Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture

1994 film by Masami Ōbari

Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture is a 1994 Japanese animated feature film based on the SNK video game series Fatal Fury originally released in Japan on July 16, 1994.

Terry Bogard

  • [is about to enter the plane when he notices something is wrong] Feel the storm? It's coming.
  • Take that!
  • You don't say. Yeah, I guess I'm a little out of here.
  • Sorry, this is some place I've gotta be.
  • Uh... hey... you alright?
  • [hears the glass roofs crashing] Huh?! [the three goon monsters appear and corner Sulia, but Terry manages to save her by hitting one with his bag] I'm sorry to butt in, but... three big guys against one little girl just isn't fair, you know? Stand back. [Sulia runs off. Terry strikes a pose and manages to defeat two of the goon monsters. Two of them rise behind him] What?! [parries the goon monster's attack] Who are these "goons"? [dodges the goon monster] Crack Shot! [he kicks the goon monster's mask, breaking it into pieces. Intervened, both of the monsters carry the unconscious monster and fly off, disappearing into the unknown] You can come out now. It's okay.
  • This dramatic enough for ya? [holds up a fork with a piece of meat] Hey.
  • You're all here! Kim. So you made it.
  • I know that mask!
  • But Kim!
  • Kim, his mask. Go for his mask.
  • Hold on!
  • Take a look at his kids' eyes.
  • Hey, that's...
  • Cheng Sinzan! What does he have to do with all of this?
  • And you?
  • Why me?
  • Hang on, just a sec; you want me to help you just like that?
  • [confused] Rhodes Island?
  • [thinking that he runs out of ideas, he frowns for a few seconds, but smiles] Well, why not. Sure, I'll go.
  • I don't how much yours would be obedient, but we'd all like to help you if we can. You just tell us what we need to do.
  • [thinks to himself] Mysterious armor, masked men, Sulia, this... Island of Rhodos in the Mediterranean? Something big's about to happen. I'll see the storm through no matter what it takes.

