Jack Mapanje

Malawian poet

Jack Mapanje (born 1944) is a Malawian writer and poet. He was the former head of English at the University of Malawi, and is currently a senior lecturer in English at Newcastle University.



The Chattering Wagtails of Mikuyu Prison (1993)

  • The crime is how we deliberately keep out of touch,
    Pretending it has nothing to do with us...

    How familiar the metaphors, we think, suspecting our
    House servants of having killed & eaten our pet cats!

    At the University, expatriate lecturers gesticulate,
    Finger the leaves of Marx to a batch of yawning students,
    Nervously trying to define something or other...

    Colonies of storks in flamboyant trees look down on
    The valley dust and the last of the sweet bananas.
    • "When the Shire Valley Dries Up Patiently"
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