House of Mystery (1934 film)

1934 film by William Nigh

House of Mystery is a 1934 film about an old dark mansion haunted by an ancient curse and a killer ape.

Directed by William Nigh. Written by Albert DeMond, based on the play The Ape.
What Was This Phantom Murderer? What Was This Midnight Menace? And Why Did Its Victims Die A Horrible Death?

Dialogue edit

Prof. Horatio Potter: I shan't be able to go my dear. I must be at the museum. They're going to unwrap the mummy of Ramses the Fourth.
Mrs. Hyacinth Potter: Listen, you worm: you'll be at Mr. Pren's house tomorrow night and forget all about Ramses the Fourth or I'll make a mummy out of Potter the First!

Taglines edit

  • Out of the Mystic Temples of Old India crept this terrible Monster ... to wreak vengeance of the Hindu Gods ... One by one its victims fell with not a trace of the bloody assassin.
  • It Struck From The Tomb!
  • What Was This Phantom Murderer? What Was This Midnight Menace? And Why Did Its Victims Die A Horrible Death?

Cast edit

External links edit