Andy Bogard

  • [as he fixes his glasses] Nah. He's just warming up.
  • Do I got them, Mai?
  • [as he lets Mai put a blue necklace around his neck] Okay.
  • He's late. Where is he?
  • He didn't call me. I didn't even know he was in Japan yet. I wouldn't have mind picking him up.
  • Hey. What's up, little man?
  • I didn't say anything. He's just quiet, that's all.
  • Do I got them? [Mai laughs, while Terry smiles]
  • And what do you mean by "armor"?
  • [confused] In the Mediterranean?
  • [off-screen voice] I'll go with you.
  • I'd like to see with my own two eyes just what made Cheng so powerful.
  • TERRY!
  • [after entering a secret room filled with paintings] Hey! Terry, look! [sees a painting of Hakkyokuseiken stance] Doesn't that look like a Hakkyokuseiken stance?
  • It seems that this Gaudeamus person is influencing both the Hakkyokuseiken and Stroheim schools of martial arts.
  • Wanna be safer if we split into two groups?
  • [flabbergasted at Mai, who is staring at him] Uh...
  • [confused] Uh...
  • I, uh, I was just thinking how the two of us can't sleep in the... same bed.
  • But... But I...
  • I, uh... just gonna work out a bit, then I'll crash on the couch. Don't wait up for me, 'kay, Mai?
  • It says here that the contents were stolen and taken back to China by Genghis Khan when he was fighting in the west. No doubt Laocorn's been here too. But he's probably realized its futile to track the armor any further.
  • What do you mean "too"?
  • But Joe, those crusaders, who took the armor, came from all over Europe. That armor could be anywhere.
  • He's right! Maybe they got a piece of armor when they learned the fighting style!
  • Even if you didn't realize it, you've brought us a great clue.
  • Those cave paintings illustrated the moves from the Hakkyokuseiken school. And it's not completely out of the question that a piece of the armor made its way there as well.
  • [gets pulled forward by Joe] Hey! Now what?!
  • How... was she what?
  • [feels pain in his head because of Joe's hand as a screw] Quit it!
  • It can't be! How can Laocorn have moved so fast?!
  • Why would Master Jubei ask us to meet here?
  • Huh? What was that? Let's split up and look around.
  • Hey, Richard Meyer! Long time no see!
  • Oh! Uh, let me introduce you. This is... [instead of Mai, Andy is shocked to see Reiko Chiba (dressed as Nakoruru) beside him] Who are you?!
  • Uh, no, she's not a...
  • Master!
  • Master! I must talk with you!
  • Right now! [suddenly, the lights go out] Huh?
  • Mai, you didn't.
  • [pulls Jubei to him] Master, now about that armor...
  • [starts yelling at Jubei, who is constantly talking] Master, I can't hear you! Speak up!
  • [pulls Jubei to him again] Try to remember.
  • [to himself] Ryu-o Temple...
  • Billy Kane! You're alive!
  • Could be!
  • Mai!
  • [as he notices Mai next to Hauer] MAI! GET AWAY!
  • Just who was that man in the mask?
  • Master.
  • What's that? Oh no. MAI! [Mai struggles while Hauer walks towards her. When Mai opens her eyes and looks at him, she gasps. Hauer laughs lightly at her.] [as he walks down the stairs with a box in one hand] Mai! Where are you? [turns to see Mai getting grabbed underneath the chin by Hauer's one hand, while her cloth is grabbed by Hauer's other hand. He walks towards them] Mai?!
  • [angrily] Bastard...
  • Whatever you say, just don't hurt her! [puts down the box and backs away from it, while Hauer laughs triumphantly]
  • [angered, Andy sees Hauer taking the box] ZAN EI KEN! [suddenly, Mai gasps, thinking she might get hit, but it is revealed that Andy's Zan Ei Ken is stopped by Hauer, who slices him three times, sends him backwards, and into a wall]
  • [furious, Andy yells out in rage] STOP IT!
  • [as Mai flicks his hair] Mai...
  • That's right. It's not your fault we're not good enough.
  • Israel.
  • [off-screen voice] Wait!
  • Alright, you bastard. This time... [jumps up from the rooftops and jumps down, engulfed in flames, and ready to kill Hauer and Panni] YOU'RE DEAD! [there is a big battle: Hauer uses his powers against Andy, but Andy is standing still and is dodging Hauer's powers. After Hauer jumps down and smiles, he uses Zan Ei Ken upon emerging from the smoke and crushes Hauer's face, breaking his mask. Hauer falls to the ground]
  • [still looks at Hauer, but eventually looks at Mai with an affectionate smile on his face] I'm sorry I was late.
  • [sternly] Don't say anything. [scene pans to Mai's close-up face, who looks at Andy's eyes, next scene pans to Andy's close-up face, who looks at Mai's eyes. Upon realizing their love and affection for each other, they kiss]
  • Laocorn must be near the final piece!
  • Mai! You okay?
  • [attacks God Laocorn] You leave him alone. Zan Ei Ken! [tries to defeat God Laocorn, but smirks]
  • Chou Reppa... [gets kicked by God Laocorn]
  • Mai, get Sulia!
  • I'm with you, man. We won't give up. Even if Laocorn is some kind of God! Take this! Kuuha Dan!
  • JOE!
  • TERRY!
  • MAI! [jumps up to save Mai and to avoid getting hit by God Laocorn's red powers, but one struck him in the pericardium, nearly ripping his shirt] Are you all right, Mai?
  • 'Kay.
  • Is this the true God of War?
  • Joe, I'll distract him. You take Mai and Terry and get out of here!
  • [as he notices Terry gently putting down Sulia] Terry?!
  • Joe, wait! We have to let Terry handle this! Look, that thing is pure energy! The only thing that can defeat it is a more powerful energy than itself!
  • Yes.

Joe Higashi

  • All right!
  • All right!!
  • Ha ha, can't believe it! Are you really "her"?
  • Man, my lucky day.
  • You will?
  • H-Hey, lovebirds! This is supposed to be my reception, remember? Next time at your own wedding, 'kay?
  • H-Hey, don't be so serious all the time, Andy. Terry called from the airport and said he was running a little late.
  • Wow! You don't say; all the way from Korea, huh?
  • So, you're talking about me in Korea.
  • Nah, he's probably just way to make it dramatic entrance or something.
  • Hey, hold your horses! I'm the champ here! You wanna fight? You start with me.
  • You... got a kid?
  • Uhh... yeah, well, thanks a lot, Myun.
  • [becomes angry at Mai] H-Hey, shut up! You stay out of this!
  • Kim! [Mai gasps]
  • That's it. I can't watch this! [tries to run to help Kim]
  • "Hold on"?! His blind kid can't watch more!
  • Yeah!
  • Hey, Terry! Terry! Get over here!
  • Yeah.
  • What the hell, I got nothing better to do. Alright! Let's go to Club Med, shall we?
  • [turns aggressive and angry at Mai again] Hey, watch it!
  • Hah, you're one...

