Last words in Heroes media

Following are last words from the television series, Heroes.



Season 1

  • No! Please!
    • Who: Claire Bennet
    • Source: Episode 1x03, "One Giant Leap"
    • Note: Said as Brody attempts to rape her. In the struggle, she is knocked onto a pile of wood and impaled through the back of the head by a branch, disabling her regenerative powers and killing her. The branch is later removed, and she revives.
  • She's saying it never is. She said that was the best date. The picnic on the beach and it poured sheets and sheets of rain. [...] She remembers it all. She always will.
    • Who: Karen Sprague
    • Source: Episode 1x07, "Nothing to Hide"
    • Note: Actually spoken by Matt Parkman, as he relays Karen's dying thoughts to her husband Ted.
  • How we doin'?
    • Who: Charlie Andrews
    • Source: Episode 1x08, "Seven Minutes to Midnight"
    • Note: Said before leaving for a back room where she is murdered by Sylar. Later saved when her lover, Hiro Nakumora, goes back in time and convinces Sylar not to kill her.
  • Run!
    • Who: Jackie Wilcox
    • Source: Episode 1x09, "Homecoming"
    • Note: Said to Claire Bennet while having her skull cut open by Sylar.
  • Don't worry about me, just go! Go!
    • Who: Peter Petrelli
    • Source: Episode 1x09, "Homecoming"
    • Note: Said to get Claire to flee from Sylar. Sylar then attacks Peter, and they both fall to the ground below. The fall kills Peter, but he revives when Claire comes near and he absorbs her regenerative power.
  • So you can help?
    • Who: Brian Davis
    • Source: Episode 1x10, "Six Months Ago"
    • Note: Looking for a cure for his powers, Sylar offers to help by smashing his head in with a crystal.
  • I'm gonna take this gun, and I'm gonna put it in that slot. You're gonna take it, and you're gonna blow your brains out.
    • Who: Eden McCain
    • Source: Episode 1x11, "Fallout"
    • Note: Attempting to make Sylar kill himself with her ability of persuasion, Sylar turns the tables on her and she is forced to shoot herself in the head to keep him from gaining her power.
  • What do you want me to do with the body?
    • Who: Hank
    • Source: Episode 1x13, "The Fix"
    • Note: Sylar fakes death in order to escape from Primatech Paper. As soon as Hank unstraps him from his gurney, he wakes up. Mr. Bennet later finds Hank's body under a sheet on the same gurney.
  • Maybe you should step back. It can get a little messy.
    • Who: Zane Taylor
    • Source: Episode 1x15, "Run!"
    • Note: Zane demonstrates his liquification ability for Sylar before being murdered offscreen.
  • No! Don't!
    • Who: Aron Malsky
    • Source: Episode 1x15, "Run!"
    • Note: After throwing his bodyguard out of a window, Jessica rips Aron in two.
  • That sound in your heart, what is it? [Sylar: Murder.]
    • Who: Dale Smither
    • Source: Episode 1x16, "Unexpected"
    • Note: Said after being caught off guard by Sylar in her garage late at night.
  • I guess it's hard to look natural when you're going after the whale.
    • Who: Agent Quesada
    • Source: Episode 1x18, "Parasite"
    • Note: Overseeing Nathan's plan to incriminate Linderman with his partner Agent Alonzo when Jessica bursts into the hotel room and shoots them both execution style.
  • Maybe he'll chat up a few more Japanese tourists. Where the hell is that pizza?
    • Who: Agent Alonzo
    • Source: Episode 1x18, "Parasite"
    • Note: Overseeing Nathan's plan to incriminate Linderman with his partner Agent Quesada when Jessica bursts into the hotel room and shoots them both execution style.
  • Suresh. Suresh? It's me, Peter Petrelli. Mohinder?
