GG Allin
American punk rock musician (1956–1993)
Kevin Michael "GG" Allin (August 29, 1956 – June 28, 1993), born Jesus Christ Allin, was an American punk rock singer-songwriter who performed and recorded with many punk groups during his career. GG Allin is best remembered for his notorious live performances.

For my mission ends
in termination,
vicinity of death.
8-29-1956 - 6-28-1993
Rock N Roll Terrorist
Kevin M. Allin"
edit- This is what you should do: Go to your record store and buy all the GG ALLIN recordings you can find. If they dont have any in stock, tell them to order some. If they refuse, then do what you have to do. Call radio stations and demand GG Allin. Spray paint "GG ALLIN" everywhere. Make them aware that the disease and the Scumfuc tradition is still spreading. Write "GG ALLIN" on all your dollar bills. Any bills you have. People do not throw money away, so it would be a free way to get the message out. You must do it every day of your life. We must live for the Rock 'N' Roll underground. It CAN be dark and dangerous again. It CAN be threatning to our society as it was meant to be. IT MUST BE UNCOMPROMISING. And with me as your leader, it will happen. I am ready to lead you, my allies, into the real Rock 'N' Roll underground. Let's get started.
- GG Allin: GG Allin Mission Statement, GG Allin, 1991. GG Allin Mission Statement read March 1, 2010.
- I'm trying to bring danger back in to rock 'n' roll and there are no limits and no laws and I break down every barrier put in front of me till the day I die.
- Todd Phillips: Hated: GG Allin and the Murder Junkies, Skinny Nervous Guy Prod, 1994. 2007 DVD re-release watched March 1, 2010.
- You know the whole thing with society today is go to school, get a job, get married, get kids, take out loans, dig a fucking hole you can never get out of and to me that's just a way of the government chaining you down so that you can never get out of their grip. Somebody like me who can do what ever they want, I never have to pay taxes, I you know fuck who ever I want, I can go here, I can go there and you know somebody calls me I can go tomorrow, I don't have to think about well I gotta take care of this, I can just go. That's the only way to fucking live.
- Todd Phillips: Hated: GG Allin and the Murder Junkies, Skinny Nervous Guy Prod, 1994.
- Everybody's an enemy. Fuck. I hate everybody. I'm not part of any scene. I do my own thing. My mind is a machine gun, my body is the bullets, the audience is the target.
- Todd Phillips: Hated: GG Allin and the Murder Junkies, Skinny Nervous Guy Prod, 1994.
- Alright, I'm ignorant, but I like to fuck, I like to drink, I like to suck cock. Who gives a fuck.
- GG Allin: Hated in the Nation, ROIR, 1987.
- Anybody has any marihuana? Any acid? Any hard drugs? Bring it up here and put it right by the monitor 'cause I'd be really glad to do it. I really like to get fucked up tonight.
- GG Allin: Hated in the Nation, ROIR, 1987.
- You wanna eat my shit, It's on my fingers for you. Alright, I like a little shit on my side. Makes me feel so good and smell so lovely. I love diarrhea. So much of it for you here.
- GG Allin: Hated in the Nation, ROIR, 1987.
- Hey, how many people here are in high school? Any high school kids here? Are you in high school? Are you teacher's pet? You're sure? I was, man. I used to fuck my teacher every night. I lost my virginity with her, man. She was fucking nice.
- GG Allin: Hated in the Nation, ROIR, 1987.
- Jerry Springer: Please meet GG Allin. GG has been arrested more than 52 times in over 12 states for the nudity, obscenity and violence that are part of his music performances. He says the fans love the thrill of coming to his show knowing that their lives are in danger.
- GG Allin on The Jerry Springer Show, May 5. 1993. Documentary watched March 1, 2010.
- Jerry Springer: And what do you do with your concerts?
- GG Allin: I do what ever it takes. If somebodys in my way I take him out. You know. They're my enemy. I don't look at them, they're not my friends.
- GG Allin on The Jerry Springer Show, May 5. 1993.
- Jerry Springer: Ok. But the audience is sitting out here and you're up onstage. What do you do onstage?
- GG Allin: I might go and kick somebody in the head, I might grab a girl and force her to perform oral sex with me. I've had sex on stage with men, women and animals and everything in between.
- GG Allin on The Jerry Springer Show, May 5. 1993.
- GG Allin on The Jerry Springer Show, May 5. 1993.
- GG Allin: How many Christians are in this audience? How many of you go to church on sunday? You're the biggest hypocrites that I've ever seen, because you'll kneel at an alter and you worship a false god, the real god is up here $#%@^&*. When they come to my shows, you eat the body of Christ, They're gonna' eat the body of GG Allin!
- GG Allin on The Jerry Springer Show, May 5. 1993.