Mai Shiranui

  • [to Joe] Come on! Hit him back, stupid! [to Andy] You don't think it's cause of his injuries, do you?
  • Andy! Put this on! It looks so totally cool on you. [tries to give Andy a blue necklace] Here.
  • What? [Andy lets Mai put the blue necklace on]
  • [laughs] Do you hear that, honey? [elbow-punches Joe's stomach] And I'm not even engaged, am I? [Joe opens his hand fan]
  • I wonder what is keeping him. Or maybe he got lost or something?
  • [shocked, she looks at Andy] Andy? What did you say to that boy?
  • Oh, honey! [one of her eyes sparkles] Look! [Andy turns his head, disgusted. Mai then walks towards Dong Hwan] Hey there, cutie-pie! What's your name?
  • Oh! You must be Mrs. Kaphwan.
  • [moves next to Joe] Don't forget: she's taken, Joe.
  • Help, Andy! Save me!
  • Hey! Don't forget about us!
  • Hey, remember what your daddy said about strangers?
  • And he's about to strange as they come!
  • They okay? Thank goodness.
  • What does all this mean?
  • [as she embraces Andy's arm] I know who'd I feel safest with!
  • [angrily] I know that! [sadly, to herself] But since his big brother is getting a poor young girl her wish, then I thought that I, being a young girl myself, might be able to help out a bit. [to Andy] Right, Andy?
  • [as she takes a shower] I haven't had a boy sleep over in my room since elementary school! [giggles excitedly] [Andy waits for Mai as he is looking down on the floor] [as she gets out of the shower with a bathing robe with cats] Andy?
  • Whatcha doing?
  • [as she sits on the bed while cleaning her head with a towel] It can't be helped. This was the only room, right?
  • Don't worry, Andy. Nothing wakes me once I'm asleep. [tries to sleep, but is unable. Then, she sees Andy doing push-ups]
  • Fine. Good night. [lays down on the bed and falls asleep, while Andy sighs in relief and continues to do push-ups]
  • [sighs] Well, we found the box, alright. Too bad there's nothing in it.
  • Joe? What are you doing here?
  • Not too good. Look at this.
  • Maybe you better fill us on the details. Is that so? So it went all this trouble for nothing, huh?
  • That's right! What makes you think you know where it is?
  • Well, that's those Bogard men for you, Andy's brother is a genius!
  • Yeah, right. I'm so sure a musclehead like you could figure out something that requires logic!
  • What clue?
  • Hey! I bet you're right too! It's too bad Master Tung isn't here to tell us more about the Hakkyokuseiken school.
  • Oh yeah! Master Jubei and Master Tung went way, way back! Umm... hello? Is this the Yamada dojo? I'm trying to lo...
  • Is that so? Andy! Joe!
  • [as she and Andy arrive at the King of Dancing nightclub] Wow! What a cool nightclub! Right, Andy?
  • Ooh, I'm on fire! [walks towards Andy and hugs his arm] Let's dance, baby.
  • [gasps after realizing that her performance is interrupted] What the?
  • Who are you, sneaking up on me like that? And what's with the mask, huh? Or are you too scared to let a girl see your face?
  • [awestruck by Hauer's face] Oh, what a babe! But you're not as cute as Andy. [jumps up]
  • Hurry it up, Andy! How stupid! Some sex has rules against women in the temple keeps me out here for 2 hours! [suddenly, she feels a gentle wind blow and turns around to see who is there. A silhouette form of Hauer appears, and she backs away from him in fear, but in bravery. One of Hauer's powers slices Mai's outfit, scaring her, and jumps up to reveal her kunoichi form.] [after laughing] Please do me the favor of not underestimating me, will you, sir? I suppose you're looking for that armor as well?
