Jack LaLanne

American exercise instructor (1914–2011)
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Francois Henri "Jack" LaLanne (September 26, 1914January 23, 2011) was an American fitness, exercise and nutritional expert. He described himself as being a "sugarholic" and a "junk food junkie" until he was 15 years old. He also had behavioral problems, but "turned his life around" after listening to a public lecture by Paul Bragg, a well-known nutrition speaker. During his career, he came to believe that the country's overall health depended on the health of its population, writing that "physical culture and nutrition — is the salvation of America".

Anything in life is possible and YOU make it happen.
It would wreck my image.
Robert Kennedy:Jack from whom the term “Jumping jack” and description of a muscular person as “jacked” are both derived, is well known for his birthday feats
I can’t die, [he most famously liked to say]. It would ruin my image.
Robert Kennedy:He was the first to have women work out with weights - a radical idea.
...they said that working out with weights would give people heart attacks and they would lose their sex drive.
Robert Kennedy:At age 70 the guy towed 70 boats carrying 70 people across the Long Beach harbor, with both arms and feet shackled.


  • I was the worst, most sickly kid of all – 30 pounds underweight. The girls used to beat me up. Actually I was a mean kid, early on because I had no self-esteem.
    • In "Live Young Forever: 12 Steps to Optimum Health, Fitness and Longevity", p. 10
  • That's what I wanted! I wanted to be an athlete, I wanted the girls to like me, and I wanted to be able to get good grades in school, and this man said I could do all that.
    • In "Jack LaLanne dies at 96; spiritual father of U.S. fitness movement, LosAngeles Times"
  • I was a whole new human being, he said of this transformation. I liked people, they liked me. It was like an exorcism, kicking the devil outta me!
    • In "Jack LaLanne dies at 96; spiritual father of U.S. fitness movement, LosAngeles Times"
  • When I first started out, I was considered a crackpot, [he said]. The doctors used to say, 'Don't go to that Jack LaLanne, you'll get hemorrhoids, you won't get an erection, you women will look like men, you athletes will get muscle-bound — this is what I had to go through.
    • In "Jack LaLanne dies at 96; spiritual father of U.S. fitness movement, LosAngeles Times"
  • My show was so personal, I made it feel like you and I were the only ones there. And I’d say: Boys and girls, come here. Uncle Jack wants to tell you something. You go get Mother or Daddy, Grandmother, Grandfather, whoever is in the house. You go get them, and you make sure they exercise with me.
    • In "Jack LaLanne, Founder of Modern Fitness Movement, Dies at 96, New York Times."
  • There is no fountain for youth. What you put in your body is what you get out of it. You would not feed your dog a coffee and doughnut for breakfast followed by a cigarette you will kill the damn dog.
    • In "Live Young Forever: 12 Steps to Optimum Health, Fitness and Longevity", p. 10
  • God gives us the power to act for ourselves, but let me tell you something. At five in the morning I have never heard this [he says mimicking a knock on the door]. Hello Jack, this is Jesus. I will work out today.
    • In "Live Young Forever: 12 Steps to Optimum Health, Fitness and Longevity", pp.10-11
  • The crusade is never off my mind — the exercise I do, the food I eat, the thought I think — all this and how I can help make my profession better-respected. To me, this one thing — physical culture and nutrition — is the salvation of America.
    • In "Jack LaLanne dies at 96; spiritual father of U.S. fitness movement, LosAngeles Times"
  • I care more than — you cannot believe how much I care! I want to help somebody!
    • In "Jack LaLanne dies at 96; spiritual father of U.S. fitness movement, LosAngeles Times"
  • Jesus, when he was on Earth, he was out there helping people, right? Why did he perform those miracles? To call attention to his profession. Why do you think I do these incredible feats? To call attention to my profession!
    • In "Jack LaLanne dies at 96; spiritual father of U.S. fitness movement, LosAngeles Times"
  • Mr. LaLanne said he performed his exercises until he experienced “muscle fatigue,” lifting weights until it was impossible for him to continue. It produced results and, as he put it, “the ego in me” made the effort worthwhile.
    • In "Jack LaLanne, Founder of Modern Fitness Movement, Dies at 96, New York Times."
  • It tasted terrible, so I mixed it with prune juice and fruits. Nobody thought about it until then. We made the guy a millionaire.
    • On Yami Yoghurt which he sponsored quoted in "Jack LaLanne, Founder of Modern Fitness Movement, Dies at 96, New York Times."
  • I can’t die, [he most famously liked to say]. It would ruin my image.
    • In "Jack LaLanne, Founder of Modern Fitness Movement, Dies at 96, New York Times."
  • Anything in life is possible and YOU make it happen!
    • Jack LaLanne: Live young forever, Robert Kennedy Publishing, Mississauga 2009, P. 15
    • LaLanne's reply when asked for the best advice he'd ever received, reported in the Denver Post (28 December 2003)
  • I hate to work out. [...] I’d rather take a beating. To leave a hot bed and a hot woman to go into a cold gym at five in the morning—that takes discipline. But I like the results. Results, results, results.

About Jack LaLanne

  • When he was 15, his distressed mother dragged him to a lecture on healthful living being given by nutritionist Paul Bragg.
    • In "Jack LaLanne dies at 96; spiritual father of U.S. fitness movement, Los Angeles Times"
  • But Bragg offered salvation to LaLanne: He could be "born again" and be the healthful and strong person he wanted to be — if he changed his ways.
    • In "Jack LaLanne dies at 96; spiritual father of U.S. fitness movement, Los Angeles Times"
  • At 21 years of age Jack developed the first models of exercise equipment, and these are standards in gyms today.
    • Robert Kennedy, in "Live Young Forever: 12 Steps to Optimum Health, Fitness and Longevity", p. 9
  • He was the first to have women work out with weights - a radical idea.
    • Robert Kennedy, in "Live Young Forever: 12 Steps to Optimum Health, Fitness and Longevity", p. 9
  • He also encouraged the disabled and elderly to exercise for health, a bizarre concept at the time.
    • Robert Kennedy, in "Live Young Forever: 12 Steps to Optimum Health, Fitness and Longevity", p. 9
  • Jack from whom the term “Jumping jack” and description of a muscular person as “jacked” are both derived, is well known for his birthday feats.
    • Robert Kennedy, in "Live Young Forever: 12 Steps to Optimum Health, Fitness and Longevity", p. 10
  • At age 70 the guy towed 70 boats carrying 70 people across the Long Beach harbor, with both arms and feet shackled.
    • Robert Kennedy, in "Live Young Forever: 12 Steps to Optimum Health, Fitness and Longevity", p. 10
  • If men are from Mars and women from Venus, what planet did Jack come from? Jack insists he is from planet earth.
    • Diana Cyr, in "Live Young Forever: 12 Steps to Optimum Health, Fitness and Longevity", p. 10
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