Frank Baude

Swedish politician

Frank Baude (born 16 July 1936) is a Swedish politician, bricklayer and former chairman of the Communist Party Marxist-Leninists (the revolutionaries), KPML(r), from 1970 to 1998.

Frank Baude (at the right) in 1967.


  • Kan en politisk människa som vill kalla sig socialist, i sin vildaste fantasi tro att en svensk socialdemokrati skulle gå emot fåtalsväldet? I så fall placerar den människan in sig i idioternas leder. Men just denna vilja att se en vänster hos socialdemokratins ledare är allmänvänsterns förbannelse.
    • Translation: Can a political human being, who wants to call herself a socialist, in her wildest imagination believe that Swedish social democracy could ever resist the dictatorship of the few? In that case, this person would find herself amongst fools and idiots. But this desire to see something radical amongst the social democratic leadership is the curse of the common left.
    • Frank Baude in Mot strömmen, pg 124. Translated from Swedish.
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