Kodomo no Omocha

Manga and anime franchise

Kodocha: Sana's Stage, known in Japan as Kodomo no Omocha (こどものおもちゃ, Child's toy), is a manga written and drawn by Miho Obana, helped periodically by her sister, Kaori Obana, originally run from August 1994 till November 1998 in a Japanese monthly manga magazine for low teenage girls Ribon.

The entire story goes around the protagonist Sana, a Japanese young girl and child actress and her troublesome classmate boy Akito. In the beginning of the story they go to a elementary school, and in the course of the story, they enroll a middle school (junior high) as well as other friends. The story includes social topics, disorder in schools, divorce of parents and climes conducted by young generation.

The manga was adapted into an OVA and later into an anime series. The anime version consists of 102 TV episodes, which aired in Japan weekly from April 5, 1996 to March 27, 1998. The first 52 episodes deal with the elementary school story arc and the remaining 50 episodes deal with the middle school story arc.

Kodocha was published in the United States in English by TOKYOPOP as Kodocha: Sana's Stage, although as of 2006, it is out of print. The anime was licensed for North American distribution by FUNimation and currently airs as part of the FUNimation programming block on CoLours TV.


Sana: Why did you kiss me?
Akito: I don't hate you.
Sana: What? You kiss people you don't hate?
Akito: ...
Sana: Do you hate my dog?
Akito: No...
Sana: Come on! Give him a kiss!

Sana: Whose side are you on anyway Tsuyoshi. Your always sticking up for Hayama?
Tsuyoshi: WellI want to help fix the things I don't like about Akito because I like him.
Sana: That's so gay! (Knocks him over and keeps running)
Tsuyoshi: No it's not like that I love a girl... I love you Sana
Random Girl:What a time for a love confession.
Sana: Too bad I've already got a pimp.
Hisae: What? You mean you were not kidding?
Aya: That's not important what about Mami?

Sana: (thinking) It's strange - Akito comforts me more than anyone. When did this happen...?
Akito: Sana?
Sana: Hm?
Akito: You don't wear a bra yet?

Sana: What's that on his side?
Natsumi: A birthmark - a big mole. I think it's kind of weird.
Sana: I don't. I have three of them in a straight line. Like Orion's belt.
Natsumi: Oh, really? Can I see?
Sana: He he, no way! Embarrassing...
Akito: On your butt, eh?
Akito: I was right...?
Sana: Don't tell anyone, OK? Only my mom is supposed to know that!
Akito: Big deal. Like anyone cares.
Mr. Hayama: *pops out of nowhere* What's up, kids?
Akito: She has three moles on -
Sana: SHUT UP!!

Sana: Hey, Akito, Tsuyoshi. If you stay in the water too long, your butt will melt.
Akito: ...
Tsuyoshi: Ha ha...
Akito: ...
Tsuyoshi: Hehe... your butt will melt...
Akito: (whack)

Naozumi: I know your secret!
Sana: I have no more secrets!
Naozumi: Oh, yeah? What about the moles on your behi-
Sana: WHAAA!?

Sana: Rei, I'm going shopping down the mountain with Asako, OK?
Rei: What?
Sana: Mr. Kinoshita's giving us a ride.
Rei: Sana, that's a four-hour round trip. I can take you shopping. What do you need?
Sana: Bras!
Rei: See ya.

Sana: Rei! We're back! Wanna see?
Rei and Asako: Sana, NO!!!
Sana: I'm just kidding! Like I'd really do that!
Ono Mikio: Let's get to work!
Sana: Hey, Naozumi, I got a bra!
Naozumi:You really didn't need to tell me...
Sana: But I'm excited! *holds up flag that says "FIRST BRA DAY"*
Naozumi: Sana... a girl isn't supposed to tell boys things like... *gets a strange look on his face*... they have a new bra... *bolts away, trumpet in mouth*
Sana: NAOZUMI!!! Where is he going??
Asako: Sana... you really embarrassed him. He's right, you know...
Rei: Naozumi... I feel for you.