    • Who: Peter Petrelli
    • Source: Episode 1x19, ".07%"
    • Note: Said before being attacked by Sylar. In the ensuing fight, he is impaled through the back of the head by a shard of glass, blocking his regenerative powers and killing him. The glass is later removed, reviving him.
  • It's all right. I finally know my part in all of this. To die here with you. But not before I show them how to kill you...and stop the bomb. I finally get to be a hero.
    • Who: Isaac Mendez
    • Source: Episode 1x19, ".07%"
    • Note: Killed by Sylar in his apartment, but not before sending prophetic drawings of Sylar's death to his editor.
  • No!
    • Who: Noah Bennet (future)
    • Source: Episode 1x20, "Five Years Gone"
    • Note: In an alternate future timeline, Matt betrays Mr. Bennet and shoots him the head after extracting Claire's location from his mind.
  • Sylar!
    • Who: Claire Bennet (future)
    • Source: Episode 1x20, "Five Years Gone"
    • Note: In an alternate future timeline, Sylar finally murders Claire after posing as her biological father for almost five years.
  • I'll take you.
    • Who: Hiro Nakamura (future)
    • Source: Episode 1x20, "Five Years Gone"
    • Note: In an alternate future timeline, Hiro volunteers to take his past self back to his proper time, but Matt bursts in and shoots him in the back.
  • Come on! Let's go!
    • Who: Matt Parkman (future)
    • Source: Episode 1x20, "Five Years Gone"
    • Note: In an alternate future timeline, Matt gives orders to his men as they try and break down a door, before he is incinerated by the energy given off by Peter and Sylar as they fight.
  • My- Gabriel! You're not! You're not! You're not! You're not! You're not!
    • Who: Virginia Gray
    • Source: Episode 1x21, "The Hard Part"
    • Note: After discovering her son's powers, she threatens him with a pair of scissors. She and Sylar struggle, and she is accidentally stabbed in the chest.
  • What am I thinking now, Parkman?
    • Who: Thompson
    • Source: Episode 1x22, "Landslide"
    • Note: Having snuck up on Matt, Thompson prepares to shoot him before Mr. Bennet comes up behind Thompson, shooting him twice in the head with the reply "Your last thought!"
  • You should have taken the money.
    • Who: Daniel Linderman
    • Source: Episode 1x22, "Landslide"
    • Note: After Jessica fails to kill D.L., Linderman tries to shoot her, but D.L. takes the bullet for her. Thinking him dead, Linderman turns to deal with Niki, but D.L. uses his remaining strength to phase his hand into Linderman's head and solidify it in his brain.
  • I'm hurt! I-I think it's bad!
    • Who: Ted Sprague
    • Source: Episode 1x22, "Landslide"
    • Note: Murdered by Sylar after having the truck transporting him flipped over telekinetically, leaving him dangling painfully from the floor by chains.

Season 2

  • Of all of them, I never expected it would be you.
    • Who: Kaito Nakamura
    • Source: Episode 2x01, "Four Months Later..."
    • Notes: Kaito recognizes his hooded killer as a former acquaintance before being pulled off the edge of the Deveaux building.
  • Don't you see? I can help you. We were meant to do this, together.
    • Who: Candice Willmer
    • Source: Episode 2x03, "Kindred"
    • Notes: Candice (now going by Michelle) offers a de-powered Sylar his every fantasy before he smashes her in the head with a 'Have a Nice Day' mug.
  • Dude, I have been riding with them for two days. We gotta ditch 'em.
    • Who: Derek
    • Source: Episode 2x04, "The Kindness of Strangers"
    • Notes: Alarmed that his car-mates Maya and Alejandro are wanted for murder, Derek confides in his other car-mate, Sylar. Sylar tells him to go call the cops before smashing him in the head with a brick to prevent just that.
  • Sorry I could't be more help.
    • Who: Ricky
    • Source: Episode 2x05, "Fight or Flight"
    • Notes: Ricky lies to protect Peter's whereabouts from Elle before she gets fed up and fries him with a bolt of electricity.
