James Howell

Anglo-Welsh historian and writer

James Howell (c.1594 – 1666) was a Welsh author, diplomat and scholar.

James Howell


  • He that hath once got the fame of an early riser, may sleep till noon.[1]

English Proverbs (1659)

  • Burn not thy fingers to snuff another man's candle.
  • He that hath eaten a bear-pie, will always smell of the garden.
  • A hungry man is an angry man.
  • To have gold brings fear; to have none brings grief.
  • All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Lexicon Tetraglotton (1660)

  • Owe money at Easter and Lent will seem short to thee.
  • Words and works eat not at one table.
  • The Devil turns his back to a door that is shut.
  • Happy is he that grows wise by other men's harms.
  • God consents but not always.
  • Neither go to a wedding nor a christening unbid.
  • Affection is blind reason.
  • To whom thy secret thou dost tell, to him thy freedom thou dost sell.
  • There's fence against all things except death.
  • He falls in the pit he digs for others.
  • Sometimes an ill favored bitch gnaws a good chord.
  • The wealth of a churchman God gives it, and the Devil takes it away.
  • Appetite is better than surfeit.

Instructions for Forraine Travel(1642, 1650)

  • He will bless God, and love England ever after

( upon a travelling man's return from overseas to England )

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  1. Epistolae Ho-Elianae. 1655 Edition. Retrieved on 20 September 2016.