  • Then, Mai Shiranui of the Shiranui school must teach you a lesson! [jumps up, while Hauer smiles again] Kacho-sen! [Hauer dodges Mai's Kacho-sen attacks, while she kicks through his feet] Ryuen-bu! [sends Hauer through the floor and strikes a pose] Yeah! I'm number 1! [suddenly, Hauer rises, absorbing the smoke] Uh oh. [manages to through the staircase to avoid getting hit, but while at the top, she gets struck]
  • [frees herself from Hauer] Don't do it! [gets grabbed underneath her chin again by Hauer]
  • [as she notices Andy getting hit into a wall] Andy! [runs to help Andy, but is grabbed by Hauer]
  • [shocked, she closes her mouth to prevent Hauer from kissing her, and also closes her eyes in anger] No...
  • [as she sees Andy get hit by Hauer's Choshinku Zan] Andy!
  • Andy...
  • But that these could be anywhere! It's hopeless.
  • [blushes] Huh?
  • It's not really interfering. The truth is...
  • [laughs] I just pretended to let him kiss me! You don't think I'd actually let some stranger kiss these sweet, red lips of mine. A modern ninja girl's got more control than that!
  • Oh no, no, no. It's his turn to suffer for a while. Andy's an American, but in some ways, he's so Japanese. Maybe this will finally make him appreciate me.
  • Sulia, Terry was gentle, wasn't he?
  • You're kidding. You are in love with him, aren't you? [lays near the pool] Don't try to hide it, I've got a sixth sense for these things. [giggles] You really are cute, you know. I can see why Terry's falling for you. It's in his eyes when he looks at you. I've never seen him look like that before.
  • Poor guy. His lover was killed, did you know that? [Sulia gasps and a flashback of a Lily McGuire photo appears] I don't know all the details. And Andy never talks about it. But... well, I guess it was about a year ago. She was trying to buy him time, and she was killed. He saw the whole thing. The fact that he couldn't protect her was tearing the map, you know. It hurts to see him sometimes. [back to the pool, with Mai inspecting the water] So, you see, he's got this crazy idea any woman who falls in love with him is doomed. That's why he thinks he can never fall in love again.
  • [as she splashes water on Sulia] Hey!
  • If you fall in love with a wolf, Sulia, you better start running with the pack, or else you just get left behind! Let's give them a fight!
  • [as she slaps her bottom, having enough of sitting] We got an early day tomorrow. Let's get some sleep.
  • [pushes Sulia away] Get back! [grabs Panni's arm and throws her out] Andy! Terry!
  • [sees Terry and Joe both unconscious on the ground] Terry! Joe!
  • Sulia, no! You can't trust anything these people tell you!
  • [sees Sulia walking towards Hauer and Jamin] Sulia!
  • [tries to free herself from Panni's grasp] Andy...
  • [throws Panni and collapses to her knees, coughing] Andy!
  • Kacho-sen! [Mai's Kacho-sen hits Panni in her back, shocking Andy] [as she transforms] Ninpo: Chou Hissatsu... Shinobi-Bachi! [Panni turns around to see Mai, who fatally hits her in her breast. Andy watches Mai surprisingly and Panni coughs up blood]
  • [after Panni falls to the ground, unconscious] Andy. [Andy smiles. Suddenly, Hauer jumps up, ready to kill him] Andy! [Andy turns around to hardly slap Hauer]
  • [after Hauer dies, she rushes to see Andy, but speeds down her run, walks towards him and stops] Is he dead?
  • Andy... I, uh... I mean... [gets embraced by Andy] Andy?
  • Oh no.
  • Terry, we've got this! Go find Sulia!
  • Great.
  • Kacho-sen!
  • Got it!
  • I'll leave the rest to you, okay?
  • But Terry!
  • Forget it.
  • Sulia, you can't help Terry by fighting. But you can help Terry by believing in him. Not all fights are won with fists.
  • As for me... my love will see me through.
  • Andy, from now on, you and I are a team. Don't you dare get killed on me.
  • Terry...
  • Andy!
  • This means... it's all over, right?

