Keira Knightley

British actress

Keira Christina Knightley (born 26 March 1985) is an English actress.

People like to blame their insecurities on other people.


Jesus, if I know one thing about the industry, it's that it's a moment. A flash in the pan.
  • Prince William definitely isn't my type, he's too horsey-looking.
    • Interview for the Daily Mirror (August 2004)
  • There is definitely a fuck-you quality to the characters I choose.
    • Interview in Allure magazine (October 2007)
  • A lot of times in cinema today the women are overly sentimental, so I constantly try to do the opposite. I like strident women.
    • Interview in Allure magazine (October 2007)
  • I went from everyone saying, "She-can't-act-she-can't-act-she-can't-act," to an Oscar nomination. So there was something quite sublime about that!
    • On her role as Elizabeth Bennet in the 2005 film Pride and Prejudice, in Allure magazine (October 2007)
  • I haven't got a clue about how much I weigh. I do not own any scales. And I have noticed it creates an anger in people who are not skinny. People like to blame their insecurities on other people.
    • Interview in Allure magazine (October 2007)
  • Jesus, if I know one thing about the industry, it's that it's a moment. A flash in the pan. That's what's lovely about it. But it's hard, because one moment you're the hot thing, and the next moment — you're not. And there's no rhyme or reason for it.
    • Interview in Allure magazine (October 2007)
  • I think it's great that the discussions are finally being allowed to be had [about feminism], as opposed to anybody mentioning feminism and everybody going, 'Oh, fucking shut up.' Somehow, [feminism] became a dirty word. I thought it was really weird for a long time, and I think it's great that we're coming out of that
    • Interview in "Harper's Bazaar" magazine (February 2014)
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