  • I am offering you a way out! You can stop running! Shoot me and there is no turning back. You'll condemn yourself to hell!
    • Who: Ivan Spektor
    • Source: Episode 2x06, "The Line"
    • Notes: After extracting the location of a series of paintings from his former mentor, Bennet mercilessly shoots him in the head.
  • Man, let it go. We're leaving, alright?
    • Who: D.L. Hawkins
    • Source: Episode 2x08, "Four Months Ago..."
    • Notes: After retrieving Niki from a club and exchanging I love yous, a skanky guy who had been dancing with her returns and shoots D.L. in the chest.
  • No matter what I do, I'll always be running. But if you die, Bob? The Company dies with you.
    • Who: Noah Bennet
    • Source: Episode 2x09, "Cautionary Tales"
    • Notes: Character is shot in the left eye by Mohinder Suresh and killed after threatening to kill Bob, head of the Company. Character is later brought back to life in a Company medical room through his daughter Claire's regenerative blood.
  • I am not gonna let you do this! Get away from me!
    • Who: Victoria Pratt
    • Source: Episode 2x10, "Truth & Consequences"
    • Notes: After Peter gets her to unwittingly reveal the location of a deadly virus, Adam unties Victoria and she attempts to shoot Peter to stop him and Adam from releasing it. This gives Adam the excuse he was looking for to shoot her in the back.
  • I'm taking my sister!
    • Who: Alejandro Herrera
    • Source: Episode 2x10, "Truth & Consequences"
    • Notes: Said to Sylar, who was intending on leaving with Alejandro's sister, Maya. Sylar then throws him to the ground and stabs him to death.
  • You killed my brother!
    • Who: Maya Herrera
    • Source: Episode 2x11 "Powerless"
    • Notes: Screamed at Sylar, after finding out that he killed Alejandro. Sylar then shoots her in the chest. She is later resurrected by Claire's blood.
  • I'm right behind you!
    • Who: Niki Sanders
    • Source: Episode 2x11 "Powerless"
    • Notes: Said to get Monica to run out of a burning building while she holds a large piece of wood away from the door. Monica leaves, but Niki is unable to hold the wood and it blocks the door, leaving her to die in the ensuing explosion.
  • I'm not afraid anymore. I'm here to tell you the truth. I have the ability-
    • Who: Nathan Petrelli
    • Source: Episode 2x11 "Powerless"
    • Notes: While giving a press conference where he would reveal the existence of evolved humans to the world, Nathan is gunned down by an assassin. He is later resurrected by the same man, a future incarnation of his brother Peter.

Season 3

  • Hey!
    • Who: Jim McCann
    • Source: Episode 3x02 "The Butterfly Effect"
    • Notes: While hounding Tracy with a video of Niki sleeping with Nathan, she accidentally freezes him, causing him to fall and shatter.
  • You wanted to see me?
    • Who: Bridget Bailey
    • Source: Episode 3x03 "One of Us, One of Them"
    • Notes: Killed by Sylar after being offered up as a sacrifice by Angela.
  • It was only about the money for me. That's why I'm going to take mine and leave, before the Company shows up.
    • Who: The German
    • Source: Episode 3x03 "One of Us, One of Them"
    • Notes: Killed when Knox punches straight through his chest when he tries to leave the scene of a bank robbery before Knox is ready.
  • Peter's not here anymore.
    • Who: Jesse Murphy
    • Source: Episode 3x03 "One of Us, One of Them"
    • Notes: After being rid of Peter's possession, Jesse turns his scream on Noah before Sylar telekinetically silences him. He then kills him instead of turning him in to the Company.
  • Not all of us were born with abilities, okay? Some of us were made. A line was drawn, sides were chosen, it tore us apart.
    • Who: Peter Petrelli (future)
    • Source: Episode 3x04 "I Am Become Death"
    • Notes: In an alternate future timeline, killed while explaining the situation to his present-day counterpart when Claire shoots him in the chest while the Haitian blocks his abilities.