Sulia Gaudeamus

  • [after she bumps into Terry] That hurt!
  • Huh? Me? Yes, I'm fine. I should have been watching where I was going. [scene pans to her close-up face, then the scene pans to Terry's stunned face] I'm really... [bows low] sorry. [runs away]
  • [as she enters the party and walks towards Big Bear] Excuse me? [Big Bear looks at her] Would you happen to know if there's a man here named Terry Bogard?
  • [after thinking for a while] Well, thank you very much, anyway! [runs away]
  • [off-screen voice] It's because of the mask.
  • I'm Sulia. Why I have come all the way to Japan is to find the man who defeated Wolfgang Krauser. To find "Terry Bogard".
  • Because your strength would be a great help! They could find the armor if we don't act now! We've got to stop them! I beg you!
  • I'm sorry. I just can't explain anything right now. Come to Rhodos Island, please. You must come. YOU MUST!
  • Terry!
  • Huh?
  • All four?!
  • Thank you! Oh, thank you! Thank you all so very much!
  • You remember. He built an empire which stretched from southern Europe to western Asia. Right around the 30th century B.C., wasn't it?
  • Anyway, Alexander couldn't rest until his empire covered the Earth, so he headed east. I think he made it as far as the Indus River before he was finally defeated.
  • Well, the history books say it was fatigue which defeated Alexander's troops, but I've seen research which says otherwise. According to cave paintings found on the island of Rhodes, or Rhodos, Alexander was really defeated by Gaudeamus, who is even more feared than Alexander!
  • Gaudeamus was the king of Rhodes Island. It's said that, in the end, Alexander struck a truce with him and returned to the capital of his empire. But Alexander couldn't stop thinking about the power he'd seen, so he asked Gaudeamus to come to Babylon. And that's why Alexander came down with a mysterious illness and died.
  • Okay, here's the important thing: the generals of Babylon, with such fear of Gaudeamus, they set a trap and burned him to death. But the armor that he wore, known as the Armor of Mars, survived the blaze without a scratch.
  • The city was engulfed in a terrible fire, and just when everything seemed hopeless, it said that four brave strangers appeared, bringing Mars to his knees in defeat. Afterward, the armor was broken up into six separate pieces, encased in stone, and buried. In order to prevent that terrible power from ever again resembling itself, the pieces of the armor were hidden in six different locations throughout Alexander's empire. My brother and I are direct descendants of Gaudeamus. After his death, it said our country was overthrown, and our family left to wander the Earth, that's when the legend was born. If a member of the cursed Gaudeamus bloodline were ever to find that armor, and wear all six pieces at the same time, the paintings here indicate that the power of Mars will be let loose in the world once more, making their wearer into a God! My brother's already found half of it... He wanted the power, but he's inherited the curse as well! [cries]
  • What happened?
  • I think so. [notices a cut on his arm] Your arm!
  • Maybe I can help. [activates her healing power to heal Terry's cut on his arm]
  • I'll bet you thought I was making that Gaudeamus story up, didn't you, Terry? Now you know that I'm telling the truth. There. All better.
  • I just don't want you to think that you've come all this way for nothing. [almost faints]
  • I just felt dizzy. Sorry.
  • Yes, I-I think so.
  • All right. The ingredients and inscriptions in this cave were done by my ancestors to pass on the legend of Gaudeamus to his descendants. [takes out the pendant from her neck] And... this pendant has been handed down through countless generations. [puts the pendant in a rectangle which contains a shape of her pendant. As it presses down, everything shakes, and the water stops flowing]
  • It's in here. [she, Terry, Joe, Mai, and Andy enter a secret room filled with paintings]
  • [off-screen voice] Hey, everyone. [after standing next to a map] This is a map that my ancestors put together. Showing where all the pieces are hidden. Except for one piece, the encased armor was carried off to their homelands by five of the generals. My twin brother, Laocorn, has already located the three pieces hidden by Alexander's officers: in Macedonia, in Thrace, and in Egypt. The paintings say two other pieces are in Baghdad, Iraq, and in Antakya, Turkey. But the location of the very last piece is not shown on the map! Whether the location was never found, or whether would just not seeing it, the point is that if my brother manages to collect all six pieces, the curse of Gaudeamus will overtake him. His power will be... beyond human! Beyond...
  • Right.
  • Y-You guys are really amazing!
  • I see.
  • Terry, do you...
  • I mean... don't you have a... girlfriend?
  • Well, who was that girl in the photo?
  • [shocked by Terry's words] I'm sorry!
  • What I've said before I want you to know how sorry I am. Oh Terry, I wasn't thinking about your feelings! I just wanted to find out a bit more about you.
  • [gets embraced by Terry] Terry, I... Thank you.
  • You're right.
  • Sweet dreams, Terry.
  • [while researching for the Armor of Mars] Oh look! Here he is! It says that after Alexander the Great's death, the general who controlled this area, Laomedon, sealed off an underground room in his palace, allowing access to no one.
  • [as she puts the book and map on the table] Here's Antakya back then, and here's a current map. If I compare the two, it would've appeared that there's a police station built on top.
  • We may not have it, but he doesn't have it either. Remember back in the cave, Terry? I've told you that my brother and I are twins sometimes I can tell what he's feeling. Even thinking! From the moment he found the first piece, I knew I felt it from the second and third pieces too, and that's how I know he hasn't found the fourth piece yet.
  • Maybe the House of Stroheim somehow found a piece!
  • Okay.
  • [with Terry, to Joe] Shhh!
  • Anytime you are, "Mister Lone Wolf Sir".
  • Who, me? Oh, I'm just a kid.
  • Really?
  • You mean it?! Oh, Terry, I'm so happy! We better hurry. We're going to find it. I just know we are.
