Kurtlar Vadisi

Turkish TV series

Kurtlar Vadisi ("Valley of the Wolves") was a Turkish television series broadcast on Show TV between 2003 and 2005.



Pala-Doğu: "If you don't know, you're not a state."


Doğu: Who gave the task of killing Aslan?
Pala: State secret.
Doğu: If I do not know, it is not a state secret!
Pala: If you do not know, you are not a state.
Doğu: I even know the midwife who gave birth to you! cut the comedy!

Laz Ziya-Testere Necmi: "I've never had a friend and my enemy has never been able to live!"


  (Baron holds Çakır responsible for the attack on Tuncay Kantarcı. He tells Testere to scare Çakır. Testere sent to Çakır, by means of Çakır's son- Pusat-, a black and empty paper in a black envelope, which means "cause his extinction" in the Turkish mafia. Meral and Nesrin speaking on the phone, Laz Ziya heard this from the party line then he goes to Testere's workplace)
Testere: Abi, What happened?
Laz Ziya: What do you think you're doing ?!
Testere: What did I do, Abi?
Laz Ziya: (With his own deep voice)Look! While you were cutting your mother with your short pants on, I was managing 3000 people! Have you ever seen my weakness? How do you have the nerve to disrespect me?
Testere: My respect is endless, my courage is innate! Tell me what I did, so I would know what I didn't...
Laz Ziya: How do you send a man to my grandson's school!?
Testere: Ziya Abi, there are things you don't know. What I did is not disrespect to you, but obeying the order! I would skin out of the person who touched your grandchildren but there is your son-in-law between you and your grandchildren!
Laz Ziya:What he did?
Testere: He started to disrespect to everyone!
Laz Ziya:If Çakır is my son-in-law, I am his father. It's my duty to punish him if he's done something that's disrespectful! Take a good look at me, Necmiiiiiii! Disrespecting me in this world can done once! (Stands up)
Testere: You came as the enemy but go as a friend, abi! (wanna shake hands)
Laz Ziya: I've never had a friend and my enemy has never been able to live! You are like my brother. I came here to warn you! Oh, by the way, you're hanging out with that fat Tombalacı, Necmiiiii. You two can fit in an Istanbul but can't fit in a grave! (leaves)
Testere: If I cut up you and your son-in-law in seven pieces, I would make you two fit on the seven different hill!


Elif-Çakır: "You're Not A Man If You Don't Pull The Trigger!"


(Elif became the attorney of the man beaten by Çakır. Çakır brings Elif to his office by force)
Elif: (She enters among the men of Çakır) What do you think you are doing ?! Are you a thug ?!

(Polat sees Elif coming in, but he remains in place.)

Çakır: (He gets up, comes up with a "Hush" sign) Shhhhhhhhh! This isn't a courtroom! I'm gonna talk to you, you will listen! sit down
Elif: (looking at Polat) hah! what a friend! you all call yourself men! (Polat bends his head) Best of you, he raped my friend, darkened her life! (Polat is surprised and raise his head) May God damn your friendship!
Çakır: (Shouting) Shut up!!! Look at me! Look at me, you dwarf! We have a reputation in this world! We didn't work for 35 years to hear your swearing! You will know your womanhood! (He raises his voice) I've been in court as much as you! We're trying to live a proper life, you're trying to burn our probation because of a hippie! Oh ?! What a beautiful Istanbul! Nothing can put me in prison for eight years! (threatening) You will behave like a clever girl and will withdraw the case!
Elif: What if I don't!
Çakır: I'll blow your brain out!
Elif: You're not a man if you don't!

(Çakır pulls his gun and points it against Elif. Polat moves instantly and holds the gun)

Polat: Don't...
Çakır: (furiously) Don't meddle in this, Can Polat !!
Polat: You named me as Can (Life) Polat just because you have a life debt to me. Now I want a life from you! Let the lawyer go!

(He brings down the gun.)

Elif: I'm already on death! Your threat doesn't scare me !!!
Polat: If I were you, I would choose to live, not death. For your loved ones ...
Elif: What the fuck are you talking about ?!
Çakır: (He turns to Elif to make a move. Polat keeps him away) This 'life debt' won't last long! Don't stand in front of me! Dontt!!
Elif: I have no intention of living long! You don't stand in front of me!
Polat: Serhat, take the lawyer to her destination.

(Elif and Cakir's men come out. Çakır, nervously, stays behind his table)

Çakır: Why did you do something like this, Can Polat?
Polat: I've said it before. First, she is the trust of Duran Emmi! When there are so many problems, you cant kill a lawyer, second! (Raises his voice) Not the girl's life but I saved your life, third!

(Çakır knock his chair down.)


Savcı-Çakır: "This state would find you a lot of husband!"