  • Daddy!
    • Who: Noah Gray (future)
    • Source: Episode 3x04 "I Am Become Death"
    • Notes: In an alternate future timeline, Knox kicks Sylar into a table, sending him flying and crushing his young son, Noah.
  • But he is.
    • Who: Benjamin "Knox" Washington (future)
    • Source: Episode 3x04 "I Am Become Death"
    • Notes: In an alternate future timeline, Knox refers to Sylar's son being afraid of him, amplifying his strength. Sylar then explodes, killing Knox and 200,000 other people.
  • You killed him!
    • Who: Gabriel Gray/Sylar (future)
    • Source: Episode 3x04 "I Am Become Death"
    • Notes: In an alternate future timeline, Gabriel loses control of his radiation powers after Noah dies, exploding and killing himself, along with 200,000 people in Costa Verde.
  • Peter, stop! It hurts!
    • Who: Nathan Petrelli (future)
    • Source: Episode 3x04 "I Am Become Death"
    • Notes: In an alternate future timeline, a Peter from the past becomes overcome by the urge to understand how Nathan works and kills him when he attempts to cut his head open.
  • I wasn't fast enough.
    • Who: Daphne Millbrook (future)
    • Source: Episode 3x04 "I Am Become Death"
    • Notes: In an alternate future timeline, Daphne has her back badly burned while escaping from Sylar's explosion. She runs all the way from Costa Verde to New York to die in the arms of her husband, Matt Parkman.
  • I won't be a monster!
    • Who: Stephen Canfield
    • Source: Episode 3x05 "Angels and Monsters"
    • Notes: Said while Noah tries to force him to kill Sylar, before killing himself with one of his own black holes.
  • No! No!
    • Who: Adam Monroe
    • Source: Episode 3x06 "Dying of the Light"
    • Notes: Said as Arthur Petrelli grabs his arm, stealing his power and causing him to rapidly age into dust, as his power was keeping him alive.
  • I'm Matt's father! Without me you'd still be lying in a-
    • Who: Maury Parkman
    • Source: Episode 3x07 "Eris Quod Sum"
    • Notes: Said to Arthur, who had ordered Daphne to kill Matt for refusing to join Pinehearst, even though Maury had agreed to serve him in exchange for Matt's protection. Arthur telekinetically snaps his neck for his objections.
  • Okay.
    • Who: Trevor Zeitlan
    • Source: Episode 3x08 "Villains"
    • Notes: After Elle asks for a demonstration of his ability, he complies. Her enthusiasm then leads to Sylar killing him to take it from him.
  • Careful not the inhale the fumes. [...] Yes.
    • Who: Usutu
    • Source: Episode 3x08 "Villains"
    • Notes: After assisting Ando in keeping Hiro in his spirit walk trance, Usutu leaves his hut only to have his head ripped off by Arthur Petrelli.
  • Please kill me. Please.
    • Who: Elephant man
    • Source: Episode 3x09 "It's Coming"
    • Notes: Grotesquely mutated by Pinehearst's experiments, a test subject begs for death. Mohinder then complies by giving the man an injection.
  • I should kill you right now, say it was self defense. I'll be famous. A bona-fide hero!
    • Who: Bob
    • Source: Episode 3x10 "The Eclipse, Part 1"
    • Notes: Elle outs Sylar to Bob, a hapless Hotspur employee, who tries to protect her before she goads Sylar into killing him.
  • It hurts. Why does it hurts so much?
    • Who: Claire Bennet
    • Sources: Episode 3x11 "The Eclipse, Part 2"
    • Notes: Claire succumbs to infection from an earlier gunshot wound and dies after going into septic shock. She later heals and revives after the eclipse passes and restores her ability.
  • What if Claire could see you now?
