Historiography of early Islam

Islamic history and it's validity

The historiography of early Islam is the secular scholarly literature on the early history of Islam during the 7th century, from Muhammad's first purported revelations in 610 until the disintegration of the Rashidun Caliphate in 661, and arguably throughout the 8th century and the duration of the Umayyad Caliphate, terminating in the incipient Islamic Golden Age around the beginning of the 9th century.


  • As far as the historiography of early Islam is concerned, the burden of proof has shifted decisively: what was once effortlessly assumed is now painstakingly documented. In fact, much of what was radical in the 1970s and early 1980s is now middle-of-the road...
    • Islamic Cultures, Islamic Contexts: Essays in Honor of Professor Patricia Crone, p. 612.

See also
