George of the Jungle (2007 TV series)

George of the Jungle (2007-2008) is an animated television series. It is a reboot of Jay Ward and Bill Scott’s 1967 American animated television series of the same name, which in turn is a spoof of the fictional character Tarzan, created by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Season 1


Episode 1


Beetle Invasion [1.01a]

George: Girls, Clementine is bad! She eats trees, and spits cheese! I made a rhymey-thingy!

The Naked Ape Man [1.01b]

[George has lost his loincloth; Dr. Towel Scott and Witch Doctor are laughing at him]
Dr. Towel Scott: George... You're... au natural.
George: Yes, George is a natural rescuer.
Dr. Towel Scott: No, no! I mean... you are... buck naked! [Laughs with Witch Doctor]
George: [Thinking Dr. Scott called him a different name] No, I'm George. You know, [sings the theme tune] "of the Jungle". [Laughs]
[Dr. Towel Scott and Witch Doctor laugh some more at George]
Witch Doctor: You lo... [laughs] lost your loincloth!
[George looks down, screams, and runs off as Dr. Towel Scott and Witch Doctor keep laughing]

[George runs through the jungle]
George: George needs a new loincloth!
[George runs past a marmoset, who becomes mortified upon seeing the jungle man naked, and faints. George goes behind a bush, finds some leaves, and fashions himself some pants made out of them. Suddenly, a crunching noise is heard]
George: [Confused] Did the jungle just get... colder?
[A giraffe is eating George's pants. Both the giraffe and George look down and scream. After George runs away, the giraffe spits out the leaves, squirts toothpaste on his teeth, and frantically brushes]

George: ANT HILL!!!

[George finds an abandoned fog-infested camp. He finds some explorer's clothes hanging on a clothesline]
George: Yes! Clothes! Beautiful clothes!
[George removes the clothes off the clothesline and puts them on]
George: Why not?
[An explorer finds George]
Explorer: I say, Dr. Livingood, what a relief to finally find you!
George: Oh, no, no. George's name is George.
Explorer: And after eight long months of searching!
[George stares at the explorer, confused]
George: [Slowly] George.
Explorer: Oh, a terrible journey! Storms at sea, pirates, cannibals, pirate cannibals! Oh! I would have found you, too, if I hadn't fallen into that hole. [Points to a deep hole in the ground]
George: [Looks down the hole] You fell down there?
Explorer: And I never came out! Bad luck that day.
George: Wait... If you're... [points down the hole] there... but you're also... [pokes the explorer's nose] here... But that means you're a... a...
Explorer: '['Transforms into a ghost with the appearance of a skeleton in explorer's clothing] A... ghoooooooooooost! [laughs evilly]
George: Right. So, if you're a...
Explorer: A ghost! [Flies around George, laughing evilly again; his laughter dies down as he realizes George isn't scared]
George: And I'm wearing your clothes...
Explorer: [Confused] Uh... Boo?
George: Then I must be wearing... [horrified] GHOST PANTS!!!
[One by one, the clothes on George start disappearing. George tries to use the hat to cover himself up, but it was no use. George, now naked again, gasps in horror. The ghost's jaw drops, he screams like a girl, and retreats into the hole]

Episode 2


Aromageddon [1.2a]

George: Smell is heading for the river! But it doesn't know the shortcut! Follow George!
Dr. Towel Scott: If it touches that water, it'll be... Aromageddon.
Magnolia: And that's bad, right?
Dr. Towel Scott: Very! Imagine all the water in the jungle tasting like... Dirty George!
Magnolia, Ursula, and Ape: [Gasp] We're doomed!
[They all glare at George, who giggles nervously.]
Witch Doctor: [Coughs] Not necessarily.
Magnolia: My perfume!
Witch Doctor: I've increased the sweetness and purity by a power of Boogity 11.
Dr. Towel Scott: [Angrily] There is no such number as Boogity 11, you bone-shaking troglodyte!

Found Temple of Gold [1.2b]

[George and Ape are having dinner in Big Mitch's temple. Ape is sitting grumpily]
George: [Loudly] Ape is mad, right? Because George traded our house?
[Ape hits his plate with his knife.]
George: Yeah. George can tell.
Ape: Pass the salt, please.
[George pushes the salt shaker across the table, but it is bombarded by booby traps, reducing the salt shaker to ash by the time it reaches Ape]
George: Sorry!

