5th Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt (c. 1479 BC - 1458 BC)
Hatsehpsut (c. 1504 BC – 1458 BC), 18th dynasty Pharaoh; one of the first female heads of state in history.

editDjeser-Djeseru inscriptions
edit- Inscriptions at Djeser-Djeseru, as quoted in Ancient Records of Egypt: Historical Documents from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest (1906) by James Henry Breasted
- Hear ye, all persons! Ye people as many as ye are! I have done things according to the design of my heart. … I have restored that which was in ruins, I have raised up that which was unfinished since the Asiatics were in the midst of the Northland, and the barbarians were in the midst of them, overthrowing that which was made, while they ruled in ignorance of Re. He did not do according to the divine command until my majesty. When I was firm upon the throne of Re, I was ennobled until the two periods of years...I came as Hor-watit flaming against my enemies.
- Hor-watit signifies "the only Horus