Frank Abagnale

American security consultant, former confidence trickster, check forger, impostor, and escape artist

Frank William Abagnale, Jr. (born April 27, 1948) was a check forger and impostor for five years in the 1960s. Currently he runs Abagnale and Associates, a financial fraud consultancy company. His life story provided the inspiration for the feature film Catch Me If You Can, nominally based on his ghost-written biography of the same name.

Frank Abagnale, 2009


  • Remember what being an adult is: It has nothing to do with money or awards.

Catch Me if You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake, 2002


Published in 2002, Catch Me if You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake is the autobiographical life story of Frank W. Abagnale. Originally published in 1980

  • I made a lot of exits through side doors, down fire escapes or over rooftops. I abandoned more wardrobes in the course of five years than most men acquire in a lifetime. I was slipperier than a buttered escargot.
    • Ch.1 Pg.4(a), Ch.1 Pg. 11(b),Back cover(c), Ch.6 Pg.116(d)
  • If I had to place any blame for my future nefarious actions, I'd put it on the Ford. That Ford fractured every moral fiber in my body. It introduced me to girls, and I didn't come to my senses for six years. They were wonderful years.
    • Ch.1 Pg.4(a), Ch.1 Pg. 11(b),Back cover(c), Ch.6 Pg.116(d)
  • I stole every nickel, dime and dollar and blew it on fine threads, luxurious lodgings, fantastic foxes and other sensual goodies. I partied in every capital in Europe and bask on all the worlds most famous beaches.
    • Ch.1 Pg.4(a), Ch.1 Pg. 11(b),Back cover(c), Ch.6 Pg.116(d)
  • Frank Abagnale could write a check on toilet paper, drawn on the Confederate States Treasury, sign it 'U.R. Hooked' and cash it at any bank in town, using a Hong Kong driver's license for identification.
    • Ch.1 Pg.4(a), Ch.1 Pg. 11(b),Back cover(c), Ch.6 Pg.116(d)

About Frank Abagnale

  • His chutzpah and his imagination in the scams and stings he pulled off were so imaginative and so courageous. Amazing. I loved the fact that he could pull off all of those professions. In a way, he's sort of the anti-hero that you root for, even though you know he's going to have to pay a price and go to jail
  • I did not make this film about Frank Abagnale because of what he did . . but because of what he has done with his life the past 30 years.

See also

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