Ape: "No takebacks"? Do you know what this means?
George: Uh...
Ape: It means we can never go home again. What have you done, George?
George: Me?! Well, this is all Ape's fault!
Ape: How is it my fault?
George: [Raises his finger, about to say something, but then looks around, confused] Somehow!
Ape: It's a good thing this is a big temple, because I don't wanna talk to you right now!
George: We'll talk later, then?

[George is in Egypt, talking to a monkey sitting on a camel]
George: And I'll give you all this in exchange for... Egypt!
Monkey: Hmm... [hands George the deed to Egypt] Deal!
George: [Gasps excitedly]
Ape: There's no way Mitch won't give us our house back in exchange for all of Egypt. [Ape turns around] Right, George? [He sees George isn't here; ice cubes jingling and pouring is heard] George?
[Much to his horror, Ape sees George at a monkey's lemonade stand, trading the deed to Egypt for lemonade]
[Ape runs up to George as he drinks his lemonade]
Ape: George! Did you just trade the nation of Egypt for a glass of lemonade?!
George: [Nervously] Uh... Sort of?
[Offscreen, Ape hits George so hard, he is sent flying and screaming out of Egypt and back into the jungle]

Episode 3

Cone Head [1.3a]
[George and all the animals with a rash are performing a Broadway-style musical]
Got an itch right here
On my derriere
And my scratchin' finger is oh-so near
You can reach it with a stiff bamboo
What's black, and white, and red all over?
It's your son
[The zebra's dad in the audience wipes his tears, proud of his son]
Monkey and Owl:
Just because we're swellin'
Doesn't mean that we're not swell
Leopard: [Singing opera with a weasel in a boat]
They just don't understand
Leopard and Weasel:
We ought to scratch each other's hand
George: [Dressed like Don Quixote, scratching his back against a windmill's blades]
To scratch
The impossible itch
Ain't it swell?!
Ain't it red?!
Gonna scratch a big itch on my head!
[A snake sings along]
Down my scales!
[With chorus of animals]
Everything's swollen and
Blotchy for me and for
Cousin Larry of the Jungle [1.3b]
Ursula: [Growls] I never get this angry.
Magnolia: I don't get tired of new shoes as fast as I'm gettin' tired of Cousin Larry.
George: Shhh. Larry's winning sleeping contest.
[Larry is sleeping on George's back]
Larry: [Snores] Win. [Snores] Win.
Magnolia: George, we hate to say this, but...
Ursula, Ape, and Magnolia: Cousin Larry has to go!
George: Shhh! We can't kick out George's family!
Ape: Yes, we can. In fact, let's have a contest to see how far out we can kick him.
George: But Larry gave us the picnic!
Magnolia: Don't you see? He's a win-a-holic! He only picks games he can't lose!
Ape: I hate to say this, George, but I'm in complete agreement.
George: Ha! Ha! See?
Ape: No, George, with Magnolia.
George: Boy. Ape changes mind pretty quick.
Ape: I always agreed with Magnolia. I don't like him.
Ursula: None of us do.
Ape: Also, we believe he cheats.
[George gasps and gets up, causing Larry to fall off his back, making him sleep on the floor]
George: [Indignant] George will sit on forgetting rock now, until he forgets what Ape just said! [Walks off]
Larry: [Snores] Win.
[George leaves the treehouse, but comes back seconds later]
George: I forget. Where is forgetting rock?

Narrator: So, George sat upon the forgetting rock, and he forgot. He forgot, and forgot, until he couldn't remember what he was forgetting.
[George hears heavy breathing behind him. He sees two large yetis standing behind him. One of them roars at George]
George: Hmm. Big hairy beast is growling, but George forgets what he's supposed to do. Oh, yeah. [Screams]
[The yeti grabs George by the arm and shows him a photograph of Larry]
Yeti #1: Have you seen this guy anywhere?
George: George's cousin Larry, yeah. He's staying with me and Ape, but Ape was mean to him. [Realizes] Uh-oh. George was supposed to forget that! Forget... [the yetis pick George up, causing him to scream]
Yeti #2: Beat Larry! Beat Larry!
George: Hey, wait! George won't let you hurt Larry!
[The yetis put George down]
Yeti #1: We won't hurt Larry. We yeti are scary, but peaceful creatures. We do not fight with our fists. We fight by eating pies. You see, we yeti take great pride in our pie-eating, and each spring, we win our annual pie-gobbling hoedown. For centuries, yetis have won. This year, we were robbed! We are absolutely convinced that Larry cheated at...
George: Yeah?
Yeti #1: Uh... I forgot.

