Frankenweenie (2012 film)

2012 American animated film directed by Tim Burton

Frankweenie is a 2012 American 3D stop-motion-animated fantasy horror comedy film directed by Tim Burton and produced by Walt Disney Pictures.

Mr. Rzykruski

  • Back home, everyone is scientist. Even my plumber wins Nobel Prize. Your country does not make enough scientist. Always needs more. You should be a scientist, Victor.
  • Science is not good or bad, Victor. But it can be used both ways. That is why you must always be careful.


  • [to Sparky's lifeless body after resuscitation attempt] It's okay, boy. You don't have to come back. You'll always be in my heart.


Victor: I was doing my experiment, my project, and the first time it worked great. But the next time it didn't. I mean, it sort of worked, but then it didn't. And I don't know why.
Mr. Rzykruski: Then maybe you never really understood it the first time. People think science is here [pointing to head] but it is also here. [pointing to chest] The first time, did you love your experiment?
Victor: Yes.
Mr. Rzykruski: Ah. And the second time?
Victor: No. I just wanted it over.
Mr. Rzykruski: Then you changed the variables.

Bob: [frantically] Victor! I... I need your help.
Victor: Did you see those things? They were like...
Bob: Sea Monkeys! You know how on the package, they're like, in a happy kingdom, and everyone's smiling?
Victor: Yeah?
Bob: They're not like that at all.
Toshiaki: [running up] Victor! I need your help.
Bob: I asked him first!
Toshiaki: My problem bigger! [pointing behind him and sounds of thundering footsteps and roaring. Camera pans to show a giant dinosaur-tortoise mutant stomping down the street]
Bob: Yeah, he's right.

Mayor: As mayor of New Holland, you have entrusted me with your safety. So I can't sit idly, while a teacher *endangers* our children.
Bob's Mom: [referring to Mr. Rzykruski] The man is a menace!
New Holland Townsfolk: She's right. He's crazy!
New Holland Townsfolk II: Have you looked through this science book they're using? Apparently, Pluto isn't good enough to be a planet any more. When I was a kid, Pluto was a great planet. This guy comes along, and rewrites the rules!
Mrs. Frankenstien: In fairness, he didn't write the textbook.

Victor: Where's Mr. Rzykruski?
Gym Teacher: All I know is I'll be teaching the class for the rest of the semester.
Elsa Van Helsing: Do you know anything about science?
Gym Teacher: I know more than you do.
Bob: Mr. Rzykruski knew a lot.
Gym Teacher: Well, sometimes knowing too much is the problem.
Victor: What about the science fair?
Gym Teacher: Oh, it's still on, but it will be judged by someone who's not insane: Me!