  • No, I am okay. It's only 24 kilometers until we're supposed to meet Joe! [after she stretches her arms] Let's keep going! [she and Terry look at each other. The scene fades to black and is moved to her face] [to herself] No!
  • I think so. [begins thinking] I didn't think he'll come for us as soon.
  • Jamin, no! Why you? How did they sent you?!
  • Terry...! [climbs up to the rooftops. As she pulls Terry's arm to help him climb up, she finds it too heavy, grunts heavily, and falls backwards after Terry manages to climb up to the rooftops] Are you okay?
  • Brother!
  • STOP IT!
  • You are not my brother! I don't know who you are... but if you really were my brother, you wouldn't do such terrible things! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A... NOTHING BUT A DEVIL!
  • No, please, you can't!
  • [realizes that her powers are too weak to heal him] Oh no. I'm too weak to help him. [gasps when she hears the doors opening and closing. Seeing this, she leans her head on his chest] Even if I did try to find someone else, they'll never get here in time! Maybe if I release all of my energy all at once? [takes off her outfit] I'm going to save you, Terry, even if it kills me to do it. [lies on top of Terry to channel her healing power, though presumably at the cost of her own life]
  • [when she opens her eyes] It... it worked! I did it!
  • I should have more faith in you, Terry. [turns her head on his chest] I can't move. Can you stay like this for a while?
  • [seeing Sulia shiver from the cold, Terry finds his vest underneath his head and covers her body with it and holds her as he looks up] Oh, Terry. I feel so safe in your arms. Ever since my brother became obsessed with the Gaudeamus legend, I've been frightened, not just the armor, but of him.
  • [as she tells her own story to Terry] Our father was an archaeologist and the ruins of Rhodes Island with the biggest discovery of his career. Our mother died right after we were born, and Father had to bring us up by himself, in between his studies, of course. Remember the pendant I showed you in the cave? It's the reason he and a colleague started researching the Gaudeamus legend. He used that map I showed you in the cave to find the first piece, though its historical value was obvious; none of this really thought back then than it had any mystical powers. Even if it wasn't magical, at least one person thought the armor was worth dying for: the cold-blooded murderer of our father by his former colleague was written off as an accident during a robbery. He wasted no time taking the credit. My brother couldn't bear it.
  • [when Laocorn bursts open the door] LAOCORN, NO!
  • [after Laocorn gets shot] LAOCORN!
  • [backs away from Laocorn] Laocorn...
  • [while finishing the story] After that, the Gaudeamus legend was soon forgotten. But by then, my brother had begun his own search for the remaining pieces.
  • Terry. [closes her eyes while Terry kisses her eyelash]
  • You don't have to thank me.
  • No, Terry. I'm the one that should be apologizing, not you. You would never have been hurt if it wasn't for me.
  • Stop it! Please, Laocorn! Stop... NOOO!
  • I'm so sorry, everyone. This is all my fault!
  • It must be coming from the other side.
  • I agree. [takes the circle out of the pendant and puts it in the hole, and, as it flashes, the map where the last piece of the armor is hiding is shown]
  • It's here! The Dead Sea, in Israel!
  • The last piece.
  • Did something happen between you and Andy?
  • You two are usually so happy together. I can hardly believe my eyes. I really shouldn't interfere, but I think something is wrong!
  • Uh huh.
  • [shocked] He kissed you?!
  • Okay, so why didn't you tell Andy that?
  • But does that really? I mean... how can you be sure? Sometimes things get so complicated.
  • [surprised] What?! You mean, that?! We haven't...
  • [gasps] Really?
  • Now I understand. Terry really must have loved her, huh.
  • [gets splashed] Did I say something wrong?
  • Okay.
  • [gets up] 'Kay.
  • [off-screen voice] That's enough! I'll do whatever you want! Please don't hurt them!
  • It's okay, Mai. Don't worry about me. [walks towards Hauer and Jamin]
  • And Mai, please give Terry a message for me. Tell him I'll never forget him. [walks towards Jamin, but stops next to Hauer] If you hurt them, I'll kill myself, you know I'll do it.
  • [gets up] Brother!
  • Successful? You mean...
  • Jamin... how could you?!
  • Stop now while you still can!
  • Please no!
  • [as Laocorn takes the crown from Mars' head and looks at it] DON'T DO IT! Put it back! If you let it touch you, I'll lose you forever!
  • But you're wrong, Laocorn! Don't you get it?! Those conquerors, those countries, THEY'RE ALL DUST!
  • Let's say you do take your revenge. What are you going to do when someone wants revenge against YOU?!
  • Terry!
  • No! It's too late!
  • Terry!
  • No, don't!
  • Terry. Terry? It looks like he's coming out of it! Oh, Terry!
  • I can fight too!
  • But I...
  • But Mai!
  • But... what can I... Oh, Laocorn.
  • My brother is not the only descendant of Gaudeamus. The Armor of Mars has only strengthened our bond. Please, my brother. Please, let us end this now.
  • Farewell, Terry.
  • TERRY!
  • Forgive me. I made the decision for you. I can't let the one I love be hurt. Promise me. Strike my brother through the breastplate. It's possible now.
  • It... It's my fate to... to be the one who breaks the curse of Gaudeamus. Only I can take that bitter hatred and bring it to God himself.
  • I have no regrets. After all, Terry, I was able to meet you. [almost kissed by Terry, but is hugged and he cries] Terry, if you love me even a little, please. Please.
  • He's back. Thank you. Terry. You kept your promise. Even though you didn't want to. [Terry is upset and almost cries] And Joe, thank you for everything. We had an adventure, didn't we? [Joe groans with grief] Mai, don't be so hard on Andy, okay? [Mai almost cries and Andy is grieved with anger. Her hand reaches out] Terry... Terry, where are you? [her hand almost falls, but Terry manages to catch her hand on time]
  • [last words before her death] I... I need to tell you. I... [closes her eyes]
  • [last words in the film] Terry. Terry! TERRY!