    • Who: Gabriel Gray/Sylar
    • Sources: Episode 3x11 "The Eclipse, Part 2"
    • Notes: Has his throat slit with a box cutter by Bennet while Elle watches. He later heals and revives after the eclipse passes and restores his abilities.
  • I'm still your brother...
    • Who: Baron Samedi
    • Source: Episode 3x11 "The Eclipse, Part 2"
    • Notes: Said to his brother, the Haitian. The Haitian then seemingly killed Samedi using his power, wiping his mind completely.
  • You're hurting me. [Sylar: I know.]
    • Who: Elle Bishop
    • Source: Episode 3x11 "The Eclipse, Part 2"
    • Notes: Said while Sylar is lying on top of her, telling her that people never change. He then cuts her head open.
  • I'm so proud of you, Hiro.
    • Who: Ishi Nakamura
    • Source: Episode 3x12 "Our Father"
    • Notes: Said after passing "the catalyst" to Hiro. She then dies of an unknown ailment.
  • Of course...I'm your father.
    • Who: Arthur Petrelli
    • Source: Episode 3x12 "Our Father"
    • Notes: Said when Sylar asked if he's really "his family". After his response, Sylar uses his new ability to determine he's lying, and throws a bullet he had stopped through his head.
  • Consider it done sir. I'll bring him to-
    • Who: Scott
    • Source: Episode 3x13 "Dual"
    • Notes: Said to Nathan when he says Peter as to be stopped, before Knox breaks his neck.
  • Then why are you so afraid? You worried he's going to stop you?
    • Who: Benjamin "Knox" Washington
    • Source: Episode 3x13 "Dual"
    • Notes: Said before Nathan attacks him. As he is about to kill Nathan, he is frozen and shattered by Tracy.
  • I want the truth!
    • Who: Gabriel Gray/Sylar
    • Source: Episode 3x13 "Dual"
    • Notes: Said to Angela, who was tempting him with his true past. Claire then stabs him in the back of the head with a shard of glass, blocking his regenerative powers and killing him. The glass is later removed, and he revives.
  • Oh god! No...
    • Who: Meredith Gordon
    • Source: Episode 3x13 "Dual"
    • Notes: Said as she loses control of her pyrokinesis, causing her to explode.
  • Keep doing what you're doing, Rebel. Go. And Micah! Stay ahead of the ice.
    • Who: Tracy Strauss
    • Source: Episode 3x20 "Cold Snap"
    • Notes: Said to her nephew Micah before she flash freezes both herself and all of the agents pursuing them. She is then shot and shattered by Emile Danko. However, she somehow returns with a new power.
  • Fly me to the moon.
    • Who: Daphne Millbrook
    • Source: Episode 3x20 "Cold Snap"
    • Notes: Said while in a telepathic dream. Matt Parkman makes her think they're flying together in Paris while she's really lying in a hospital. She then succumbs to gunshot wounds suffered earlier.
  • [Peter: You ready?] Yeah.
    • Who: Nathan Petrelli
    • Source: Episode 3x25 "An Invisible Thread"
    • Notes: Said before he and Peter try to fight Sylar. Nathan is defeated, and has his throat slit by Sylar.

Season 4

  • You're never going to find it.
    • Who: Emile Danko
    • Source: Episode 4x01 "Orientation"
    • Notes: Said when Edgar demands the location of the compass. After this response, Edgar kills him.
  • What are you?
    • Who: Captain Lubbock
    • Source: Episode 4x05 "Tabula Rasa"
    • Notes: Said to Sylar, who had just stopped a bullet and then electrocuted him. Sylar goes to kill him, but stops, only to have Edgar enter and kill Lubbock.
  • I'm still your brother. I love you.
    • Who: Joseph Sullivan
    • Source: Episode 4x10 "Thanksgiving"
    • Notes: Said to his brother, Samuel, who was angry to learn Joseph had been keeping secrets about his powers from him. Samuel then throws a stone into Joseph's throat and kills him.
  • I love you.
