
1986 film by David Anspaugh

Hoosiers is a 1986 film about a volatile coach and a former star player-turned alcoholic leading a small-town basketball team on an improbable run to the Indiana high school championship game. The film is loosely based on the story of the 1954 Indiana state champions, Milan High School.

Directed by David Anspaugh and written by Angelo Pizzo.
They needed a second chance to finish first.

Coach Norman Dale

  • [to Jimmy Chitwood] You know, in the ten years that I coached, I never met anybody who wanted to win as badly as I did. I'd do anything I had to do to increase my advantage. Anybody who tried to block the pursuit of that advantage, I'd just push 'em out of the way. Didn't matter who they were, or what they were doing. But that was then. You have special talent, a gift. Not the school's, not the townspeople, not the team's, not Myra Fleener's, not mine. It's yours, to do with what you choose. Because that's what I believe, I can tell you this: I don't care if you play on the team or not.
  • I would hope you would support who we are. Not, who we are not. These six individuals have made a choice to work, a choice to sacrifice, to put themselves on the line 23 nights for the next 4 months, to represent you, this high school. That kind of commitment and effort deserves and demands your respect. This is your team.
  • Five players on the floor functioning as one single unit: team, team, team - no one more important than the other.
  • Stick with your man. Think of him as chewing gum. By the end of the game, I want you to know what flavor he is.
  • There's a, uhm, tradition in tournament play to not talk about the next step until you've climbed the one in front of you. I'm sure going to the State finals is beyond your wildest dreams, so let's just keep it right there. Forget about the crowds, the size of the school, their fancy uniforms, and remember what got you here. Focus on the fundamentals that we've gone over time and time again. And most important, don't get caught up thinking about winning or losing this game. If you put your effort and concentration into playing to your potential, to be the best that you can be, I don't care what the scoreboard says at the end of the game. In my book, we're gonna be winners! OK?!

Opal Fleener

  • [to Coach Dale] Sun don't shine on the same dog's ass every day, but, mister you ain't seen a ray of light since you got here.


Coach Dale: You know, if everyone is as nice as you, country hospitality is gonna get an awful name.
Myra Fleener: What a pleasant thing to say.

Coach Dale: First of all, let's be real friendly here, okay? My name is Norm. Secondly, your coaching days are over.
George: Look, mister, there's... two kinds of dumb, uh... guy that gets naked and runs out in the snow and barks at the moon, and, uh, guy who does the same thing in my living room. First one don't matter, the second one you're kinda forced to deal with.
Coach Dale: Translate. That some sort of threat?
George: I don't know why Cletus drug your tired old bones in here, he musta owed you somethin' fierce. Fact is, mister, you start screwin' up this team, I'll personally hide-strap your ass to a pine rail and send you up the Monon Line!
[George angrily turns and storms out of the gym]
Coach Dale: Leave the ball, will you, George? [to himself] OK, let's see what kind of hand I've been dealt.

[Strap is continuing his prayer as the team gets ready to leave the locker room]
Coach Dale: Strap? [to Rade] How long is he going to go on like this?
Rade Butcher: I don't know. He'll come when he's ready, not before.
Coach Dale: Hopefully that'll be sometime before tip-off.

Coach Dale: [as Rade gets up to check in the first game after Merle fouls out, even though Coach Dale has benched him] Where are you going? [Rade, puzzled, looks at him] Sit down.
Rade Butcher: You gotta have five out there!
Coach Dale: Sit... down.
Referee: You need one more, coach.
Coach Dale: My team is on the floor.

Myra Fleener: [about Jimmy] Leave him alone, all right? He's a real special kid and, and I have high hopes for him and... I think if he works really hard, he can get an academic scholarship to Wabash College and can get out of this place.
Coach Dale: Why, do you have something against this place?
Myra Fleener: A man your age comes to a place like this, either he's running away from something or he has nowhere else to go.
Coach Dale: What I'm doing here has nothing to do with you.
Myra Fleener: Just stay away from Jimmy. I don't want him coaching in Hickory when he's fifty.

Myra Fleener: [about Jimmy Chitwood] You know, a basketball hero around here is treated like a god, er, uh, how can he ever find out what he can really do? I don't want this to be the high point of his life. I've seen them, the real sad ones. They sit around the rest of their lives talking about the glory days when they were seventeen years old.
Coach Dale: You know, most people would kill... to be treated like a god, just for a few moments.

Rollin: [as Jimmy walks in on the town meeting that determines Coach Dale's fate] What can I do for you, Jimmy?
Jimmy Chitwood: I got something to say.
Rollin: All right, you better say what you've got to say.
Jimmy Chitwood: [Crowd buzzes] I don't know if it'll make any change, but I figured it's time for me to start playing ball. [Crowd cheers.]
George: [above crowd noise, pointing to Dale] I told you, once we got rid of him!
Jimmy Chitwood: But, there's just one thing... I play, Coach stays. He goes, I go. [Crowd gasps.]
George: Uhhh, the coach is ... dismissed by a vote of 68 to 45...
Opal Fleener: [jumping to her feet] I think we should vote again!
Rollin: All those in favor of the coach staying, say 'Aye' [majority of crowd says 'Aye'] all opposed... [a handful say 'nay', tears up George's tally sheet with a grin] ...Coach stays! [George shakes head; Norman is swarmed by well-wishers]

Everett Flatch: [Shooter is coaching the team at a critical moment after Coach Dale was ejected] You think number four is gonna take their last shot, Dad?
Wilbur 'Shooter' Flatch: [Nervously] Yeah, probably... they been pickin' low all night. [Straightens up; he has the answer] Rade, let yourself get taken out! [Rade looks at Shooter, astonished.] Uh, Buddy, you drop down and take his place! [Buddy nods] Close that lane! [team breaks huddle]
[Buddy Walker steals the ball as he predicted]
Wilbur 'Shooter' Flatch: Time! Time! [Brisk and confident] C'mon in, c'mon in. Alright, now listen to me. This is the last shot that we got! Alright? We're gonna run the picket fence at 'em! Merle, you're the swingman, Jimmy, you're solo right! Everett, Merle should be open swinging around the the end of that fence! Now, boys, don't get caught watchin' the paint dry!


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