Julia Willmott

Human rights activist

Julia Willmott was a British transgnder rights activist, who co-organised the 1974 conference Transvestism and Transsexuality in Modern Society.

Quotes edit

  • We hope, most fervently, that such better understanding may ultimately mean that the transvestite and the transsexual can walk freely abroad in Society, offending no-one, better understood by some, and, we hope, tolerated by all.

Quotes about June Willmott edit

  • For many who attended the conference it was a weekend of "firsts" - the first meeting with others of the same type, the first opportunity to be dressed outside one's own bedroom and for a whole day, the first meal in a public restaurant, the first time one could discuss the state with others and to find out what sort of people we were. And all of this we owed to June.