Glen Sean Coulthard (born 1974) is a Yellowknives Dene associate professor in First Nations and Indigenous Studies and in the Department of Political Science at the University of British Columbia.

Glen Sean Coulthard

Quotes edit

Red Skin, White Masks (2014) edit

Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition. University of Minnesota Press: 2014.
  • In the Weledeh dialect of Dogrib (which is my community’s language), for example, “land” (or dè) is translated in relational terms as that which encompasses not only the land (understood here as material), but also people and animals, rocks and trees, lakes and rivers, and so on. Seen in this light, we are as much a part of the land as any other element. Furthermore, within this system of relations human beings are not the only constituent believed to embody spirit or agency. Ethically, this meant that humans held certain obligations to the land, animals, plants, and lakes in much the same way that we hold obligations to other people. And if these obligations were met, then the land, animals, plants, and lakes would reciprocate and meet their obligations to humans, thus ensuring the survival and well-being of all over time.
    • p. 61
  • In the decades leading up to the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry, it became apparent to many people within our communities that the organizational imperatives of capital accumulation signified an affront to our normative understanding of what constituted proper relationships—relationships between people, relationships between humans and their environment, and relationships between individuals and institutions of authority (whether economic or political).
    • p. 62

External links edit

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