Iraqi legislative election, 2005


Two sets of legislative elections were held in the country of Iraq in 2005, in the months of January and December. The first was to draft the Iraqi Constitution, and the second to elect the first assembly under that constitution.


  • These elections mark an important step in the political reconstruction of Iraq. The strategy of terrorist groups has partly failed.
  • [An] historic event for the Iraqi people because it is undoubtedly a step toward democratization of the country.
  • In an impressive range of mainly Shiite and Kurdish cities, a long silenced majority of ordinary Iraqis defied threats of deadly mayhem to cast votes for a new, and hopefully democratic, political order. That is a message that all but the most nihilistic of the armed insurgents will have to accept.
  • So Iraq would appear the most infertile soil for democracy - except for one factor. The people want it. Yesterday, large numbers of them risked their lives to vote and in many cases they had to spend hours queuing; hours as potential targets. In so doing, they were not just making a political statement. They were making a moral statement. That should be a compelling argument even to those who oppose the war. It should be a conclusive argument to everyone who is in favour of peace.
  • What we were observing in Iraq on Sunday, as well as preparations preceding the elections, is very far from what true elections are. And even though I am a supporter of elections and of the transfer of power to the people of Iraq, these elections were fake. ... I don't think these elections will be of any use. They may even have a negative impact on the country. Democracy cannot be imposed or strengthened with guns and tanks.