Norris, after hearing the Monster outside the planes cockpit. Seth was then ripped from the cockpit, and savagely beaten to death offscreen by the Monster.
    • Source: Episode 1x1/2, "Pilot, Part 2"
  • Help! Help! Help!
    • Who: Barbara Joanna Miller, shouted while she drifted helplessly out to sea, where she eventually drowned.
  • It'll come back around...
    • Who: Frank Duckett, after Sawyer shot him, thinking that Frank had killed his parents. In reality, Sawyer was tricked by his partner Hibbs, who wanted Duckett dead.
    • Source: Lost, episode 1x16, "Outlaws"
  • Fifty-two years.
    • Who: Tito Reyes, said to his grandson, Hurley, who had asked how long Tito had worked three jobs. Tito was then struck down by a fatal heart attack.
    • Source: Lost, episode 1x18, "Numbers"
  • All right, we're not gonna take any more of this stuff than we need, because nitroglycerin is extremely temperamental. So we just --

Season 2

  • Which way's the beach?
    • Who: Nathan, when Goodwin lets him out of the pit that Ana-Lucia threw him in when she decides she doesn't remember seeing him on the plane and therefore suspects him of being an Other. Goodwin lets him out and tells him to escape in the opposite direction, and when he turns to leave, Goodwin breaks his neck, revealing himself to be the Other.
    • Source: Lost, episode 2x7, "The Other 48 Days"
  • The children are fine. They're better off now.
    • Who: Goodwin, to Ana-Lucia, when he confirms her suspicions and reveals himself to be an Other. He more or less admits to killing Nathan, whom Ana originally thought to be the mole, and she asks if he killed the children that were kidnapped as well. After saying this, they fight and she impales him on a stick.
    • Source: Lost, episode 2x7, "The Other 48 Days"
  • I know you?
    • Who: Jason McCormick, to Ana-Lucia, not realizing that he'd shot her a few months prior and killed her unborn baby. Ana then shot Jason six times, killing him.
    • Source: Lost, episode 2x8, "Collision"
  • Michael...
    • Who: Libby, naming Michael as her murderer (and Ana-Lucia's), although those who hear her believe she is asking after his well-being, as he also shot himself
    • Source: Lost, episode 2x21, "?"

