Folorunso Alakija

Folorunsho Alakija (born July 15, 1951) is a Nigerian businesswoman and philanthropist.She is the group managing director of The Rose of Sharon Group and the executive vice chairman of Famfa Oil Limited.


  • For as long as one is alive, one will always have other things to achieve.
  • It is when one dies and gets to the ‘beautiful gate’ that one would know if one has achieved all.
  • it is not every business one ventures into that one would succeed at.
  • when one loses, one should not give up or run away. One just has to keep trying.
  • One would win some and lose some.
  • It is the mistakes that one made that would teach one lessons that one could apply to improve on subsequent attempts.
  • one can turn one’s challenges into bigger and better opportunities.
  • When one is too busy with work or business, something could happen in their lives that could lead to regret.
  • Charity begins at home.
  • one should not do things in ‘one’s way.’ Rather, one should do things in ‘God’s way.’
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