Laocorn Gaudeamus/God Laocorn

  • You have what is mine. Will you please return it?
  • [as he checks himself] Three pieces of armor found, three to go. [he jumps up and uses his power to destroy the cave]
  • The Armor of Mars will be mine. And when I possess it all, I will become a God! [laughs maliciously]
  • I'm so glad that I could help out, Mayor.
  • Yes, of course. [as he watches the mayor and his assistant leave, he smiles]
  • It's just a smokescreen, Panni. If we make ourselves indispensable to them, we'll draw much less negative attention. More importantly, have you any information on Sulia?
  • Well, isn't that convenient?
  • Stop wearing that mask for a bit, will ya?
  • [off-screen voice] We get the point, Hauer. [Hauer, Jamin, and Panni turn to their master] Jamin, Hauer, leave right now and go and get me that armor. And if anyone should get in your way, crush them.
  • I see. So the fifth one is in China, then?
  • Jamin has been sent to Germany in search of the fourth?
  • Very well then. Perhaps I shall go to Germany as well.
  • You did say the man accompanying my sister was Terry Bogard. Did you not?
  • It would seem my sister has taken an interest in him.
  • [puts down the coffee, laughing softly] Oh, I have my little ways. I know for an example that this Terry person has stolen my sister Sulia's heart. Really I must meet him. He must be someone very special.
  • [Terry and Sulia hear a clap] I watched your little tussle with Jamin. You're as good as I've heard you to be. Terry Bogard.
  • I have a little proposal for you. How about it? Why not join me in my quest? You seem... to be more than adequately qualified.
  • And here I thought it was such a generous offer. Oh well. I'll simply thank you to return my sister to me, then.
  • [laughs] Oh really? [jumps up and disappears from thin air, then reappears and attacks Terry. He flies down, elbow-punches his chin, and kicks him to Jamin. Sulia gasps] I understand your power now. Jamin, do as you will. Sulia, let's go. [Terry kicks Jamin's knee and throws him]
  • It seems such a waste to kill you, but I suppose I have no choice. [uses his power] Farewell... TERRY BOGARD!
  • [stops the attack on Sulia] Well, well, well, aren't you the plucky little hair one? But now, it's time to cast off your poor bow and come stand at your brother's side.
  • Hmm?
  • Sulia, you must stop these little outbursts. You will, make me kill, your little friend!
  • Terry Bogard. [laughs maniacally]
  • I know that you killed Father! You stupid bastard!
  • I need... great... power...
  • Now there is only the mask.
  • The key must be hidden in that pendant my dear sister took with her when she left me. I want the three of you to go and fetch her and the pendant for me. Allow nothing to stand in your way. Once I have all the six pieces of the armor, we can begin to build the world covered only by the limits of our imagination!
  • [off-screen voice] Welcome back to the living, sister.
  • Did you really care so much about the pendant? If you'll be patient just a bit longer, I'll gladly give it to you. Considered a token of thanks for helping me to find the Armor of Mars. I had a rough idea where it was, of course, but I must admit I wouldn't have thought of the Dead Sea. [a bright light is unleashed] Jamin... He has been successful.
  • The last piece of the armor is mine, dear sister! [grins evilly]
  • Remind me to reward you, Jamin.
  • Jamin, you know what to do.
  • Come along, Sulia.
  • But I can't. Why would I? I'm about to transcend time and humanity, and become... a God.
  • If it allows me to get revenge on those who destroyed our country... why not become a devil?!
  • ENOUGH, SULIA! The countries and cultures, which exist in the world today, were all built upon the history of conquest. And I intend to conquer them all.
  • And who will take revenge against a god, my sister?
  • If you've come this far, it must mean you've defeated Jamin. Very well. You, Terry, shall be the very first to fight a God!
  • It's magnificent. Every cell in my body is exploding with POWER!
  • It's sad to say, but humans have their limitations. All they try and build up their bodies raise their consciousness, but they only go so far. You must have that personal understanding of that right now. I, however, have transcended humanity! I, Laocorn, have become a God!
  • You shall die while cursing your own human weakness.
  • Now I'll finish you!
  • Sulia...
  • DIE!!!
  • Worthless fool, how can you ever hope to beat me? The next time I strike you, there would be nothing but staked meat!
  • ENOUGH! You'll DIE!
  • [feels guilty] Oh no! What in God's name have I done? Sulia!
  • [off-screen voice] Look! [sees the four golden coins melt and reanimate]
  • [off-screen voice] Nooo!
  • Gaudeamus was just... just using me all along. Using me to collect this armor! [Mars almost strikes Mai, who is shielded by Andy, then Laocorn]
  • [last words before his disintegration] SULIA!


