Great Britain
island in the North Atlantic Ocean off the northwest coast of continental Europe
Great Britain is an island in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north-west coast of continental Europe, consisting of the United Kingdom of England, Scotland and Wales.
edit- As Fraunce passeth Bretayne, so Bretayne passeth Irlond in faire weder and nobilte, but nought in helthe. For this llond is best and bringeth forth trees and fruyt and retheren and other bestes, and wyn groweth there in som place. The lond hath plente of foules and of bestes of dyvers manere kynde; the lond is plenteous and the see also. The lond is noble, copious, and riche of nobil welles and of nobil ryveres with plente of fische; there is grete plente of small fische, of samon, and of elys. So that cherles in som place fedith sowes with fische. . .
- There beeth schepe that bereth good wolle; there beeth meny hertes and wylde bestes and fewe wolves; therfore the schepe beeth the more sikerliche without kepynge i-lefte in the folde. In this ilond also beeth many cities and townes, faire and noble and riche; many grete ryveres and stremes with grete plente of fische; many faire wodes and grete with wel many bestes, tame and wylde. The erthe of that lond is copious of metal ore and of salt welles; of quarers of marbel; of dyuers manere stones, of reed, of whyte; of nesche, of hard; of chalk and of whyte lyme. There is also white cley and reed forto make of crokkes and stenes and other vessel, and brent tyle to hele with hous and cherches, as hit were in the other Samia, that hatte Samos also. Flaundres loveth the wolle of this lond, and Normandie the skynnes and the velles; Gasquyn the iren and the leed; Irlond the ore and the salt; Europa loveth and desireth the white metal of this lond.
- John Trevisa. From the translation of Higden's Polychronicon