John F. MacArthur

American Reformed Baptist pastor, televangelist, and author (born 1939)

John Fullerton MacArthur Jr. (born 19 June 1939) is an American theologian and clergyman.

In Christ alone are the barriers and dividing walls between people groups broken down.


[N]o one is a victim. We are all perpetrators of open rebellion, scandalous, blasphemous sin against God. We are all rebels, we are all obstinate, we are all stubborn... From God’s viewpoint, no one is a victim.
  • You go to Japan. Japan had 250 missionary boards at one time, ministering in Japan. All kinds of Christian institutions, Christian ministries all over, and it is a totally Pagan culture. On the other hand, you go to China and you're going to find several hundred million Christians in a country where Christians were massacred. Why is that? Because that's a purifying process. Hypocrites all abandon religion; they're not going to be phony for something that costs them their life.




  • [P]eople who say, “I am an agnostic,” proudly. From the Greek, “one who doesn’t know.” They do, “I’m an agnostic.” You hear people say that. You know what the Latin word for “agnostic” is? Ignoramus. You hear anybody say, “I am an ignoramus”? Really?

Saved or Self-Deceived, Part 2 (2007)

"Saved or Self-Deceived, Part 2" (11 November 2007), Grace to You, California
  • You would be better off, frankly, to use the name of Jesus Christ or God in an occasional curse word than to live an ongoing, hypocritical life that blasphemes His name from beginning to end.
  • The sinner must feel far worse before he ever has a right to feel any better.


  • You hear people say, “Well, I’m an agnostic.” Really? You shouldn’t be proud to be an agnostic because the Latin equivalent is ignoramus. It’s the same word. I’ve never heard anybody say, “I’m personally an ignoramus.” But if you don’t know, you don’t know. That’s what an ignoramus is. If you have an open mind close it, would you please, before you destroy yourself. Close it.
  • I deplore racism and all the cruelty and strife it breeds. I am convinced the only long-term solution to every brand of ethnic animus is the gospel of Jesus Christ. In Christ alone are the barriers and dividing walls between people groups broken down, the enmity abolished, and differing cultures and ethnic groups bound together in one new people... It is a startling irony that believers from different ethnic groups, now one in Christ, have chosen to divide over ethnicity. They have a true spiritual unity in Christ, which they seem to disdain in favor of fleshly factions.
  • In God’s eyes – listen – no one is a victim. We are all perpetrators of open rebellion, scandalous, blasphemous sin against God. We are all rebels, we are all obstinate, we are all stubborn... Here we have the critical fundamental principle of the gospel; no one is a victim. From God’s viewpoint, no one is a victim.