Hermann Friedrich Kohlbrügge

Dutch minister

Hermann Friedrich Kohlbrügge (August 15, 1803 - March 5, 1875) was a Dutch minister.

Every thing that is around us strives to draw us away from the true faith.



Sermons on the First Epistle of Peter (1855)

  • Compared with the rest of mankind, these believers were small in number and in power; here, might be but a single individual, there, two or three; here, might be found ten persons, and there some seventy or a hundred. In their manner of life and of thought, as well as in their worship, they were too different from other men to admit of their uniting with them, or walking after their ways. And because they could not walk as others walked, they were constantly misunderstood, and were exposed to all manner of suffering.
    • pp. 1-2
  • Let each of us hear this letter with the conviction that it is addressed especially to him; let him say in his heart, All this is for me.
    • p. 3
  • His walk and conversation will then be very different from his former course of life, when he willingly served sin and Satan, indulged his evil desires, and walked after the course of this world.
    • p. 6
  • They are separated from the mass, set apart that they may be a peculiar people to the Lord.
    • p. 7
  • We are chosen “according to the foreknowledge of God the Father,-through sanctification of the Spirit;” and this sanctification, it is a comfort to know, is a sanctification we may safely confide in; because it is widely different from the self-sanctification, the fleshly holiness, or wilful separation, to which “he that runneth,” and “he that willeth,” addicts himself, in order that the idol self may be magnified and worshipped.
    • p. 7
  • The world and the devil fight against us believers, because we will not wear their mask of hypocrisy, under which gross wickedness may be committed.
    • p. 7
  • We reject the pharisaical sanctity, which is but a covering of shame, under which sin has free play.
    • p. 7
  • Every thing that is around us strives to draw us away from the true faith.
    • p. 9
  • In their enmity to the truth, they set up another religion, an idol-worship, wherein the creature, with its works and its fleshly righteousness, has something to boast of. This they do in order to render vain the work of Christ, and to destroy the work of the Spirit. They do it also that they may have a wide mantle under which to cloak their crimes.
    • p. 9
  • This, then, is the obedience of faith, whereunto the Holy Ghost sanctifies us, that we should not give ear to the doctrine taught by the world, which is a doctrine of self-righteousness, and that we should keep ourselves altogether “unspotted from the world,” in our daily walk and conversation, and that we join not with the world in any thing that denies God and Christ, be it what it may.
    • p. 11 (quote from James 1:27)