Giovanni Battista Lorenzi

Italian writer (1721-1805)

Giovanni Battista Lorenzi (1721 – 1807) was an Italian librettist. He was born and died in Naples, and was a friend of Giovanni Paisiello, with whom he collaborated on numerous operas.


  • Fuggite i libri; questi
    Son la vergogna dell’ umana gente,
    Son gli assassin! della vita umana.
    Credete a me : la vera
    Filosofia è quella d’ingrassare.
    • Translation: All books avoid, for they
      Are the disgrace of our humanity,
      And the assassins of the human race.
      Mark well my words : the true
      Philosophy consists in growing fat.
    • Socrate Immaginario, Act I., Sc. XIII. — (Tammaro.). Translation reported in Harbottle's Dictionary of quotations French and Italian (1904), p. 303.
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