Jerry Della Femina

American advertising executive

Jerry Della Femina (born 1936 in Brooklyn) is an American advertising executive and restaurateur.


  • Everybody sat around thinking about Panasonic, the Japanese electronics account. Finally I decided, what the hell, I'll throw a line to loosen them up. "The headline is, the headline is: From Those Wonderful Folks Who Gave You Pearl Harbor."
    • From Those Wonderful Folks Who Gave You Pearl Harbor (1970), Introduction
  • I had a special project to do a campaign for a Philadelphia politician named Arlen Spector (sic). “When do I get to see Arlen Spector?” I asked. “You don’t.” Spector was a district attorney in Philadelphia, running for mayor. He wanted New York advertising but he had placed through a Philadelphia agency. I complained about not being able to see Arlen Spector. “Are you crazy?” his people said. “Nobody gets to meet Arlen Spector. We can’t even see him.” “All right,” I said, “what’s Arlen Spector for?” “Arlen Spector is for getting elected.” “All right,” I said, “what’s Arlen Spector against?” “Arlen Spector is against losing.” I did the campaign, but Arlen Spector lost.
    • From Those Wonderful Folks Who Gave You Pearl Harbor (1970), chap. 13.
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