[At the pie-eating contest...]
Ape: George, I didn't want to tell you this, because I didn't think you'd believe me. Larry made a bet that you would lose.
George: What?
[Ape points up at Larry sitting in the bleachers, happily eating a pie]
George: Larry not sick! Larry... cheating?
Ape: I bet my room in the treehouse that you can do without cheating, while he can only do with fake stomachs and pie-eating dogs in his pants. I believe in you, George.
George: George won't let Ape down. For once, George going to beat lying, cheating, faking Larry. LET'S DO THIS!!!

[After George has won the pie-eating contest...]
George: Thank you yetis, for this honor. And now, George would like to give this trophy...
Larry: To your loving, much-more-deserving cousin?
George: the first yeti to chase Cousin Larry out of the jungle!
Larry: Yeah! [Realizes] What?!
[Larry sees the two yetis growling at him. Larry runs away from the angry yetis, carrying his trophy case with him]
Larry: [Screams] Win! [Screams]
Magnolia: George! That was amazing! To celebrate, let's go out to dinner!
[George suddenly becomes nauseous upon hearing what Magnolia said, after having eaten so many pies]
George: Uh-oh. I think... I think I'm gonna be...
Mangolia: Get a garbage can!
Ursula: Get a garbage truck!
[George wobbles back and forth, until he goes over to the side, and vomits. Ursula, Ape, and Mangolia are traumatized with what they are seeing. The scene fades to them sitting on the forgetting rock to forget what they saw]
Ursula, Ape, and Mangolia: Forget... Forget... Forget...

Episode 4


License to Swing [1.04a]


My Own Private Hero [1.04b]


Episode 5


Lucky Pants [1.05a]


Ape Ruth [1.05b]


Episode 6


Don't Thank Me [1.06a]


For the Love of Sloth [1.06b]


Episode 7


Bathroom of the Apes [1.07a]


Beauty vs. Beasts [1.07b]


Episode 8


Star Power [1.08a]


L'il Orphan Anteater [1.08b]


Episode 9


The Vegemaster [1.09a]


Eagle Tick [1.09b]


Episode 10


The Snoring [1.10a]


George's Day Off [1.10b]


Episode 11


FrankenGeorge [1.11a]

Narrator: Once upon a midnight jungle
While George snored through tooth and tongu-le
Ape was far too scared for napping
When suddenly, there came a tapping.
[Ape cowers in his hammock under his comic book as he hears crashing]
Ape: George? George! GEORGE!
[George leaps up with fright]
George: I didn't do it, I didn't do it!
[George falls on the ground with a crash, yelling in pain. George gets up as Ape hides behind him]
George: Hmm.
[George scans the treehouse, and sees a large bag of peanut snacks shaking. George lifts up the bag, revealing a baby rhinoceros eating out of a dog bowl]
Ape: That rhino's eating Shep's food!
George: [Picks up the bowl] That's not Shep's! That's George's bag of Trunk-A-Munch! Bad rhino! [The rhino burps] You want food, you go get your own! Get OUT!!!
[The rhino whines as it makes big sad eyes]
George: [Refusing] Uh-uh! Too late for puppy eyes!
[The rhino whimpers and leaves the treehouse]

Ursula: [Seeing Dr. Towel Scott and Witch Doctor have transformed into zombies] Franken-Dads!