Çakır: Why don't you take the cuffs off, Mr. Prosecutor?
Savcı: When your hands are free, we know what you did!
Çakır: What we did? We got you promoted from Prison Prosecutor's office to DMG!
Savcı: Did you do that too? what a great man you are!
Çakır: You believe I've made everything... I may have done something good.
Savcı: look! because of you! your wife, children, sister-in-law and father-in-law; They're all in the hands of the police! Fines are personal! But when a prosecutor was killed ... Whoever's with you, they all would find responsible for that!
Çakır: aha! like you said.. Crimes are personal so are fines! Do what you have to do to me! not my family!
Savcı: If you don't pity to the child of the state, then the state will not pity to your child! The state makes its work in accordance with the law. If you undermine the authority of the state by killing its prosecutor, you will pay a very heavy price.
Çakır: okey! with great pleasure! Now.. Mr. Prosecutor, show me some evidence of the killing about me! In the most severe way, I will pay my debt.
Savcı: the evidence was already there. Now you're gonna tell me where the evidence! Where is Polat Alemdar? Memati Baş?
Çakır: you know where you got me! how can ı know where they are?!
Savcı: While Polat was running away, he ran off with your wife's car. Don't you have a man left!? You used your wife!!
Çakır: I did not do such a thing! I would not do!
Savcı: You're waiting for help from women, right! but this state would make you a woman and would find you a lot of husband!
Çakır: prosecutor! I didn't come here to listen insults!
Savcı: Is it heavy? Will you kill me too? Look, Çakır! everything has changed now! The state that treats you as a father would disown you when he saw a treason! I want Polat and Memati!


Baron-Kılıc: "I am the one who starts the Wars!"


Karahanlı: First that magazine, now this photo! ... You made me touch! For people, Mehmet Karahanlı is no longer a feared and inaccessible Baron, but an ordinary businessman!
Kilic: We are in a war. Look ... In this war, the bullet will touch, the mud will splash... There is no way to prevent this!
Karahanlı: (He straightens up with a whim) I start the wars Kılıç! I'll tell you the direction of the lead! I prepare the mud! If I get blood on me, I'll create a pool of blood, bathe in it! " If the state wants to settle accounts, let it come! We also have a 30-year story!

Necmi The Saw-Çakır-Polat: "I would cut you with a blunt saw!"


(Çakır and Halit rival each other in the drug field. What Çakır does not know is that the owner of the drugs is Necmi. Testere calls Polat and Çakır to ask for an account.)
Necmi: What is your problem? What did you ask for but not given?
Çakır: Our elders gave us everything. Our little ones make a little noise, their voices come to you. We cut the sound, they won't bother you again.
Necmi: Did we give Çakır the ambassadorial service because you would start a war?
Polat: We did not start the war. It was Halit, who sent his brother. Yes, the first blood was spilled from them.
Necmi: I don't care about the blood you shed or the blood you suck. But if the blood splatters on me ... (He hits the table) I will turn Istanbul into a slaughterhouse and I will make you an ambassador there!
Çakır: Brother Necmi, what kind of mistake did we have about the job?
Testere Necmi: If you are going to be an ambassador, first learn: Who does what job. Don't get in every fluttering place saying I am the cock and this is my henhouse. All the pills you collected are mine!

(The phone rings.)

Necmi: Take him in.
Necmi: I would cut you all with a blunt saw!

(Cerrahpaşalı Halit enters the room. He looks at Polat and Çakır.) (...)

Quotes of Characters


Mehmet Karahanli

  • Justice is not just merit. Justice also means creating equal opportunities. Justice is to encourage new people and, consequently, justice means to give the reward of a successful task without delay.
(While giving the casino opening permission to Çakır.)
  • Peace is the word of the romantics, guys. But war is a fact of our age.
  • The strongest wins the battle, and when the weapons are silent, the winning side will come out of that battle much stronger. Where war is necessary, peace consists of nonsense. The nonsense of the cowards and the helpless.
  • If you don't give anything to those who are on your side, why should they be on your side?
  • There will always be a crisis at the bottom so that the top is always seen as a savior.
  • Revenge is a delicious meal when eaten cold.
  • You can grow up without a mother, but you cannot grow up without a partner, Necmi.
  • Nobody is without alternative, it is not indispensable.
  • There are no countries for barons, there is a world for them.
  • As long as you choose your friend and enemy yourself, you are strong.
  • You are the pawn, I am the king. If I lose you, I will mostly lose 2 points, if you lose me, the game is over.
  • Sometimes mercy, sometimes justice makes wrong decisions.
  • Don't try to learn things that you don't need.
  • Everyone chooses a life and pays for it.
  • If you haven't noticed that a man is dead or alive for 30 years, he will surely say something worth listening to.
(About Aslan Akbey.)
  • 30 years is enough time to trust. But not to be mistaken. For me, the system is important, not the individuals.
(About Saw's betrayal.)
  • I need tongs, not fire.
(Kılıç who asked why he did not take Polat to the council.)
  • There is haze in the valley. If you shoot a bullet in this haze, you can only show your location and you will be prey.
  • It doesn't matter who stands on either side of the scale. The iron holding the two pans is important.
  • Smart people discuss new ideas, normal people discuss results, small people discuss other people.
  • If a ship is sinking, it means I am not on that ship.
  • If someone cheated on you, it is their fault. If that person has cheated on you many times, it is your fault.
  • We are not on the side that gives the head, but on the side that takes the head.
  • Some people are attracted to the soil, The Sword.
(About Hüsrev Ağa's agreement with the Russians.)
  • In the valley of the wolves, it is a law to eat who is dead!
(After Kılıç killed Hüsrev Ağa.)
  • Why should I look strong to my enemy? Let him come, break me up.
  • Nothing is coincidence in life.
  • Don't joke around in this country, they take it seriously.
  • The old wolf, who is closer to death, just shreds and feeds. He doesn't even care the herd.
  • I take life, I do not give life.
  • Have mercy, sir!
(Before he was killed at the Temple.)

