Forced marriage

marriage in which one or more of the parties is married without their consent or against their will

Forced marriage is a marriage in which one or more of the parties is married without their consent or against their will. A marriage can also become a forced marriage even if both parties enter with full consent if one or both are later forced to stay in the marriage against their will.

Azerbaijani magazine criticising the practice of forced marriage, domestic violence, and the social and political participation of women in society.



‘Trapped’: The American women and girls forced into marriage

"‘Trapped’: The American women and girls forced into marriage". Al Jazeera. 24 Dec 2020.
  • Many girls are forced into a marriage before they have the full rights of adulthood. It is a horrific form of human rights abuse.
  • Daughters are frequently seen as burdens or commodities because of pervasive gender inequality. In places where the groom’s family pays a bride’s price, parents in difficult economic circumstances may marry off their daughters as a source of income.