Haltlose personality disorder

proposed personality disorder

Haltlose personality disorder, also termed Unstable Psychopathy, is a disorder that involves short-sighted selfishness, irresponsible hedonism and an inability to anchor oneself to a future or past.


"My death, praise I unto you, the voluntary death, which cometh unto me because I want it."

—A quote from Thus Spake Zarathustra which Dr. Weichbrodt warned in 1923 could lead Haltlose patients to attempt suicide due to their suggestibility[1]

  • "Even a man of God naturally encounters...those whose minds live in other, very distant, realms. Privately I would call them dangerous lunatics and haltlose psychopaths. Thanks to w:de-institutionalization and open cellphone networks, all of these troubled people can be found uncontrolled out on the street, and when it is summer they are naked or as near to it as possible...one cannot avoid appreciating other cultures in which there is a strict requirement of veiling."|Fr. Michael Hass, 2009.[2]
  • It is not possible to send Wolf as an apprentice...he would end up in prison if I let him go into the world, with his lack of morality, and that is something I cannot do.", Max Scheler, speaking about his Haltlose son who eventually died in a concentration camp.[3]
  • "Such people involuntarily evoke sympathy and a desire to help them, but the assistance rendered to them rarely lasts, so it is worth abandoning such people for a short while as they have already lost everything, spent everything on alcohol, lost at cards, got into some major scandal, contracted a venereal disease, etc., etc. Only in conditions of constant tutelage, in an organized environment, under the pressure of a harsh lifestyle or in the hands of a person with a strong will, who does not take him out of sight, can this kind of psychopath exist safely and be a useful member of society.", Pyotr Gannushkin[4]
  • "The essence of these people...playthings of external influences, allowing themselves to be carried away by events like a leaf in the wind! ...Impermanence is everything. In one hour, they are happy and excited with the whole world lying open for them in the splendor of the joy of life, but the next hour casts aside this optimism and the future now seems bleak, gray on gray...sympathies and antipathies quickly replace each other, what was worshipped yesterday is burned today, and despite all oaths of eternal loyalty, the best friend is transformed into the deeply-loathed enemy overnight.", Dr. L. Scholz, Anomale Kinder, Berlin. 1919[5]
  • [When] convinced of unseemly cases, of committing crimes, such persons [with haltlose personality disorder] transfer their guilt to others, without revealing any shame or embarrassment [and] are prone to pseudology; their lies are rather naive, poorly thought out, implausible, which absolutely does not bother them.
    A group of hysterical psychopathic personalities is characterized[6]
  • "The Haltlos occurs mainly in young people after leaving school and even later, whereas we encounter it less often in children. This is not because the characteristics that cause the abnormal behavior in the later years of adolescence were not already present in childhood - but we do not yet ask the child to behave independently in life. By a child's nature, it is unstable to a certain extent, and even under normal circumstances will require the support of adults and protection from outside influences. Thus, only when the child reaches the age at which we demand a certain degree of independence and volitional decisions does the defect clearly emerge.", Dr. Franz Kramer, 1927[7]
  • "Whomever is abandoned in youth to the inexorable misery of existence, and at the same time is exposed to all manner of seductions, will find it very difficult to curb their constantly incited desires, and to instead force themselves through to the lofty vantage of moral self-assertion.", Kraepelin speaking about the Haltlose, 1915[8]
  • "Mistakes cannot be fully avoided when placing children under care. even an experienced specialist often cannot distinguish between a blossoming hebephrenia and a Gemutlose or Haltlose personality disorder. Even with weeks of institutional observation, the certainty of our diagnostic aids can remain doubtful...under certain circumstances a doctor will advise medical care even at the risk of learning the patient cannot improve as a result of mental illness and will end up in a madhouse.", Kurt Schneider[9]
  • The most disturbing aspect of this patient’s life was his complete selfish, hedonistic, irresponsible, drifting, and aimless lifestyle, along with a complete lack of hold on life or on his self. His life history led us to study the fascinating concept of Bleuler’s haltlose personality disorder, which came naturally as a comorbid diagnosis.|Dr. Gama Marques[10]
  • [The Unstable Psychopath] will distinguish [them]self by the glibness and insincerity of [their] protestations...[they] blame [them]self not at all and only hope to be extracted from [their] difficulties in order to continue as before on much the same path. However superficial their affects, personalities of this type often show an apparent warmth...permit[ting] them to impose on their friends and relatives to an almost unbelievable extent.", Roth and Slater[11]
  • "[Patients resembling Haltlose] as a rule show little insight into the peculiarities of their conduct. They do not understand how they could have done these things, or they blame their relatives, neighbors and so forth".
    -Dr. Herman Morris Adler, 1917[12]


  1. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named cox
  2. Evolver, Editorial: Blanke Schande, July 2, 2009
  3. Cutting, John. History of Psychiatry, "Max Scheler’s influence on Kurt Schneider", 2016. Pg 5
  4. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named pete
  5. Scholz, Dr. L. with Dr. Adalbert Gregor, "Anomale Kinder, Berlin. 1919. Page 157-159
  6. A group of hysterical psychopathic personalities is characterized, also original in Russian and further translation in Portuguese
  7. Kramer, F. (1927). "Haltlose Psychopathen". Bericht über die vierte Tagung über Psychopathenfürsorge Düsseldorf. pp. 35–94. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-94454-3_3. ISBN 978-3-642-94054-5. 
  8. Kraepelin, Emil, Psychiatrie : ein Lehrbuch für Studierende und Ärzteby, 1915. Page 1794, 1996+ and elsewhere
  9. Schneider, Kurt. Bericht fiber die dritte Tagung fiber Psychopathenffirsorge, "Die Verwahrlosung vom Standpunkt des Psychiaters", Heidelberg 17.-19. September 1924
  10. (April 2019)"Pharmacogenetic testing for the guidance of psychiatric treatment of a schizoaffective patient with haltlose personality disorder". CNS Spectrums 24 (2): 227–228. DOI:10.1017/S1092852917000669.
  11. Slater, E. & Roth, M. (1979) Clinical Psychiatry (3rd edn). London: Baillière Tindall. pp. 165-166 and elsewhere
  12. Adler, Herman M., "s:Psychiatric Contribution to the Study of Delinquency", 1917

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