Girolamo Gigli

Italian dramaturge (1660-1722)

Girolamo Gigli (October 14, 1660January 4, 1722) was an Italian writer and playwright.


  • L’esser uomo dabbene, Mariana mia, è ’l maggior capitale del mondo.
    • Il Don Pilone (1711), Act I., Sc. IX.
    • Translation: The best capital in the world, Mariana, is honesty.
    • Translation reported in Harbottle's Dictionary of quotations French and Italian (1904), p. 334.
  • Il cielo chiude volentieri gli occhi a nostri difetti, quando non son fatti avanti gli occhi del mondo, e quando per mancanza di testimoni non possa compire perfettamente il processo contra di noi.
    • Il Don Pilone (1711), Act III., Sc. V. — (Don Pilone.)
    • Translation: Heaven is always ready to shut its eyes to our sins when they are not committed before the eyes of the world, and when the lack of witnesses makes it impossible to bring the charge home to us.
    • Translation reported in Harbottle's Dictionary of quotations French and Italian (1904), p. 312.
  • È meglio vestir cencio con leanza, che broccato con disonoranza.
    • La Sorellina di Pilone (1712), Act II, Sc. V. — (Credenza.)
    • Translation: It is better to wear rags in honesty than brocade in dishonour.
    • Translation reported in Harbottle's Dictionary of quotations French and Italian (1904), p. 294.
  • Tal persona, tal pasta.
    • La Sorellina di Pilone (1712), Act V., Sc. XVI. — (Burino.)
    • Translation: Different men are made of different stuff.
    • Translation reported in Harbottle's Dictionary of quotations French and Italian (1904), p. 425.
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