- GG Allin: If you think I'm into this for the money you're dead wrong because I'm not doing this for the money. I'm doing it because it lives inside of me.
- GG Allin on The Jerry Springer Show, May 5. 1993.
- GG Allin: I've seen people in my audience leave with broken bones, broken arms. I've seen them leave on strechers. I've seen rapes before me.
- GG Allin on The Jerry Springer Show, May 5. 1993.
- GG Allin: I got to tell you one thing that is really bothering me. I went to prison for two years for what I did to a girl and she did the same thing to me but because she was a girl they let her of and put me in prison because she was the weaker sex. Now if women want equal rights they got to do equal time. Ok, I cut her, I burned her, I drank her blood but she also did the same to me. It was consexual agreement but in the courtroom they said that I was to blame because I'm GG Allin, I'm the king of the underground. They need to nail me to a cross.
- GG Allin on The Jerry Springer Show, May 5. 1993.
- An audience member: Question is for GG. Sir, if a woman is at your concert and chooses to leave through an exit door because she didn't realize she may be getting raped are you gonna let her leave or are you gonna rape her?
- GG Allin: Depends on if I can get there quicker than she can.
- GG Allin on The Jerry Springer Show, May 5. 1993.
- Jerry Springer: What would you have been if you would have not been a performer?
- GG Allin: I could have possibly been a serial killer or a mass murderer.
- GG Allin on The Jerry Springer Show, May 5. 1993.
On The Jane Whitney Show
edit- Jane Whitney: GG Allin brags he's about to become the leader, the messiah for America's youth. He already claims to have a million followers. Where ever he goes he plays to sell out crowds and this is what they see: concerts filled with violence, bloodshed and sexual assault. GG Allin wants to lead America's young people in a bloody revolution to take over the country and he says nothing can be done to stop him.
- GG Allin on The Jane Whitney Show July 16. 1993. Documentary watched March 1, 2010.
- GG Allin: There's such a fierce intense fire burning inside of me, so much that it just wants to explode.
- GG Allin on The Jane Whitney Show July 16. 1993.
- GG Allin: Nobody will stop me 'cause I'm the true underground messiah. When you come to my show you're going to a war and I'm out for violence, chaos, lawlessness all the way. I don't care about anybody or anything except myself and my mission and your kids out there, if you got kids out there they're gonna be my kids. I'm gonna own those kids. They're gonna do anything that I say.
- GG Allin on The Jane Whitney Show July 16. 1993.
- GG Allin: I get letters from all over the world. People worship me. I'm gonna rape the girls. I might rape the guys. I might have sex. I want it all. I want it all and I'm gonna have it all 'cause I am everything.
- GG Allin on The Jane Whitney Show July 16. 1993.
- Jane Whitney: You go way beyond sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll in your performances: you self-mutilate on stage.
- GG Allin: I self-mutilate, I beat the shit out of my audience, if they're in my way I take em out. I don't care about anybody or anything. When you come to my show I'm the boss, I'm the king, you do what I say. You can challenge me. I have no problem with that. I like the confrontation but you're gonna lose.
- GG Allin on The Jane Whitney Show July 16. 1993.
- GG Allin: I am who I am and I'm not phony like everybody else out there. I am real and how many of you can at 35 years old sleep with 16, 12, 13 year old girls and boys and animals? Hey, this is the life. I've had it all and I've got your kids.
- GG Allin on The Jane Whitney Show July 16. 1993.
- Jane Whitney: What's your ultimate idea of performance, of a fantasy performance?
- It's not a fantasy performance, Jane. Come on. Everything I do is real. It comes out of my head. I live this life every day. When I'm onstage it's my therapy. It's not a performance. It's a ritual. And the ultimate performance would be when I've reached my peak and I'm not there yet so don't you all clap when I say this I'll commit suicide and I'll take your kids with me.
- GG Allin on The Jane Whitney Show July 16. 1993.
- When you reach your peak its time to die.
- GG Allin on The Jane Whitney Show July 16. 1993.
About GG Allin
edit- I just think that touring with GG is a great experience because you don't go onstage, you don't do the same thing night after night like most of these lame ass boring bands. You get up there, you're gonna see something different and something new and something exciting every night. Somebody gets beat up or sent to the hospital or prison or what ever. It's a war out there you know.
- GG Allin's brother and The Murder Junkies bass player Merle Allin on The Jane Whitney Show July 16. 1993. Documentary watched March 1, 2010.
- GG Allin is an entertainer with a message to a sick society. He makes us look at it for what we really are. The human is just another animal who is able to speak out freely, to express himself clearly. Make no mistake about it, behind what he does is a brain.
- John Wayne Gacy on Todd Phillips: Hated: GG Allin and the Murder Junkies, Skinny Nervous Guy Prod, 1994. 2007 DVD re-release watched March 1, 2010.