Afraid of Nothing [1.11b]


Episode 12


Brother George [1.12a]


Ape Mitzvah [1.12b]


Episode 13


George Skips Breakfast [1.13a]


Muscle Mania [1.13a]


Episode 14


Rebel Without a Claw [1.14a]

[George has received a message strapped to a coconut. Ape reads it]
Ape: "George, meet me at Howie's. Signed, a hungry predator. Come alone?"
[George looks at Ape, a bit worried. Later, George finds himself in a meeting with the predators, standing in-between a hyena and a lion. Tiger slams his smoothie down on the counter]
Tiger: I know your whole "save the tiny animals" thing is your thing, but us big guys are tired of getting pounded just for doin' our thing.
George: Maybe big guys should be nicer to small guys. Talk to them. Bunnies can be more than lunch, you know.
Tiger: Hey. We gotta eat.
George: Hmm... Okay. George is thinking.
[George starts flapping his lips as he thinks]
Tiger: Another smoothie, Howie. This is gonna take a while.

[Ursula and Magnolia are lounging outside Ursula's treehouse]
Ursula: [Sighs] You know what the greatest feeling in the world is?
Magnolia: Findin' a three-for-one bathin' suit sale no one knows about and gettin' all the best stuff before your friends get there?
Ursula: I was gonna say "helping the small and defenseless".
Magnolia: Oh.
Ursula: I'm just worried that George will be mad that we didn't think he could fix the problem himself.
Magnolia: [Sips lemonade] All we did was give a few critters some self-esteem lessons. That's just helping. A little.
Ursula: Yeah, right. He probably won't even notice.
Magnolia: Okay. But if there was a three-for-one sale, you would tell me, right?

[George is holding a meeting for the predators and prey. Ape bangs a coconut against the stand like a gavel]
George: [Clears throat] Uh, George wanted to get an opinion on what to plant in new vegetable garden. So, what should it be? Vicious prey? Wimpy predators? Any ideas?
Tiger: [Waves his hand] How about eggplants?
[The predators murmur with agreement]
George: Okay, then, we'll go with predators. Meeting over.
Rabbit: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on! Why are we gonna go with what they say? Because they're bigger? No! We say "carrots"!
George: [Gasps] Hey, predators. Are you gonna let them boss you around?
Tiger: No. We are the main vegetable-eaters around here. So, we suggest eggplants.
Rabbit: Well, maybe we don't want you eatin' any more of our vegetables!
Tiger: Your vegetables?!
Rabbit: [Bounces up, but is unable to stay up to Tiger's height] Your ve...?! [Bounces again] Your ve...?!
Ape: [Moves the rabbit on a stool] Here you go, little fella.
Rabbit: Your vegetables?! Why don't you find somethin' else to eat, huh?!
[Tiger starts to get angry, as the other predators start grinning evilly and licking their chops]
Tiger: [Growling] Maybe I WILL. [Roars]
Rabbit: [Nervously] Oops. Hehe. Um... Put up your dukes? [Chuckles] RUN!!!
[All the prey animals run away as the predators start chasing them down again]
Ape: [Sighs] Natural order makes me happy.
[George starts to run after the predators, but Ursula grabs him by his suspender]
Ursula: Where are you going?
George: George has to save little guy!
[The weasel screams as he runs away from Tiger, but George pounces on him, and ties him up with his tail]
George: Bad kitty!
Tiger: There's just no pleasin' that guy.

Stripy Pony [1.14b]

[George has returned Magnolia's bicycle in pieces]
Magnolia: [Devastated] MY BABY!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BABY?! [Sobs]
[Mangolia gives an anguished wail that echoes through the jungle. Ursula and Ape swing in as Magnolia bawls]
Ursula: What happened?!
Magnolia: [Points at George] GEORGE BORROWED MY BIKE!!!
George: [Chuckles nervously]
Ursula and Ape: Oh...
Magnolia: Her name was Gloria, and she was the most glorious bike a girl ever had! [Runs away crying]
George: Don't worry! George will make it up to you! [Accidentally steps on a piece of the bike] Promise!

Episode 15


George Skips Breakfast [1.15a]

Magnolia: I told you my hair would get frizzy. You know what's really good?
Ape: Yes! FOOD... is really good! Especially when it's been sitting in front of me for an hour and a half!
[Ape begins to go crazy. He tears his bib off, then starts tearing his fur off until he's bald]
Ape: That... feels better. Magnolia... you were saying?

