Gunpowder Milkshake

2021 film directed by Navot Papushado

Gunpowder Milkshake is a 2021 French-German-American film action crime thriller that follows professional assassin, Scarlet forced to cruelly abandon her daughter Sam who grows up into an equally ruthless hitwoman. After a high-stake mission has her accidentally kill the father of an innocent 8-year-old girl forces her to rejoin forces her mother and her old flame hitwomen sidekicks against mafia boss Nathan.

Directed by Navot Papushado and co-written by Ehud Lavski.
A film by Navot Papushado.(taglines)
  • [Narrating] There's a group of men called The Firm. They've been running things for a long, long time. And when they need someone to cleanup their mess, they send me.
  • [To Emily after a gunfight chase in an underground parking garage] Kill the lights! [Emily leans head against steering wheel horn honking it alerting the thugs to their location]


  • It was so nice to have a kid in the library again


  • [To Sam] Are you a serial killer?


  • There's no more standing on the sidelines. We all need to pick a side.


Scarlet: You are an incredibly impressive young woman. There's not a single person on Earth I'd rather kill people with.
Sam: Thanks, mom.

Emily: You're bleeding.
Sam: It's just a scratch.
Emily: It can get infected. Worms will get in there and lay eggs. And then they'll have to cut your arm off.
Sam: That's what they teach you in school these days?

Sam: What? No guns today?
Yankee: Nathan doesn't want you hurt. Not too badly, anyway.
Sam: Oh, that is so sweet. I'll try not to kill you, too.

Virgil: You think you have a chance here? I have an army.
Sam: Oh, yeah? Well, I've got my mom.

Emily: Are you a serial killer?
Sam: What?
Emily: You kill people.
Sam: Yes.
Emily: And you've killed more than one. That is serial.
Sam: it's more complicated than that.

Scarlet: You are an incredibly impressive young woman. There's not a single person on earth that I'd rather kill people with.
Sam: Thanks, mom.


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