Kikata Kingdom

kingdom in ancient India

Kīkaṭa was an ancient Indian kingdom in what is now India, mentioned in the Vedas.


  • Among the Kikatas what do thy cattle? They pour no milky draught, they heat no caldron.
    Bring thou to us the wealth of Pramaganda;give up to us, O Maghavan, the low-born.
    • Rigveda 3.53.14, Griffith tr.
  • Mandala III mentions Kīkaṭa in Bihar, the easternmost location named in the Rigveda. Witzel, naturally, finds such an eastern location difficult to swallow, and asserts that the Kīkaṭas are “still frequently misplaced in Magadha (McDonell and Keith, 1912, Schwartzberg, 1975) even though their territory is clearly described as being to the south of Kuruksetra, in eastern Rajasthan or western Madhya Pradesh, and Magadha is beyond the geographical horizon of the Rigveda.”... Here, incidentally, Witzel indulges not just in manipulation, but in outright misrepresentation: nowhere are the Kīkaṭas described, clearly or otherwise, as being to the south of Kuruksetra.
    • S Talageri, The Rigveda: A Historical Analysis (2000) Chapter 9 : Michael Witzel - An Examination of Western Vedic Scholarship
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