    • Who: Nathan Petrelli
    • Source: Episode 4x11 "The Fifth Stage"
    • Notes: Character was already dead, but was survived by a collection of memories in Sylar's body. When Sylar's mind was put back into his body, he slowly began to kill Nathan's memories. Nathan realized he was dying and threw Sylar's body over a roof, but Peter caught him. He convinces Peter that he's truly dead, and says this line before Peter let's go and his memories die forever.
  • You...did...this?
    • Who: Lydia
    • Source: Episode 4x16 "The Art of Deception"
    • Notes: Character had been shot and is bleeding to death. Samuel kisses her, and she uses her power to realize that he was responsible for the shooting. She then dies of her injuries.
  • I don't know anyone else like me. I swear.
    • Who: Repairman
    • Source: Episode 4x17 "The Wall"
    • Notes: Said while Noah Bennet has him at gunpoint. He then uses his powers to attack Noah, who shoots him in self defense.

Heroes Reborn

  • It's coming. It's coming.
    • Who: Rene, the Haitian
    • Source: Episode 1x02 "Odessa"
    • Notes: Saved by Noah's alterations to the past.
  • Forget the past, Noah. Save the future.
    • Who: Molly Walker
    • Source: Episode 1x04 "The Needs of the Many"
  • Did I do it? Did I save her?
    • Who: Quentin Frady
    • Source: Episode 1x06 "Game Over"
    • Notes: Saved by Noah's alterations to the past.
  • My God.
    • Who: Mohinder Suresh
    • Source: Episode 1x07 "June 13th, Part One"
  • My balloon.
    • Who: Dennis Collins
    • Source: Episode 1x07 "June 13th, Part One"
  • I've been waiting fifteen years to finish this.
    • Who: Hiro Nakamura
    • Source: Episode 1x08 "June 13th, Part Two"
  • Tommy, I'm handling this.
    • Who: Caspar Abraham
    • Source: Episode 1x09 "Sundae, Bloody Sundae"
  • It's okay.
    • Who: Father Mauricio Chavez
    • Source: Episode 1x11 "Send in the Clones"
  • Know this, Miko-San: After I'm finished putting your lights out, I'm going to kill the real you, and then your father. Now, game over.
    • Who: M. F. Harris
    • Source: Episode 1x11 "Send in the Clones"
  • Maybe not. But this is all I've got.
    • Who: Joanne Collins
    • Source: Episode 1x12 "Company Woman"
  • Quentin, no matter what happens, you keep her in here and make sure she gets to that clock tower.
    • Who: Luke Collins
    • Source: Episode 1x13 "Project Reborn"
  • There's only one thing left to fix.
    • Who: Phoebe Frady
    • Source: Episode 1x13 "Project Reborn"
  • I found the source of the problem.
    • Who: Richard Schwenkman
    • Source: Episode 1x13 "Project Reborn"
  • I have a feeling we'll meet again.
    • Who: Miko Otomo construct
    • Source: Episode 1x13 "Project Reborn"
  • Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
    • Who: Erica Kravid
    • Source: Episode 1x13 "Project Reborn"
  • I'm... so proud of... so proud...
    • Who: Noah Bennet
    • Source: Episode 1x13 "Project Reborn"

Comic books

  • That's the lamest thing I've ever heard.
    • Who: Warren
    • Source: Issue #6 "Stolen Time"
    • Note: Said in response to Jessica Sanders claiming she'd use her share of stolen money for her son's tuition. He then pulls a knife on her, and she stabs him with it.
  • Wow.
    • Who: Itchy
    • Source: Issue #6 "Stolen Time"
    • Note: Said in response to Jessica Sanders claiming she'd use her share of stolen money for her son's tuition. He then pulls a gun on her, and she kills him.
  • Well, that's debatable.
    • Who: Taylor
    • Source: Issue #6 "Stolen Time"
    • Note: After robbing a bank with Jessica Sanders, he refutes her claim that some of the money is hers, pulling a gun on her. She then kills him and the rest of his crew.
