09:47, 27 June 2005 User:Mormegilm (links to Wikipedia need the w: prefix)
07:50, 22 June 2005 User:Patrick (Note that in some sans-serif fonts I (capital-i) and l (lowercase-L) are exactly the same, e.g. in Arial: <FONT FACE="Arial">I</FONT> and <FONT FACE="Arial">l</FONT>. If your user username contains on)
18:53, 17 June 2005 User:IMSoP (→What if I forget the password? - add a quick answer, since the question's here)
04:10, 4 June 2005 User:Sesquiannual (php.ini session.save_path issues)
05:08, 19 May 2005 User: (→how to force logging in for viewing)
16:04, 14 May 2005 User:Patrick (Some Mediawiki projects form a family in the sense that one logs in into the family as a whole, and that common preference settngs apply. Notably this is the case for the more than 300 projects of [[W)
07:01, 23 September 2004 User:AaronPetersonm ({{handbook sidebar|reader toc}})
21:34, 15 September 2004 User:Patrick (Logging in not required for viewing pages, and not even for editing them. However, it provides additional features, and in general projects recommend it.)
21:30, 15 September 2004 User:Patrickm (→Logging in (not required, but recommended))
21:30, 15 September 2004 User:Patrick (Logging in and setting preferences are currently done separately on each wiki. However, see Single signon transition.)
09:49, 30 August 2004 User:Patrick (→How to log in - (for plans of changing this see Single login))
23:59, 25 September 2003 User:Patrick (==Logging in (not required, but recommended)==)
23:49, 25 September 2003 User:Patrick (what logging in is)
09:24, 23 September 2003 User:Patrick (rm confusing link to logging in in meta, while logging in in any wiki is explained.)
09:23, 23 September 2003 User:Patrick (Go to the wiki for which you want to log in.)
09:14, 23 September 2003 User:Patrick (Logging in and setting preferences are done separately on each wiki. You may find it convenient for yourself and useful for maintaining a cross-wiki identity to use the same username on each wiki that)