Honey and Spice is a novel by Bolu Babalola. The novel centers around Kiki and Malakai. Kiki Banjo is the host of the popular student radio show Brown Sugar while Malakai Korede is a player who gets into a fake relationship to salvage their reputations and save their futures.


  • The smile he gave her was mainstream, pop, radio-friendly. The smile he’d given me was the single released after an artist had established themselves, found their voice, could speak directly to their target audience. The smile he’d given me had more R&B to it.
  • It was the kind of lovemaking that has you feeling more beautiful the next day; walking smugly with a sway, hips swishing, with a nimbus of power and joy around you.
  • They enjoyed the glamour but not the gore, not knowing that the gore was what gave the glamour its gleam.
  • Can we start the show?” I smiled into the mic and adjusted the headphones on my ears, slid a knob on the mixing desk down, and switched to a soft neo-soul instrumental, turning it down low.
  • Aren’t you tired of mandem using your hearts for sport? I ask this now because I heard there’s a new player in town. And I won’t lie, he’s kind of cute too. A snack. A beverage. But you guys know that too much coffee is bad for you, right?
  • Wastemen are aptly called so because they waste our time. Waste our energy. On purpose. They sell us dreams and then take them away, so we end up chasing them as if it was ever a reality.
  • He wasn't my type. At all. And yet there was something about him that made me want to be his type.
  • Love is not about finding someone to live with, it's about finding someone you can't imagine living without
  • You never really know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice.