Fred Jelinek

Czech linguist (1932–2010)

Fred Jelinek (18 November 193214 September 2010) was a researcher in information theory, automatic speech recognition, and natural language processing.


  • Every time I fire a linguist, the performance of our speech recognition system goes up.
    • Although its fame and iconic status are undisputed, the quip's context is unknown and its specific wording and dating are unclear.
    • In a presentation, Jelinek claimed it was "Whenever I fire a linguist our system performance improves" and it came from a talk "Applying Information Theoretic Methods: Evaluation of Grammar Quality Workshop on Evaluation of NLP Systems", Wayne PA, December 1988.
    • According to Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin, Jelinek himself recalled the quote as "Anytime a linguist leaves the group the recognition rate goes up" and dated it to December 1988 (Wayne, Pennsylvania), further noting that the quote did not appear in the published proceeding.
    • Roger K. Moore gave the wording as "Every time we fire a phonetician/linguist, the performance of our system goes up" and dated it to an IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding workshop held in 1985.
  • It is generally believed that scientific talent reveals itself in early youth. [...] This was certainly not my case. I somehow slid into my scientific profession. My mother wished for me to become a physician, just like my father. [...] I myself wanted to be a lawyer, defender of the unjustly accused. But my career is the result of political circumstances, academic possibilities, and lucky accidents.
    • Talking about his life in a 2001 speech Jelinek, Frederick. "How I Got Here" Charles University, Prague, Czechoslovakia (November 22, 2001). Retrieved on December 17, 2010. Honoris causa degree acceptance speech.
  • It's easier to say something stupid than write something stupid.

Quotes about Jelinek

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