Aslan Akbey

  • Until we reach our goal, everyone who comes across us will perform this service with his death if he does not serve our purpose with his life.
  • We are masters of love for homeland.
  • A child grows up without a father, but cannot grow up without a mother.
  • Whoever betrays the place where he eats bread, finally eats a bullet from the same place.
  • Everything has time: to live, to love, even to die.

Süleyman Cakır

  • What a beautiful Istanbul!
  • The dead ones think that the living ones eat dessert every day.
  • If the servant has a plan, Allah also has a plan.
  • Either be a remedy for our troubles or be an edict for our murder.
  • Cup is already overflowed, but it will be a pity for the falling drop.
  • We started with blood, we will rule with blood.
  • I prefer the enemy like a lion rather than a friend like a jackal.
  • You cry one day for the dead, every day for the madman. (For his sister-in-law)
  • If a bully has a weak spot, he will have a great reputation but a short lifespan.
  • I don't want a hungry man with me, Ferman!
  • Is there a village beyond death?!
(Süleyman Çakır, on his way to where he will be shot.)

Polat Alemdar

  • I'm willing to live for you. What is death?
  • You meet your loved one, but you know that this is not the end of longing.
  • Every morning has an evening.
( To the police who said "I will crush you until morning.")
  • We did not beg to live and will not beg to die.
  • We have already taken the risk of dying, we are only thinking about who we will take with us.
  • We will not be able to see Heaven, Memati, let's deserve Hell.
  • You're my end, Elif.
  • My life is all a lie Elif. You are the only truth!
  • Living is not something worth begging for.

Ziya the Laz

  • Nobody can rest where I am not at peace.

Hüsrev Ağa

  • If a decree comes from Ankara, even if you become a sultan in Istanbul, your head will be cut.
  • Too full to want, too decent not to refuse.
  • The world is only one day, that day is today.
  • The wolf needs wisdom until the sun rises.
  • Every day innovation is a betrayal of my traditions.


  • We move people to places they cannot imagine. Until they start to dream of themselves.
(To Süleyman Çakır.)
  • This is the Sublime Porte. You run the world from here. The Janissaries are resting on the door, they want the head of the grand vizier. If you say no more to them, the head they will want is obvious.
(To Karahanlı, about Saw Necmi.)

Saw Necmi

  • This world; it is not the realm where people talk to each other, it is a realm where everyone silences each other!
  • I killed a woman, I became an enemy to everybody. I loved a woman, everyone turned against me.

Abuzer Kömürcü

  • Bad goods are sold on the street. Good goods are sold in the palace.
  • What are you looking at, dog! (For his son, Erdal the Maniac)
  • Don't laugh like a tired merzifon donkey.
  • I know what comes out of me, you infertile! (For his son)
  • My son, you are a dog, not a man!
  • A dog's friend is also a dog.


  • You can grow without a mother, but you can't grow up without a partner. (Mehmet Karahanlı)
  • You can't pick up flowers from heaven and plant in hell.
  • If the game meat is not eaten, the aim is to play the game.
  • Cup is already overflowed, but it will be a pity for the falling drop. (Süleyman Çakır)
  • I prefer the enemy like a lion rather than a friend like a jackal.
  • In the valley of the wolves, it is a law to eat who is dead! (Mehmet Karahanli)
  • I cannot live for my loved ones nor I can die for my country.
  • I'm willing to live for you. What is death?
  • He who plays with the fire burns his hand or himself.
  • We will not see heaven, Memati. Let's deserve the hell!
  • Freedom is an unknown escape.
  • Everyone is asking my mother; Nobody asks my father ... (İplikçi Nedim)
  • The person who thinks the end cannot be a hero.
  • People who don't know how to give birth are learning how to kill.