Magnolia: Oh, this is ridiculous!
Ursula: Look, we promised George we'd wait. [Gasps] What if he's fallen down a well somewhere?
[The gang imagines George walking through the jungle. He jumps over a flower, and loses his balance]
George: Whoops!
[George falls down a well, screaming, before he hits the bottom]
Ursula: And he's hurt?!
[The bucket on the well's winch snaps off, falls, and hits George on the head]
George: Ow!
Ursula: And what if he can't remember who he is?!
George: I'm the king of Spain!
Ursula: He could be trapped down there FOREVER!
Ape: And then we'd never eat! Let's go!

Episode 16


Selfish Shellfish [1.16a]


Volcano Pageant [1.16b]


Episode 17


George Lays an Egg [1.17a]


Ape Goes Ape [1.17b]


Episode 18


Mantler, the Man with Antlers [1.18a]


Mount Georgmore [1.18b]


Episode 19


Witching Stick [1.19b]

[George is talking to Magnolia in her treehouse]
George: So... George has question. What would happen if your dad's witch doctor witch doctoring stick got broken, huh?
[Magnolia screams in horror, causing George to scream, too. Magnolia's scream is so loud, her perfume bottles shatter, and her mirror breaks.]
Magnolia: My dad's witch doctor witch doctoring stick is broken?! [Screams]
George: Oh, no, no, no, no, no! Uh, George just wondering, that's all. [Chuckles nervously]
Magnolia: [Relieved] Oh. [Laughs] Phew! 'Cuz my dad always told me that if anything happens to that stick... [eerily] The jungle will be destroyed by evil spirits.
George: [Screams]
Magnolia: [Screams] Stop doin' that!

[George is talking to a squirrel]
George: So, how does squirrel think evil spirits will destroy jungle? Earthquake? Tornado? Giant theme park with high-priced parking?
Squirrel: Nah, I'm thinkin' a giant monster eats everything in its path. Plants... Animals... People... Everything. And then the entire jungle digests slowly in its gut.
[George screams, causing the squirrel to scream, using Ursula's reused screaming voice clip, oddly enough]

Episode 20


Trouble with Banaquats [1.20a]

Narrator: Fall in the jungle. [A rabbit goes into a tree trunk, where it removes its pelt, and takes winter clothing] As the days grow shorter, nature clothes herself in the glory of changing season... the sounds of crunching leaves... [a large leaf crushes a monkey; George struggles to rake the leaf, when a strange smell catches George's nose] and the smell of autumn in the air.
[George begins to search for the smell. When he ends up in a tree, he sees something that horrifies him]
George: It can't be. Please, no!
[Down on the ground is a bananaquat bush]

[Magnolia is in her treehouse trying her new pajamas on Ursula]
Magnolia: My new line of fake faux fur pajamas is gonna be a hit!
[The door suddenly flies open. George is standing at it, looking terrified]
George: They're here. Save yourselves.
Ursula: [Confused] Who's here?
George: [Begins blocking Magnolia's door] BANANAQUATS!
[Magnolia gasps]
Ursula: [Giggles] That's a funny name.
Magnolia: [Jumps on Ursula] There's nothing funny about bananaquats!
Ursula: Why? What are they?
[Magnolia drops Ursula and paces around nervously with George]
Magnolia: A fast-growin' yellow fruit that appears once every three years.
[She and George bump into each other. They hold onto each other, trembling with fear]
Ursula: You're afraid of a... fruit?
George: No. Afraid of what fruit does... to Ape.
Magnolia: He goes crazy when he eats them.
George: WE HAVE TO HIDE!!!!

Spoiled King [1.20b]


Episode 21


Extreme Lamebrains [1.21a]


Still Got It [1.21b]


Episode 22


A Boy and His Elephant [1.22a]


George's Security Stone [1.22b]


Episode 23


Jungle Bells [1.23a]


The Goat of Christmas Presents [1.23b]


Episode 24


Second Banana [1.24a]


One with Nature [1.24b]


Episode 25


Escape from Madmun Island: Part 1 [1.25a]


Escape from Madmun Island: Part 2 [1.25b]


Episode 26


Escape from Madmun Island: Part 3 [1.26a]


Escape from Madmun Island: Part 4 [1.26b]
