Jim Biden

brother of U.S. President Joe Biden

James Brian "Jim" Biden (born in 1949) is the younger brother of Joe Biden.


  • Hunter , it is imperative you call me or your father. Your father is getting as am I barraged by Hallie. He has not responded I have not responded. We both agree with and trust you. She is spreading what you told me and I believe you !!!! Are lies. Once again we both need you side of the story so we can both shove it down her fucking throat !!!! I implore you to call.
    Please I/ we are on you side. I believe you , this is nothing short of character assassination. Love, U Jim .
  • When does your plane arrive, I'll pick you up. Please send info!!! I love you pal. Just between your dad/ me / you.
    • 11 August 2018 text to Hunter (received "7AM" reply)


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