  • That's me. What's that supposed to mean?
    • Who: Woman in gallery
    • Source: Issue #8 "Isaac's First Time"
    • Note: After spotting a painting of herself being hit by a bus, she confronts the artist, Isaac Mendez. She then runs outside in a panic and is hit by a bus just as the painting predicted.
  • What'd you say to me?
    • Who: Eden's stepmother
    • Source: Issue #9 "Life Before Eden"
    • Note: When her power of persuasion manifests for the first time, Eden tells her abusive stepmother that she wished she'd 'just die'. Her stepmother's heart then stops.
  • I think something can fall off the back.
    • Who: Northeast Brewing Company trucker
    • Source: Issue #20 "Road Kill"
    • Note: Sylar, after hitching a ride with a trucker, asks him for a six pack of beer before telekinetically jamming broken bottles into his back.
  • Personal contraband? This is enough to get you court-martialed. Although, bein' 40 miles into enemy territory, you'd just as soon get thrown overboard.
    • Who: Loredo
    • Source: Issue #25 "War Buddies Part 2: Unknown Soldiers"
    • Note: During the Vietnam War, the man codenamed Loredo grabs a book from the hands of a young Mr. Linderman before being shot in the head by a sniper.
  • Sniper!
    • Who: Amarillo
    • Source: Issue #25 "War Buddies Part 2: Unknown Soldiers"
    • Note: During the Vietnam War, the man codenamed Amarillo is shot by a sniper.
  • Over there!
    • Who: San Antonio
    • Source: Issue #25 "War Buddies Part 2: Unknown Soldiers"
    • Note: During the Vietnam War, the man codenamed San Antonio is shot by a sniper.
  • I... oh... boy... son. I have forgotten the ground. I have forgotten.
    • Who: Guillame
    • Source: Issue #38 "It Takes a Village Part 4"
    • Note: After nearly murdering his son for negating his power and discrediting him, he apologizes and throws himself off of a cliff.
  • I heard that. But don't bother struggling. You're-
    • Who: Fusor's accomplice
    • Source: Issue #46 "Golden Handshake Part 4: Severance Pay"
    • Note: While she's trying to dehydrate Haram, Claude catches her off guard, allowing Haram to turn her own power against her, dehydrating her into dust.
  • Okay, okay. He left a month or two ago. But he didn't tell me where he was heading. I swear!
    • Who: Hampton "Goose" Connolly
    • Source: Issue #67 "The Golden Goose"
    • Note: Turned to gold and later melted down by Bob.
  • I'm afraid there is nothing we can do.
    • Who: Richard Drucker
    • Source: Issue #70 "The End of Hana and Drucker"
    • Note: Had his consciousness destroyed when Elle fryed the mainframe it got locked in.
  • Phir Milengay Drucker.
    • Who: Hana Gitelman
    • Source: Issue #70 "The End of Hana and Drucker"
    • Note: Had her consciousness destroyed when Elle fryed the mainframe it got locked in. Her words are Hindi for "We will meet again, Drucker."
  • That wasn't so-
    • Who: Matt Neuenberg
    • Source: Issue #70 "The End of Hana and Drucker"
    • Note: Killed by Company doctors trying to recover the mainframe from his brain, with Elle at his side.
  • I have a secret too. It's mine now!
    • Who: Linda Tavara
    • Source: Issue #73 "War Buddies Part 7: Coming Home"
    • Note: Killed in self-defense by Linderman as she attacked him in an attempt to steal his power.
  • So what was it that you wanted to show me...? I don't see anything."
    • Who: Jason Welkes
    • Source: Issue #78 "Bounty Hunter"
    • Note: Killed by Linda, when she steals his life force and ability.
  • I'm sorry, Miss Tavara.
    • Who: Linda's informant
    • Source: Issue #78 "Bounty Hunter"
    • Note: Killed by Linda, when she steals her life force in order to protect her job.