Season 3

  • Despite what you may think, I am not the enemy, we are not the enemy. But if you shoot me, that’s exactly what we’ll become.
    • Who: Colleen Picket, before moving towards Sun, who panics and shoots her, non-fatally, in the stomach. She goes into a comatose state, and dies in a later episode.
    • Source: Lost, episode 3x2, "The Glass Ballerina"
  • The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness...
    • Who: Mr. Eko, when confronted by the Monster after pursuing his "brother" into the jungle. The Monster grabs Eko and proceeds to smash him against numerous trees before crushing him against the ground.
    • Source: Lost, episode 3x5 "The Cost of Living"
    • Note: Eko's actual last words are an inaudible whisper to Locke, apparently telling him that "[they're] next."
  • Fine, then, if you're not interested why are you concerned -- ?
    • Who: Edmund Burke, Juliet's ex-husband, talking about Juliet's job prospect (which turns out to be working on the Island with the Others). He steps off a curb and is hit by a bus as he speaks; it is strongly suggested that the Others had something to do with it.
    • Source: Lost, episode 3x7 "Not in Portland" (as seen in a flashback)
  • Just do it Mikhail!
    • Who: Bea Klugh, trying to get Mikhail Bakunin to shoot her, which he does after she shouts this.
    • Source: Lost, episode 3x11 "Enter 77"
  • Para...lyzed....
    • Who: Nikki Fernandez, who was involved in a diamond robbery with lover Paulo. She throws a spider at him(the spider slows down the victim's heart rate enormously causing them to appear dead), but the spider releases powerful pheromones which attract many other spiders, one of which bites her. She runs to the beach to find Hurley and Sawyer and attempts to tell them she is not dead, only paralyzed. Those who heard her misinterpret her final words, either as "power lines" or "Paulo lies." The rest of the survivors do not know anything that went on between them, and unwittingly bury Nikki and Paulo alive.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 3x14 "Expose"
  • I was afraid of losing you. If you found the wouldn't need me anymore.
    • Who: Paulo, who was paralyzed when Nikki threw a spider at him. The rest of the survivors think he is dead and buries him alive.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 3x14 "Expose"
  • Okay. Okay.
    • Who: Anthony Cooper, after Sawyer demands that he finish reading the letter he had written for the killer of his parents. Cooper responds with the quote and rips the letter up, causing Sawyer to strangle him to death with a chain.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 3x19 "The Brig"
  • Call him Benjamin.
    • Who: Emily Linus, after giving birth to Ben prematurely and then dying of complications. Said to her husband Roger.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 3x20 "The Man Behind the Curtain" (as seen in a flashback)
  • The casing for the equipment is waterproof, it'll keep going forever.
    • Who: Greta, one of the two women guarding the Looking Glass station. Mikhail asks her what would happen if the station were to flood, as it was claimed to already be by Ben, and she replies. Mikhail then shoots her, as per Ben's orders.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 3x22 "Through the Looking Glass"
  • Beach Boys. "Good Vibrations." On the keypad, the numbers, they're notes. It was programmed by a musician.
    • Who: Bonnie, the other woman guarding the Looking Glass station. She has been shot by Mikhail and is explaining to Charlie how to unjam the mechanism blocking the island's contact with the outside world. She has been ordered to keep it running at all costs, but Charlie points out that Ben, her "glorious leader," has just had her killed, and telling him the code seems an appropriate revenge. She explains, and then dies.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 3x22 "Through the Looking Glass"
  • I'm sorry, Bonnie. I too am following orders.
    • Who: Mikhail Bakunin, after shooting Bonnie on Ben's orders. He then escapes through the bottom of the station. He is seen several minutes later underwater outside the station, where he detonates a grenade that breaks the windows and causes Charlie Pace to drown. The writers confirmed in a podcast in summer 2007 that Mikhail died for real (he had seemed to die more than once before this) when the grenade exploded.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 3x22 "Through the Looking Glass"
  • Not Penny's boat.
    • Who: Charlie Pace, communicating to Desmond Hume that the woman who parachuted onto the island, Naomi, is lying and is not affiliated with Desmond's girlfriend, Penny, whom he had just talked to through a satellite. He writes these words on his hand and shows it to Desmond as the room he's in fills with water.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 3x22 "Through the Looking Glass"
    • Note: Not Penny's Boat was written on his hand. Charlie's last spoken words were "Your boat, eighty miles off shore. Er... Naomi, parachutist."
  • It was an order, Tom. We had to follow it.
    • Who: Ryan, one of the Others. Tom is upset that Ben apparently ordered them to fire three shots into the sand, making it sound (over the walkie-talkie) as though Jin, Sayid and Bernard were dead when they were not, saying they should have killed them for real. Moments later, Hurley drives the DHARMA bus onto the beach and runs over Ryan.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 3x22 "Through the Looking Glass"
  • Ryan!
    • Who: Jason, one of the others holding Jin, Sayid and Bernard captive. He shouts out as Hurley runs the DHARMA bus over Ryan. Sawyer then grabs Jason's gun, and a bound and gagged Sayid kicks Jason to the ground and breaks his neck with his legs.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 3x22 "Through the Looking Glass"
  • Okay. I give up.
    • Who: Tom, one of the Others. Sayid, Bernard, Jin and Hurley have managed to kill the Others that showed up on their beach. Tom is the only one left and surrenders to them, but Sawyer shoots him, saying "That's for taking [Walt] off the raft."
    • Source: "Lost", episode 3x22 "Through the Looking Glass"

