Jackboots on Whitehall

Jackboots on Whitehall is a 2010 British supermarionation about a satirical alternative history of World War II where the Nazis seize London and England must band together to prevent a full-on invasion.

Directed and written by The McHenry Brothers.
The smallest epic film you'll ever see! taglines


  • My dear countrymen, dear friends. Never in the field of human conflict, was so buggered up by so few for so many!


  • Brave men of the Punjab, we are the last of the remaining Empire, the only soldiers England has left. Their army has surrendered, helpless, on the shores of Dunkirk. So now this honor has been bestowed on us - us, the men of the Raj. And when the time comes we will all do our duty for England and protect Churchill Sahib at all costs!


  • Have you forgotten what being English means? It means being free. I might just be a simple farm boy, but at least I'm a free simple farm boy. What does freedom mean to you? Freedom to grow your own crops and graze livestock. Think what they'll do to your farms. Your cows, Farmer Grey. Your pigs, Mr and Mrs Sparrow. Think what will happen to your FANY, Matron Rutty. Join me... so that in future years you can proudly say, "I fought for England!" Now who is with me?


Himmler: So, you still can't find a way into England, Goering?
Hermann Goering: Nein. I have tried everything.Zis endless fog over the Englander Channel has prevented all of our plans for invading England.
Himmler: Well, now that the whole of ze Englander army is stuck in France and ze RAF is annihilated!
Hermann Goering AND Goebbels: [Singing] Ah-da, da-da, da-da!
Himmler: Ze Fuhrer has an ingenious plan of attack.
Hermann Goering: Oh, what is it, Herr Himmler? I have tried every possible means of attacking zat little island.
Himmler: He wants us to dig under ze Englander Channel right into ze heart of London, capture Herr Winston Churchill from Downing Street, zen lock him in a cage!
Hermann Goering: Ooh, what a beautiful plan, mein Fuhrer. Did you hear that, Goebbels, darling? We will be summering in London!
Goebbels: Oh, joyous joy!
Himmler: Oh-ho! Not even the Englander weather can prevent us now!

The Vicar: I'm waiting for you, you son of a Nazi whore!
Daisy: Father!
The Vicar: Come and fight me! My God against yours!
Monty: Sorry, sir, he must have found his way back to the bottle.
Churchill: Good man.
The Vicar: Sausage eating wankers! [Echoing]
Churchill: Let us take example from the Church... double the ale ration!

Chris: We need your help, and your lethal weapons!
Braveheart: Would that be lethal weapon 1, 2, 3 or 4?


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