Francoise Uwumukiza

Francoise Uwumukiza, (born on 25 March 1973 in Rwamagana District (the former Commune Rutonde) in Eastern Province in Rwanda. She is a member of parliament of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA).


  • As a leader, I took my valuable time and reflected on how I could share some messages from what we learn during important meetings that we attend; believe me, there are opportunities that we are given as leaders that allow us to know several information before our fellow Rwandans; it’s our responsibility to share the information with them, be it through books, songs and even poems,”
  • I composed the text and my husband and children joined me, we sang,
  • This motion aims to ensure that EAC leaders and trade entities explore ways to support the growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to enhance their competitiveness in the international market,"
  • The song seeks to thank the great leadership of Rwanda which restored the values our country inherited from our ancestors before being trashed by colonialism. One such value is patriotism which I call upon Rwandans to safeguard,”
  • We have clear targets and strengths to reach them and the planification is straight forward
  • While trade on this broader market will mainly take place online, most women in small businesses only own feature phones and lack smartphones or computers required for e-commerce,
  • Before outing every song, we would always have rehearsals at home and it was beautiful,
  • It is high time we go borderless and work together if we truly endeavour to end hunger among our people,” stressed the lawmaker on Monday, at a session aimed at gauging EAC regional performance on the African Union Agriculture Malabo Declaration (2014-20250.
  • I did not author these songs because I am a member of parliament; I would do what I did if I was in a different position,”
  • Some of our cultural heritage was taken abroad during the colonial period. We need all our heritage brought back,”
  • I went to see Ms. Maria Yohana from her home and presented to her my project; she really contributed a lot to this project because she showed me the dos and don’ts, then tipped me on the choice of the producer,
  • Cultural heritage includes the tangible and intangible aspects of the culture of a society that are of a particular value in terms of science, technology, history, archaeology literature, philosophy, arts, religion and other areas related to culture that are passed from past generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations.
  • Preserving, safeguarding and promoting the cultural heritage of the people of East Africa contributes to promoting cultural tourism and marketing of the products showcasing the diverse cultural heritage of our Community.”
  • This brings in the aspect of committing UNESCO State Parties to the protection and conservation of cultural and natural heritage sites of regional importance by jointly working towards their identification and inclusion as World Heritage Sites in the EAC. Congratulations to my country Rwanda and all the best in this new endeavour.”
  • I will continue to support women through a motion that exposes the issues of lack of finance, ... and absence of portability of medical insurance where you find that when a woman has medical insurance from Rwanda, she cannot use it to cover treatment outside the country,”
  • All these are actions we should do so that women are able to run cross-border trade, and they move from the micro businesses so that they make development strides and benefit both their families and country

Parliament elected nine MPs of the EALA

EALA elects new Committees