Folawe Omikunle

Nigerian education activist

Folawe Omikunle graduated from Babcock University in 2008 with a Bachelor’s Degree in International Law and Diplomacy. Upon completion of her Master’s degree at the Diplomatic Academy of London, University of Westminster in 2010, she returned to Nigeria and took up an appointment as a School Administrator at Kradle Academy, a Montessori Pre-school in Lagos, Nigeria' In 2015, Folawe joined Teach For Nigeria as the Program Manager in its early stages. She quickly transitioned to become the CEO in 2016, leading the start-up, planning, and development of the organization; cultivating relationships with key stakeholders; fundraising; and driving the organizational development. In 2017, Folawe was named among the 100 most influential young Nigerians, an honor that recognizes her experience and commitment to social development. She has dedicated her professional life to tackling the challenges in the education sector in Nigeria.


  • If we're going to solve some of our deepest work problems, it will go into and make sure that everybody leaves a little society that is free and then we cannot eliminate the 50% of our world population which is women because eliminating them from leadership position starts from just the information and start from educating them.
    • [1] Omikunle quote in an interview
  • Technology can help to make a quantum leap, but it is by no means a panacea in itself to solve all the continent’s problems.
    • [2] omikunle in an interview.
  • Education is not a way to escape poverty, it is a way of fighting it. Economic inequality is growing and the kind of education system a country has will have a major impact on the capacity to respond to this.
    • [3]omikunle in an interview
  • I'm uncovering a lot. I'm uncovering the relationship and the interrelationship between diverse aspects and elements, and it's linkage to leadership
    • 4] Omikunle on leadership submit