  • I can't get over it! Lord Laocorn becomes more magnificent with each piece!
  • [as the elevator doors close] Are you sure that was wise, investing so much money so suddenly?
  • Yes. It appeared Sulia and her accomplices have split into two groups to search for the armor.
  • Yes, sir. [she is worried about what Laocorn should do]
  • Hauer, Jamin. We'll split into two groups and follow Sulia's people. When you see your chance, capture that armor.
  • Don't be so quick to judge. Terry Bogard did defeat Krauser, if you recall.
  • [with Hauer and Jamin, to Laocorn] Yes, sir.
  • Yes, my lord.
  • Yes, lord.
  • [serious] You can't be serious, my lord! There's no need for personal intervention. Surely Jamin will be able to...
  • I... I did.
  • But... how can you know that?
  • [whispers] So that's Krauser. [looks everywhere for the breastplate] [gasps] And that's... [looks at the title, which is written: "RICHARD STROHEIM (1075 - 1130)"] The breastplate! [reads] Third generation lord: Richard Stroheim. Born in the year 1075, died during the crusades in the year 1130. [her face changes to her evil smile] So this is where they've been hiding it!
  • No one you fools would ever have heard of. Do me a favor and hand over the breastplate!
  • We'll see about that!
  • How's that for a woman? [uses her water powers to charge towards Laurence as she screams]
  • [while turning to Sebastian, confronting him] Your turn, man servant. Where is the breastplate?
  • We... have no leads, my lord.
  • Sulia and her accomplices are on their way to Israel.
  • Those are Laocorn's orders! We've fought this far, fighting for the ideals he's proposed.
  • [furious at Hauer's words] HAUER!
  • [after looking at Jamin in a worry, she sighs] His power has already become far more than human. Anyway, I'd been report in. I suggest we do as we're told, and fetch him his precious Sulia. Beyond that, everything is in Lord Laocorn's hands.
  • Pretty, pretty ninja girl. [chokes Mai more harder] Such a pity you must leave us now.
  • [charges towards Andy while screaming in anger and rage] NOW YOU'LL DIE!
  • [last words before her death] Lord... Laocorn... [falls to the ground, unconscious]




  • Earth Quaker!
  • [looks up at the sky] Lady Sulia.
  • I do not think this battle is necessary.
  • SILENCE! Why is Lord Laocorn so obsessed with finding the Armor of Mars? Isn't true strength found in holding one's own fighting abilities?
  • Yes, lord.
  • Boost Knuckle!
  • With that much power out there... we were both going to die. If... If one of us is going to live, it should be the one who can... save Laocorn. Terry Bogard, you are the one who can save him... [coughs up blood] You must defeat him for Sulia's sake... Please, Terry, you must...




  • Mark Hildreth - Terry Bogard
  • Peter Wilds - Andy Bogard
  • Jason Gray-Stanford - Joe Higashi
  • Lisa Ann Beley - Mai Shiranui, Girl at party
  • Myriam Sirois - Sulia Gaudeamus
  • Matt Hill - Laocorn Gaudeamus/God Laocorn, Duck King
  • Janyse Jaud - Panni, Myun
  • Paul Dobson - Hauer, Billy Kane, Chauffeur, Truck driver
  • John Payne - Jamin
  • David Kaye - Kim Kaphwan, Boxing announcer
  • Tony Sampson - Kim Dong Hwan, Kim Jae Hoon
  • Robert O. Smith - Cheng Sinzan, Big Bear, Mayor
  • Willow Johnson - Lily McGuire, Little girl at arcade
  • French Tickner - Jubei Yamada
  • Ward Perry - Geese Howard, Laurence Blood, Richard Meyer
  • Trish Ledoux - Reiko Chiba/Nakoruru