Jehan Bretel

French trouvère

Jehan Bretel (c. 1210 – 1272) was a trouvère who wrote eight known chansons courtoises.


  • Who is more fortunate, he who is clever enough to deceive his mistress, or he who is deceived by her without knowing it?
    • Question from a tenso or jeu-parti, addressed to Jehan de Grieviler. Other rhetorical questions from this genre include "Is a lover better off if he is deaf, or blind?" and "Is the chance of a big inheritance worth sacrificing for a fine dish of peas and bacon?" Quoted by Henry Prunières, A New History of Music, translated by Edward Lockspeiser (New York: Macmillan, 1943), p. 38, from Jean Beck, La Musique des Troubadours (1908)
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