Season 4

  • I'm sorry George...just tell my sister that I love her.
    • Who: Naomi Dorrit, after surviving being knifed by John Locke, she escapes into the jungle, but dies of her wounds later on.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 4x1 "The Beginning of the End"
  • I...can't...get...back...
    • Who: George Minkowski, before dying due to a time displacement he kept experiencing.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 4x5 "The Constant"
  • Well, at least that's something we have in common.
    • Who: Karl, moments before being shot. Was referring to both he and Ben not wanting Alex to be hurt.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 4x8 "Meet Kevin Johnson"
  • One...two...three!
    • Who: Danielle Rousseau, before trying to run from an unseen attacker with Alex. Was shot as soon as she tried to run.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 4x8 "Meet Kevin Johnson"
  • Dad...they're serious. They killed Karl...and my mother... (Ben: Alex...I have this under control. Everything's gonna be okay.) Please, daddy! Just please, please...
    • Who: Alexandra Linus, before being shot by Widmore's agents from the freighter who were holding her hostage.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 4x9 "The Shape of Things to Come"
  • But I'm the doctor.
    • Who: Doc Ray, before his neck was slashed by Keamy.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 4x11 "Cabin Fever"
  • What's that on his arm? What's that on his arm?
    • Who: Captain Gault, before being shot by Keamy.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 4x11 "Cabin Fever"
  • Wherever you go...Widmore...will find you...
  • Who are you?
    • Who: Michael Dawson, after seeing an apparition of Christian Shephard seconds before the Kahana explodes.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 4x13 "There's No Place Like Home"

Season 5

  • How are any of us gonna get through this?! Did you hear what I just said? We can't even get FIRE!
    • Who: Neil "Frogurt," complaining about the survivors' situation shortly before being shot, ironically, by a burning arrow.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 5x02 "The Lie"
  • I'm not allowed to have chocolate before dinner.
    • Who: Charlotte Lewis, before dying as a result of multiple time jumps. Her mind had been scattered by the jumps, and she was saying many random things from her past before dying.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 5x05 "This Place is Death"
  • Yeah... Why? Do you know her?
    • Who: John Locke, before being fatally strangled by Ben after telling him that he had to find Eloise Hawking. While he appeared to return to life by returning to the island, it was actually a dark entity in his form.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 5x07 "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"
  • You're not taking anything.
    • Who: Caesar, addressing John Locke, who is planning to take one of the boats to the other island with Ben. He reaches for his gun, only to find that Ben has stolen it. Ben then shoots him to prove his loyalty to Locke.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 5x12 "Dead is Dead"
  • I'm your son.
    • Who: Daniel Faraday, who had just been shot by a past version of his mother, ironically while he was demanding to speak with her.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 5x14 "The Variable"
  • Hey! I said stop!
    • Who: Erik, an Other who is about to shoot Kate. He is shot and killed by Sayid before he can do so.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 5x15 "Follow the Leader"
  • خذني بلدنا. خذني بلدنا.
    • Translation: Take me home. Take me home.
    • Who: Noor "Nadia" Abed Jazeem, after being hit by a car, to her husband Sayid.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 5x16/17 "The Incident"
  • They're coming...
    • Who: Jacob, after being stabbed by Benjamin Linus, before "Locke" kicks him into a fire.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 5x16/17 "The Incident"
  • Hey, LaFleur!
    • Who: Phil, preparing to shoot Sawyer before being pinned down by a falling scaffolding tower and impaled by falling rebar.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 5x16/17 "The Incident"

