India Willoughby

English newsreader, broadcaster and journalist

India Scarlett Willoughby (born 2 September 1965) is an English newsreader, broadcaster, journalist and reality television personality. She is Britain's first transgender national television newsreader and the first transgender co-host of an all-women talk show, Loose Women on ITV.


  • I'm old enough to remember the 1970s and, basically, the UK trans community is treated like the IRA. To the BBC in particular, I'm the equivalent of Gerry Adams minus the beard. The enemy. Only allowed on if it's a "trans on trial" segment. Unable to participate on other subjects or, God forbid, be seen having a laugh.

About India Willoughby

  • [Referring to her earlier interview with Willoughby on Woman's Hour (BBC Radio 4)] India held firmly to her belief that she was a "real woman", ignoring the fact that she had spent all of her life before her transition enjoying the privileged position in our society generally accorded to a man. In a discussion about the Dorchester hotel's demands that its female staff should always wear make-up, have a manicure and wear stockings over shaved legs, she was perfectly happy to go along with such requirements. There wasn't a hint of understanding that she was simply playing into the stereotype — a man’s idea of what a woman should be.
  • Upon ejection she went straight to the TV studios. "Rachel Johnson was the architect of my demise!" she announced. I'd asked to touch her tits, she went on, and refused to share a dormitory with her, but my biggest crime by far was "misgendering" her repeatedly "within an hour" of us lab rats entering our CCTV cage.
    Which was curious because I hadn't done any of that.
    I decided not to rise to the bait, plus she'd blocked me on Twitter. But as I said, no biggie.
  • At this point I might remind readers Willoughby has fathered children, and the Oxford English definition of a male is "the sex that can beget but not bear offspring".
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