
Nigerian sex therapist

Hauwa Saidu Mohammed (born 26 October 1993), known as Jaaruma, is a Nigerian self-proclaimed sex therapist, entrepreneur and founder of Jaaruma Empire Limited.


  • Beauty does not keep a man, relationship or marriage only respect and honour from both sides keep a marriage
    • [1] Jaaruma shares that she kneels to serve her husband.
  • Ugly face with sweet genital, upgraded one and Jaarumatized one too can help your relationship and marriage. If you get divorced three times and marry three times, that's your fault
    • [2] Jaaruma shares what can help relationships
  • It is really painful when men have to classify all women as dependent, it is a slap on the faces of independent women which is not fair.
  • Earn it yourself so that nobody will say they gave you anything
  • Never look down on any hustle.
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