Season 6

  • Where is he?
    • Who: Bram, asking where "Locke" has vanished to. "Locke" then returns as the Black Smoke Monster and kills Bram and his men.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x1/2 "LA X"
  • I have something to tell you. It's really, really important...
    • Who: Juliet Burke, before dying of her injuries sustained from falling down the Swan pit. Her message was apparently "It worked.".
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x1/2 "LA X"
  • I deserve it...
    • Who: Sayid Jarrah, before passing out from blood loss due to a gunshot wound. He is later drowned while attempting to be saved and dies. However, he soon revives, unexplainedly. Was referring to the probable Hell he will experience in the afterlife.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x1/2 "LA X"
  • Where are you going?
    • Who: Aldo, after Jin has attempted to escape and is caught in a bear trap. As he goes to shoot him, he is shot and killed by Claire.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x3 "What Kate Does"
  • Just untie me.
    • Who Justin, before Claire kills him with an axe.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x4 "Lighthouse"
  • It is sundown. Will you choose to stay or go?
    • Who: Dogen, to Sayid, in regards to The Man in Black's threat that at sundown, he will kill all in the Temple. Sayid says he'd like to stay and then jumps in the pool with him and drowns him.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x5 "Sundown"
  • Idiot! You just let it in!
    • Who: Lennon, to Sayid, about his murder of Dogen. Sayid replies "I know", and then cuts his throat.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x5 "Sundown"
  • We'll always be together.
    • Who: Isabella, to Richard, before he leaves to get her medicine. By the time he returns, she has already died.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x9 "Ab Aeterno"
  • Report! I said report!
    • Who: Jonas Whitfield, calling to his men who had just been killed by the Black Smoke. The Smoke then returns and rips Jonas out of the ship, killing him.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x9 "Ab Aeterno"
  • Just look behind you, you idiot...
    • Who: Martin Keamy, when Mikhail asks who shot him. Keamy says this to direct his attention to Jin, who didn't shoot him, but was advancing on Mikhail. He later dies of his injuries.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x10 "The Package"
  • Hugo, I'm looking out for your best interest. All of you. Nothing is more important than this. That thing is evil and God help us if it ever leaves the island, because if it does-
    • Who: Ilana Verdansky, before dropping the bag of unstable dynamite that she was holding which explodes and kills her.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x12 "Everybody Loves Hugo"
  • Because it's going to be you Jack.
    • Who: Sayid Jarrah, when Jack asks him why he is telling him where Desmond is. Sayid answers with this and then grabs the bomb threatening to kill them and runs down the submarine hallways with it, where it explodes and kills him.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x14 "The Candidate"
  • I love you Sun.
    • Who: Jin-Soo Kwon, before the sub sinks and drowns him and Sun. Sun was trapped and he refused to leave her.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x14 "The Candidate"
  • I love you.
    • Who: Sun-Hwa Kwon, who was trapped in the sinking sub, to Jin. She drowns with him when the sub sinks.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x14 "The Candidate"
  • May I see him?
    • Who: Claudia, asking to see Jacob, her new born son. "Jacob's Mother" then apologizes and beats her to death with a rock.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x15 "Across the Sea"
  • Thank you.
    • Who: Jacob & The Man in Black's Mother, after The Man in Black has stabbed her.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x15 "Across the Sea"
  • She brought you back here? Why would she do that?
    • Who: The Man in Black, asking why Jacob was brought back to The Source by their mother. Jacob tells him it's because he must protect it now and throws The Man in Black into the stream leading to The Source, where he hits his head on a rock and is swept into the light. The Smoke Monster soon emerges, and Jacob finds his brothers body later.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x15 "Across the Sea"
  • Zoe. My name is Zoe-
    • Who: Zoe, before she is interrupted by Widmore and told not to talk to Locke, who then slits her throat.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x16 "What They Died For"
  • I'm not saying any more in front of him.
    • Who: Charles Widmore, when Locke asks why Desmond is important. Widmore says this, in reference to Ben, and Locke then tells him to whisper to him. His lasts words are inaudible, before Ben shoots him to death.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x16 "What They Died For"
  • You're too late.
    • Who: The Black Smoke Monster/The Man in Black, after being shot by Kate, before Jack kicks him over a cliff. Was referring to the destruction of the Island.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x17 "The End"
  • I'll see you in another life, brother.
    • Who: Jack Shephard, to Desmond, who had just asked what he'll do. Jack then restores the Light on the Island and later dies of the wounds he sustained fighting Locke/The Man in Black.
    • Source: "Lost", episode 6x17 "The End"