  • For me? Are you? Are you an angel?
    • Who: Ida May Walker
    • Source: Issue #80 "Moonlight Serenade"
    • Note: Killed by Linda, when she steals her life force and ability.
  • Sorry friend. I've gotta catch this fish on my own.
    • Who: Leonard Cushing
    • Source: Issue #84 "Trust Issues Part 1"
    • Note: Shot by Devin Patterson while fighting with Thompson Jr.
  • I promise, Sabine, I'm the one who loves you.
    • Who: Julien Dumont clone
    • Source: Issue #89 "Root and Brance Part 2 - Weeding Out"
    • Note: Shot by Sabine Hazel, after she learned he wasn't the original Julien.
  • Oh sh...
    • Who: Devin Patterson
    • Source: Issue #92 "Berlin Part 2"
    • Note: Killed by the German magnetically driving a slew of bullets through his body.
  • We can't win this! We can't win this! Call in a nullifier! Someone call in the Haitian!
    • Who: Rosetti
    • Source: Issue #94 "The Kill Squad Part 2"
    • Note: Killed when Brendan Lewis runs a vine through his chest.
  • Get the &$%# off me!
    • Who: Ballou
    • Source: Issue #94 "The Kill Squad Part 2"
    • Note: Killed when Brendan Lewis wraps him in vines and snaps his neck.
  • It hurts! Stop!
    • Who: Brendan Lewis
    • Source: Issue #95 "The Kill Squad Part 3"
    • Note: Killed by Paulette Hawkins, who amplified his powers until he exploded in a cascade of vegetation.
  • What?
    • Who: Paulette Hawkins
    • Source: Issue #95 "The Kill Squad Part 3"
    • Note: Shot by Joe Gallagher after serving her purpose in the mission.
  • What will be the last face you ever see?
    • Who: Penny Logan
    • Source: Issue #103 "Into the Wild Part 3"
    • Note: Shot in the head by one of the members of the Kill Squad.
  • Run.
    • Who: Connie Logan
    • Source: Issue #103 "Into the Wild Part 3"
    • Note: Shit in the chest by one of the members of the Kill Squad.
  • Get off the bridge! I love you, too.
    • Who: Donna Dunlap
    • Source: Issue #103 "Into the Wild Part 3"
    • Note: Killed in an explosion after pushing Thompson Jr. off a bridge rigged with explosives, while her own feet were nailed down.
  • Gael! No!
    • Who: Bianca Karina
    • Source: Issue #104 "Dreams Until Death"
    • Note: Neck broken by Sylar after her husband lies and tells him that he's the agent with an ability.
  • No!
    • Who: Gael Cruz
    • Source: Issue #104 "Dreams Until Death"
    • Note: Head cut open by Sylar after seeing his wife killed.
  • A pretty girl like you against an ex-military man? Not exactly a fair fight.
    • Who: Magnetism terrorist (future)
    • Source: Issue #106 "Resistance"
    • Note: In an alternate future timeline, killed when Claire detonates a grenade while he's on top of her.
  • Please, Eric, don't do this...
    • Who: Michael
    • Source: Issue #107 "Doyle"
    • Note: Killed when Doyle turns his own ability against him, making him shoot a laser through his head.
  • I've heard stories about you. Almost didn't think you were real. Are you here to join us?
    • Who: Dennis
    • Source: Issue #110 "Viewpoints"
    • Note: Killed when Sylar tries to bring he and his companions back into Company custody.
  • Ain't your place to make up for his slackin', girl.
    • Who: Flint Gordon, Sr.
    • Source: Issue #111 "Playing With Fire"
    • Note: Killed when Meredith accidentally burns down their house while defending her brother.


  • Blood?
    • Who: Claire Bennet
    • Source: Save the Cheerleader, Destroy the World
    • Note: Said in response to seeing blood when her waters break. Later dies in childbirth.
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